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Okay given for Bt300 foreign tourist entry fee


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12 minutes ago, 473geo said:

You speak of intelligence, I have no issue with paying an additional 300 baht to enter a country I really enjoy, for 30 days it amounts to a huge 10 baht a day drain on finances, I can live with that


For the intelligent high flyers who would go elsewhere for an additional10 baht a day I would recommend you do so, and Thailand can be safe in the knowledge you will find something to moan about there too!!

The ‘it’s a negligible sum’ argument is also used by those who don’t care about dual pricing...


In these situations it’s not the sum that’s the issue.


In this situation it’s the ideology behind the policy, it’s glimpse into the mind of those in positions of power, not only the greed but disregard with which they view foreign tourists which is distasteful.


Other countries have a ‘city tax’ or a ‘hotel tax’ which is equally as greedy & distasteful. 

These countries & cities rely heavily on tourists yet employ these measures - it doesn’t sit right. 

Instead, I would like to see Thailand take a far better approach towards tourism & ensure ppl have great experiences & return for repeat holidays. 



Edited by richard_smith237
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This is brilliant. 300 baht and you get medical insurance without the need for a prior medical for underlying conditions. I am telling my parents to get on a plane asap and skip the horrdeous waiting times in the NHS. 


Come to Thailand, feign an illness get into hospital and get treated for the underlying condition. Result. 


Because all know exactly what hospitals do when the know an insurance company is involved $$$$$$$ - greed extends beyond the walls of government in Thailand and if it can be skimmed, it will be skimmed. Just use it to your advantage. 


And for those moaning that 300 baht is a lot  - if it includes insurance, which it does according to the minister, thats a lot cheaper than having to pay for travel insurance for your country of origin. 


Right gonna phone my parents

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money going towards insurance for tourists, they should already have insurance,  i see another scam coming, ALL money should go to the hospitals, as according to them they are owed millions which i do not believe for one minute,  i had to break into a mates room to get his credit card, when he came here on holiday, before they would let him leave, although he had gold star insurance, they wanted CASH , well done BANGKOK HOSPITAL PATTAYA.

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Just now, richard_smith237 said:

The ‘it’s a negligible sum’ argument is also used for those who don’t care about dual pricing...


In these situations it’s not the sum that’s the issue.


In this situation it’s the ideology behind the policy, it’s look at the mindset of those in positions of power, not only the greed but disregard with which they view foreign tourists which is distasteful.


Other countries have a ‘city tax’ or a ‘hotel tax’ which is equally as greedy & distasteful. 

These countries & cities rely heavily on tourists yet employ these measures - it doesn’t sit right. 

Instead I would like to see Thailand take a far better approach towards tourism & ensure ppl have great experiences & return for repeat holidays. 



Richard everybody has the capacity to choose if they pay the price!! For me it is simple, pay, yes or no, but this constant moaning about 'dual pricing' is tedious because the people moaning are on salaries 10x plus those of many Thai people. In short these visitors are a bunch of tight ar5ed whingers!!!

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6 hours ago, 473geo said:

I don't begrudge 300 baht in these hard times

no maybe you don't but come on,it's hardly going to inspire people to come back here,another scheme that will go into the trash bin,have to wonder how this country actually survives on a daily basis with policy like this.

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7 minutes ago, 473geo said:

You don't want to pay 5 or 10 baht to use a public toilet? really?

I don’t...  what’s next, paying extra to have a beer in a glass instead of a paper cup ??


The last time I was in a place that charged 10 baht to use the toilet I nearly peed myself !!! 

... went to the loo only to see the 10b turn-style, had to go back to the bar, get change, go back to the loo... it only took a few mins but I was already leaving it late while stuck in a deep conversation with a mate!!! 

These things are not really a big deal, but they don’t leave a great impression and when there are alternatives people vote with their feet. 

We have opinions on this not to ridicule Thailand but because we want to see it do well.




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7 minutes ago, 473geo said:

You want? I suggest you visit Singapore, might be a tad more expensive, but it appears you do not enjoy your  Thailand experience.


