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Okay given for Bt300 foreign tourist entry fee


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9 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

It will start off at 300B, then once tourism starts to increase they will increase the fee, and I can see that a 1,000B  would be charged,, they still believe that tourists are queing up to visit Thailand, how wrong are they. 

This is all in line with their usual cargo-cultism-it extends from the bottom to the top and all the way back down again..


..and they never seem to have been hit on the head by a can of falling spam....


Those "farang" TVF posters who agree with  this measure (very few, thank goodness) have rocks in their heads.

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10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The constant repetition of insulting state sponsored schemes to rid tourists of money just becomes tiresome.


Thailand is seriously hurting due to the absence of international tourist yet complete imbeciles are still trying to figure out ways to scheme more money from the very people it wants to attract. 


So often I’m astonished by the outrageously flawed mindset of those in positions who come up with this stuff. 


When I read news such as this I draw the opinion that Thailand doesn’t deserve tourists, but sadly it is the general population who would be hurt, while those in positions of power dream up more schemes from which to graft and skim funds.

300 THB is nothing to talk about compared to 70,000 + x,000 THB for hotel quarantine and Covid19 health insurance

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"...as well as insurance for foreign tourists during their stay."


What kind of insurance?

If the 300 baht entrance-fee really had included a full sickness/accident/hospital insurance, I would have been more than happy to pay it,

that would have saved me a lot of money as I now pay almost 10000 baht for the travel-insurance from my country! ????

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10 hours ago, 473geo said:

I'm far from a rich man but 300 baht is not going to have an effect on me, however there will be a cumulative benefit for Thailand


I don't begrudge 300 baht in these hard times

Added to the 800 they already get, baggage fees in the taxis 10 x the fees charged to Thais. It all adds up 

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6 hours ago, Salerno said:


When Thai bashing always good to at least try to get your "facts" right. An "entry" fee by another name ...



Exactly...Another name for a tourist entry fee is is visa on arrival fee which a lot of countries make you pay if you want to enter, Lao, Cambodia, Vietnam come to mind.... This is no different just different wording.

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300thb isn't alot really but you just know this money is going to pad the accounts of management and not actually do alot for the thai people, also "insurance" for foreigners ? Why? just make it law that any tourist that comes to thailand needs to have travel insurance? A good way to attract tourists is to ban price gouging and stop calling us dirty farangs 

Edited by Gwen1234
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8 hours ago, bear9 said:


Absolutely ridiculous it already costs an arm and a leg to get back along with all the complicated requirements for entry. Now they want to annoy people by adding a 300 baht entry fee?


A holiday in Jamaica, The Maldives or even Dubai sounds much more appealing right now were all they require is a negative test result.


With the crazy entry requirements Thailand should be trying to come up with ways to encourage people to go through all these hoops to get here instead they added stupid fees and put people off.

Typical thinking of a tinpot soldier "PM" and his generals.

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7 hours ago, Peterw42 said:


Maybe you didnt read the OP


"Phipat said the fee would help fund management and development of Thai tourism, as well as insurance for foreign tourists during their stay."

I believe that it will go partially towards unpaid medical bills  rather than a direct insura nice which IMHO would be a better direction.

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Here we go again, both feet this time on full auto !   For Gods sake please take the gun off these lot before they go through the floor, both feet have gone already........   I tell you what though they brighten my day up every time i see a post like this...... Not a scooby doo ! 

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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1 hour ago, Dogmatix said:


I think you have missed the point.  The government is collecting 7% VAT on everything you spend. From the first B4,287 you spend in the country, they have already collected their B300 and that money goes into the pockets of Thais who are going to spend it and generate more tax income. They should just be encouraging more tourists and offer them good quality products and services they want to spend money on, not the usual scams and dual pricing that discourage people from coming.


This is pure greed from politicians who invested money to get into power and now want a quick return through easy to scam tourism development programs funded by the tourists themselves.

I think you should check how much % VAT/GST is collected by governments other in other countries on the tourist dollar, but you don't want to go there, why? too expensive?

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10.000.000 tourist this year?  Yeah right !  What a joke.  Europe will be busy until october this year with vaccinating. And why do they reserve money for farang insurance? I can't even get a visa or enter the country without showing my health and travel insurance. And believe me this will not change in the future. This is more again tourist bashing. I wonder in which pocket that money will land?

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