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If you weren't in Thailand, where would you be?

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12 minutes ago, daviddunham said:

The only issue I have with Thailand is that it is dirty.

My choice after Thailand is Taiwan.


- Safe

- Modern

- Clean!!!

- Self sustainable (doesn't need tourists, they have 0 cases all year round)

Yeah, I've heard this.  How's the visa situation?



No options that I can see. Philippines isn't letting anyone in. Cambodia wants a two thousand dollar deposit and Malaysia wants an absurd bank deposit to stay there. Most all of them want some kind of quarantine, which is a deal killer.

13 minutes ago, bignbad said:

That would be back to Cyprus for me!

@Tagged Great pics!  Brings back fond memories.


I love Cyprus also.  Especially the mountains.  Lovely monasteries.

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

@Tagged Great pics!  Brings back fond memories.


I love Cyprus also.  Especially the mountains.  Lovely monasteries.

Twas many moons ago but me too ????

I would have liked to revisit sometime but lord knows when now, under current circumstances.

It could be years before "freedom of travel" returns, if ever. 

So much enjoyed in the past may remain only as memories of " how it used to be" .




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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

India. Legal opium, ganja in some states, mountains, beaches, they speak English, yoga, meditation, etc. 


Yes, I would consider it. I spend a couple months there.


Love the food and loads of other choices too!

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, 2009 said:


Actually, no.


This administration has done a better job than previous ones.


And I would take him over Trump, Boris, Blair or Bush. 


Better than most of SE Asia's leaders as well.

I am not even going to waste my time on this post. Bye Bye!

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  • Confused 1
9 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Twas many moons ago but me too ????

I would have liked to revisit sometime but lord knows when now, under current circumstances.

It could be years before "freedom of travel" returns, if ever. 

So much enjoyed in the past may remain only as memories of " how it used to be" .




Im going to spend another 12 - 15 years in Thailand and move out of here before Im 70. At least thats the plan now, so we just have to wait and see. Still have appartment back in Norway as a back up plan, family house in spain and brasil. I doubt I will still be in Thailand when Im gettinge older. 

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, 2009 said:


Actually, no.


This administration has done a better job than previous ones.


And I would take him over Trump, Boris, Blair or Bush. 


Better than most of SE Asia's leaders as well.

So the world should get an army general to take over their countries with threats of force....????...?

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Tagged said:

One year ago, 















OMG I just gained 5 kilos looking at the food/meat pics. Look at all those steaks..and hanging hams. Appears to be rather high end..a little rich for my pension.Oh well. looks like a lovely place but I'm quite settled here since 2004 own a  bungalow with pool  etc. I could never afford to replace it in Canuckville. I ain't  goin nowhere unless they <deleted> me off. Went to Vietnam last yr for a 3 week vacay and liked Na Trang a bunch.pre covid

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, possum1931 said:

The Philipines, they don't have coups as far as I know, no bullying soldiers trying to run the country, and much

easier visas without having stupid hoops to jump through.

Your joking, that maniac Duterte makes Prayuth look like Walt Disney. When were you bullied by a soldier? 

No hoops for phillipine visas? You may want to spend 3 minutes with mr Google 


Of course there is all the other stuff like insanely high crime rate, machine gun security men everywhere, cyclones, siht food but the girls have bigger boobs so there's that ????

  • Like 1
42 minutes ago, jaideedave said:

OMG I just gained 5 kilos looking at the food/meat pics. Look at all those steaks..and hanging hams. Appears to be rather high end..a little rich for my pension.Oh well. looks like a lovely place but I'm quite settled here since 2004 own a  bungalow with pool  etc. I could never afford to replace it in Canuckville. I ain't  goin nowhere unless they <deleted> me off. Went to Vietnam last yr for a 3 week vacay and liked Na Trang a bunch.pre covid

Pic nr 4 are those left over Bats from somewhere else?

5 minutes ago, madmen said:

Your joking, that maniac Duterte makes Prayuth look like Walt Disney. When were you bullied by a soldier? 

No hoops for phillipine visas? You may want to spend 3 minutes with mr Google 


Of course there is all the other stuff like insanely high crime rate, machine gun security men everywhere, cyclones, siht food but the girls have bigger boobs so there's that ????

The whole of Thailand is bullied by soldiers, don't you know that the unelected "PM" bullied his way into power here in 2004?