You don't want to pay 5 or 10 baht to use a public toilet? really?

You really dont get it at all.

The issue is not about 300 Baht.

The Issue is what is done with the Money. A forward thinking Country would be trying to enhance the experience tourists receive in their Country.

I am sure that many Tourists have visited Thailand and said upon departure " never again ",  after having bad experiences, and poor service for their Holiday.

My Thailand experience - I live here, and have done so for the last 15 Years

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If this 300 baht does cover some kind of health insurance, I imagine it would be only to cover medical expenses for those who are unable to pay for their treatment, because they didn’t have health or travel insurance, and didn’t have the funds (the sort of people who have to resort to Go Fund Me). 

Would certainly be worth it for me if it meant you didn’t have to prove you had travel insurance, as although my credit card gives me unlimited emergency medical treatment, it would be a pain to have to prove this on entry to Thailand.

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1 minute ago, eggers said:

If trying to encourage tourists to come back.... introducing anor fee will drive them elsewhere!!

This Gov't has enough disincentives for tourists & long term stayers already, when will they EVER wake up!!

Being realistic, I cant see this driving any tourists away. 

However, the mentality of those making these decisions can readily be criticized - it highlights a greedy mentality, no one which lends itself to a ‘welcome’ 

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6 hours ago, 473geo said:

You do realise the same people you think will baulk at 300 baht are paying around that for one pre flight beer

It's not about the money,charging people to come to visit for a holiday is really a dumb idea,people wont come,it really is an insult to tourists...but dont worry it'll be trashed in a few days,and as for 10,000,000 tourist arrivals this year,blind freddie knows it's just not going to happen.,and places like chaweng,patong and pattaya that are all boarded up,and going into decay are going to reopen?

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3 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

You really dont get it at all.

The issue is not about 300 Baht.

The Issue is what is done with the Money. A forward thinking Country would be trying to enhance the experience tourists receive in their Country.

I am sure that many Tourists have visited Thailand and said upon departure " never again ",  after having bad experiences, and poor service for their Holiday.

My Thailand experience - I live here, and have done so for the last 15 Years

Oh right so your comment on toilets was 'money going down the drain' well good luck with that as you travel the world advising governments how to spend revenue and create it!! 

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Just reassuring, that the internet is also accessible outside Thailand. 

Wondering, how many nails are left to be hit into the Thai Tourism coffin. The 34 Baht for health insurance are in direct contradiction over the fact, that every non-Thai needs to have a mandatory insurance which must include and specifically mention the coverage of USD 100'00 for Corona-related issues. 

Your call! 

PS: have a look, how Sri Lanka revives its tourism ......

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2 minutes ago, thasoss said:

It's not about the money,charging people to come to visit for a holiday is really a dumb idea,people wont come,it really is an insult to tourists...but dont worry it'll be trashed in a few days,and as for 10,000,000 tourist arrivals this year,blind freddie knows it's just not going to happen.,and places like chaweng,patong and pattaya that are all boarded up,and going into decay are going to reopen?

It is an insult to the joys Thailand has to offer to moan about 10 baht a day!!

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2 minutes ago, John Drake said:


I'm thinking he is referring to uncovered costs to Thailand coming directly out of this fund. If anybody thinks they are actually going to get an insurance card or some sort of benefit for coverage when they enter Thailand, prepare to be massively disappointed.

Yeah probably disappointed but actually such an insurance would make sense.Inpatient health insurance for every tourist.300bt=1mio bt,500bt=2mio bt etc..It would be a win win.How many tourists normally end up in hospital I guess not many.I remember a few years ago they had the plan to introduce such insurance

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Really funny all the 'tourists will go elsewhere'  comments if Thailand was to see a drop in tourists over the next few normal years, it would not be because of a 10 baht a day increase, more likely because the 'cheap charlies' baulk at the new long haul prices, Local Asia tourism will not see the same effect and will continue to provide increasing revenue stream

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5 hours ago, impulse said:

I don't worry about the $10.  It's how they're going to collect it.  They should make it part of the ticket price, and not a fee that has to be paid separately.  Just for convenience sake.