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Yeah. The Philippines isn't the best place to be. Even Filipinos don't want to live there.  5555

That isn't entirely fair. The majority of Flip (Fine Looking Island People) expats I have met leave for economic reasons but hope to go back home someday (bringing money). 


I have visited and I decided against moving there, but I would still consider it a better option (for me anyway) than the USA. 

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, Tagged said:

Sounds more that you try to convince yourself and not me. 

The sad thing is, the poverty in Florida is great, why?


—30c in northern part of Norway, no problem, we have clothes, houses and cars that handle it. 0c or 32f in Florida ? And the summer in florida to hot. 

The only food I miss from Florida is the mexican food they make there, and thats it. two places in the world I had food poisenig, and that have been Florida and Thailand. 


The bikers in florida, is more of wannabees, look tough, but,,,,, well, as long they stay in larger groups, yes, . Respect for others? Really? 


Why do you talk about temples? Im not a buddhist, and vere rear I visit temples, if I do, it is because of lacation and the view meybe. 


And I have no visa trouble so no need to worry about that. And what do you really know about my economic situation? 


If Florida is that good, I am wondering why so many americans came here in the first place. 


And american politics and Thai, not much difference. Banana states is what we call them. 


Chill down sir

You should know why many Americans live in Thailand. 


They didn't plan financially and they cannot afford to retire in their own countries.


What is your story? Escaping the cold for the third world and all it's downfalls?


Let's see? Florida has tons of Thai people, Thai restaurants, Thai grocery, Thai temples. Same as Thailand. Weather averages 94-95F or less in Summer. Much less than Thailand. No VISA hassles. Traffic and pollution 10 times worse in Thailand. So you must have moved to Thailand because of low cost? Because you can get the same thing in much better surroundings?


You didn't answer the question why there are so many Thai's are in Florida, which on average, appear to be financially way better off than any foreigners living in Thailand?


You don't think you can buy winter clothes in Florida? Really? Ridiculous. Point and click and the best winter clothes in the world can be delivered right to your door.


Any one that rides a bike is not a wannabe. That is the lifestyle they choose. You seem to know very little about this.


Nothing in your reply is even close to the truth.



  • Confused 1
5 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Yeah, I've heard this.  How's the visa situation?


I'm not an expert but based on superficial research I don't think there is any kind of retirement visa option but there are doable options for working expats. I recall recently on one of those international surveys Taiwan rated tops in the world, but again, really for working expats. 

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, AlfHuy said:

Zimbabwe seems nice as well.

Blue sky, a friend told me.

That's good to hear but I'm really looking for wet water and dirty soil. 

20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Likely either Spain or Portugal. Both are fairly reasonable and I would love the proximity to Western Europe. The culture, music, wine, art, theater, dance, etc. would be a huge appeal. Food is good too. People are decent and I speak pretty good Spanish. 


The PI would not even be on the list. I love Thailand. Prefer it over the PI on a dozen levels. 


Philippines Pros-


1. The women can be lovely. And many of them speak english. And if you are older guy, that is a plus in the PI. Plus they are way less demanding, and the bar is set much lower, in terms of their expectations. Older guys can get with far younger women, without an issue. The parents actually encourage it! Generally, it is possible to have a real conversation with many women there. Not the case here. It is rare here. Unlike most Thai women, the women there can have a real sense of curiousity, and will ask genuine questions about you, and your life, beyond where do you come from, how much do you earn, and what do you own? The PI seems to have a higher level of intellectual development.


2. The visa system is something that some think is simpler. You do need to have money on deposit, and unlike Thailand it remains on deposit the entire time you live there. A minimum of $20,000 for the SRRV Smile visa, unless that has changed.


3. The place has thousands of islands, and some stunning beaches, and cleaner water than Thailand, at least on the Gulf Coast. But, the islands are fairly hard to get to, and the services are very limited, and more expensive than in Thailand.


4. In general I would say the people can be quite friendly. Especially the women. But, unlike Thailand, even the men can be friendly. I suspect if I lived there, I would have a number of local male friends, unlike here. I have never met a society of men, who are less interested, less curious about, and less willing to get to know foreigners, than I have here in Thailand. It is sometimes astonishing. It is a real disappointment.5. The place is more Westernized. You do not feel like you are living on another planet, which can be nice sometimes. Some shopping can be better, as there are Costco type outlets there. Some of the highways are better, and as an American, I can have goods shipped to me, with a preferred system, that allows low cost shipping, and duty free imports. Unheard of in Thailand. Importation of goods in Thailand can be horrendously difficult. It is an onerous system, one that is outdated by decades, in this age of globalization. Thailand is far, far more insular and fearful of the outside world, than the PI.




Cons- 1. The entire country is like one big Tijuana. It is depressing. Very little landscaping in the homes, even nice homes are ugly, and have barbed wire, and glass topped walls everywhere you look.


2. The security situation is not very good. You always have to keep your eyes open, keep an eye on your back, and beware of robbery, home theft, and violence. It is rampant. I have many friends who live there, and they all say the same thing.


3. If you do get into an altercation with a Philippine man, or are getting robbed or harassed, unless you are a 6th degree sensei, do not fight back. An astonishing number of locals are well trained in the fighting arts. Many are good with sticks, knives, blades or any sort, and their hands, fists and feet. I have a friend who is a world class security consultant. He is a black belt in a few different martial arts. He says he can usually fight his way out of a gang of men, nearly anywhere in the world. Except in the PI. That is the only country he will NOT take an assignment. The average guys there, can take down the average Westerner in five seconds. In Thailand few have those kinds of skills. Very few.


4. The food sucks. The only other country I can think of with worse food, is Cuba. Granted, if you are willing to spend the money, you can find good food. But, it is not the general rule, as it is here. Also, the access to fresh fruits and vegetables is pathetic compared to Thailand. Very low quality, and often not fresh. Thailand is a paradise by comparison, when it comes to all things related to food.


5. Pollution. They use a lower grade of diesel. So, there is alot of soot in the air. The PI has an epidemic of lung diseases and respiratory diseases. Even on many of the populated islands. The hospitals are full of people who are having a very hard time breathing. It is a real issue there. Lung disease is at an epidemic level, though the authorities do not like to talk about it, and publish very little information on it.


6. Aesthetics. The average house you would rent, looks like a slum. Tall walls, with barbed wire, to keep out intruders. And they just do not pay attention to landscaping and gardens like the Thai people do. So, most neighborhoods are fabulously ugly. Alot of slums in the big cities, and just not physically appealing.


7. Renting. There is a vastly lower number of rental units available, few are as nice as what you can find in Thailand, and it is almost always more expensive, with the possible exception of Central Bangkok. You just cannot find the studio apartments like the ones available all over Hua Hin, for 6,000 to 8,000 baht a month. That does not exist there. 8. Infrastructure. The entire country lacks the infrastructure you have here in Thailand. As I am typing now, I am enjoying a 180MB download speed, and a 100MB upload speed, all on fiber optic cable, for 800 baht a month. Unheard of in many countries, including the US! Triple the cost there. No sky train network anywhere near comparable to Bangkok. Mo MRT network either. They have one under construction, and it will be limited to ten stations. Shall I go on? I could. As far as I am concerned, the only reason to live there is the women, and a slightly more cooperative, and far less xenophobic and racist government.


Alot of ex-pats are looking to leave Thailand, as the current administration is so far beyond heinous and incompetent, it is unspeakable. 

That's a good list and I thought that cheap good housing wasn't possible there but have recently been following an expat channel of an American guy that lives in a province outside Manila paying 60 dollars a month (living with a woman) who thinks 100 dollars a month would be luxurious. Obviously not in a central Manilla or Cebu though but he doesn't need a vehicle. (The Philippines Info Channel.)



On 1/17/2021 at 10:34 PM, JAS21 said:

My wife, who is Thai lived in the UK with me for several years. She said I don’t want to get old in the UK, and I agreed.


So we Retired here some 14 years ago now.


It is warmer ....Can play golf all year round and never need a jacket ... Hotels are vastly cheaper.... access to hospital is much easier... food is cheaper... never difficult to find somewhere to eat...


I’m sure you’ll get a lot more information from others

First time ever in Thailand I was wearing two layers of upper clothing playing golf at Waterford Valley near Chiang Rai. Monday 19/1, and it's still cold.


If it was not Thailand, the Philippines or Cambodia. I like countries where women don't care if I am old and ugly.

  • Haha 2

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