I don't disagree, but if they add it as a surcharge on the ticket, it would end up being paid by Thai citizens, diplomats, and others who will presumably be exempted.

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7 hours ago, asiasurfer said:

And how is the fee gonna be collected? Another desk at the airport to create more queues (assuming tourists will ever come back)? Very welcoming indeed... 


According to the article, "The online fee will become effective once the measure is published in the Royal Gazette." (Emphasis added)

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9 minutes ago, CygnusX1 said:

If this 300 baht does cover some kind of health insurance, I imagine it would be only to cover medical expenses for those who are unable to pay for their treatment, because they didn’t have health or travel insurance, and didn’t have the funds (the sort of people who have to resort to Go Fund Me). 

Would certainly be worth it for me if it meant you didn’t have to prove you had travel insurance, as although my credit card gives me unlimited emergency medical treatment, it would be a pain to have to prove this on entry to Thailand.

Good, I hope that with this insurance, there will be no other thai insurance scam for long term visas ( O-A is more than enough )  ; after all, problems come with many tourist who think they can be treated for   free  ( in fact, nothing is free ) ; really, people who can come  on holidays in Thailand can pay 300 bahts !

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If the 300 Baht for all arrivals would stop the petty bickering by the authorities about the cost of the few tourists who require health care then I FULLY support it.

For tourists coming to Thailand from MANY countries they get a 30 day Visa exempt stamp FREE, ON ARRIVAL  

How much does in cost a Thai who wishes to visit UK, USA or EU for 30 days?? and the reams of paperwork/Docs required.


For those on a 12 mths Extension of Stay Based on Retirement cost 1900 Baht.

Okay you have to keep 800,000 Baht in a Bank.


How much Paperwork would you require and Hoops to Jump through if you were a Thai trying to Stay for 12 months in EU,UK USA? Prove of Income would be more than 20,000 Gbp


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The proposal has to be published in the Royal Gazette before it becomes effective. Hopefully before then, the holes in the scheme will become apparent.

How to collect this fee?

In TB or will other currencies be accepted?

Those arriving on an APEC visa or Thai Elite - are they considered to be tourists?

Home owners, business people? etc.


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7 hours ago, asiasurfer said:

Oh yea. That's a great way of how to promote tourism! Another bs idea and they are just shooting themselves in the foot. Who's gonna be declared as a tourist?? Everyone with a foreign passport, no matter what visa? And how is the fee gonna be collected? Another desk at the airport to create more queues (assuming tourists will ever come back)? Very welcoming indeed... 


By the way, wasn't there an article a while ago about foreign residents pay same same entry price for National Parks? Well I'm still being quadruple charged. TIT. Thanks for nothing. 

Article reads Online fee



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6 minutes ago, 473geo said:

What's next guys? complaining about the unfair practice of the bargirl keeping a finger on double six when shuffling the dominoes ????

If she keeps her finger in my domino I won't complain.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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1 minute ago, Joe Mama said:

Wow!  Just what every tourist hoping to visit Thailand wants to hear...more expenses...more barriers to entry!  Let's see...1) You have to get a COE from your local Thai embassy!  2)  You have to have proof of medical insurance!  3) You have to have a $100,000 Covid-19 medical insurance policy, which in most countries of the world, doesn't even exist!  4) You have to spend 14 days locked up in government sanctioned quarantine facility at a cost of well over $100 per day!  5) You have to have evidence of a negative Covid-19 test within 72 hours of arriving in Thailand....also very difficult to arrange!  6) And now you will have to fork out an extra 300 baht for the privilege of jumping through all the previous hoops once you finally arrive here!   7 ) And soon to come, I'm almost certain, you'll need proof of a Covid-19 vaccination!  Sounds to me that Thailand is planning on getting completely out of the Tourist business???

Although the painful extraction of 300 baht may well be beyond endurance for many, it will I am sure not be anyway near as time consuming as those items on your list

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