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Thailand's tuk tuks, tour buses and boats marooned at Lunar New Year


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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand's tuk tuks, tour buses and boats marooned at Lunar New Year

Well that's It then hey , Now you can see what happens when Soooo many people put their Eggs in single Tourist Basket. 

It Nipped them All in the Butt.

Now they have no job ,Nowhere to find one with their Qualifications(:wacko:).

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Remember this?  


The video features some 130 police officers saying – in Mandarin – “We hope that the Chinese people overcome the crisis soon. We love Chinese people as members of our family. China, don’t give up. Wuhan, don’t give up.”



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20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

But the pandemic has upended Thai transport businesses, leaving many drivers and owners struggling to make ends meet, while a survey predicted Lunar New Year spending would suffer its sharpest fall in 13 years.

What happened 13 years ago that was in any way comparable to the devastation caused by the China virus?

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One problem, is that most workers who earn a decent wage, squander their money on cigarettes,booze, gambling, cars ,etc, and don’t save for a rainy day as most responsible people do. I see it all around, the condo cleaners gambling, an office girl I know buys a smart car, they are walking around with designer goods etc and then complain they have no money end of month. This is a particularly Thai problem. Education is terrible too, lots of Thais grow up knowing nothing of the general needs of life. Of course I feel sorry for poor people who have no way of saving. But certain tuc tucs in towns made very good money nearly all year, same as taxis , bar girls, young men and others working in  hospitality .

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All it takes is courage....... Airport testing, a few days quaratine while assessing the results and follow up checks and Bon Voyage...... the place would fill up overnight......  This scaremongering hide under the bed routine could go on for years and Tuk Tuks and boats will of rotted away by the time someone grasps the nettle......  A little bit of advice given to me by the old fellah from his time on Malta....   "We were either going to be killed by the Stukas bombing us on the land, or die in the submarine the next day. Then there were others that just worried themselves to death thinking about both probabilities......... Personally i was just trying to find a good place to drink...... and another thing, all those who wanted to live, died, and all those who stopped worrying and didn't give a FIG !  lived".......      Sound familiar ?    

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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5 hours ago, mickmac said:

Another major problem when/if the tourists return is the road/sea worthiness of these units that have not been opertional for such a long period. How many deaths/accidents will be caused by lack of/no maintenance being carried out?

Imagine aircraft coming out of storage .........That's going to be fun..... 

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9 hours ago, TKDfella said:

instead of providing alternative forms of re-learning for different skills.


What would you do with a group of (largely) subsistence farmers turned unskilled workers who likely have no transferable skills?  Especially difficult considering the vacuum of opportunities left without tourism.


They likely had zero opportunity, then found work driving tourists around, now there is nothing for them.


Their only real option is filling the manual labour shortage left by a lack of immigrants, but they likely would rather be back on the farm if they were going to have to do that.

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10 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

I was just listening to a panel of highly respected world experts, independent of politics.

One Dr, said when the world approaches/ gets to the 75% mark, that is those that have been infected and  vaccinated in total , then there will be a turn around.

This is not expected to happen for about 4 months.

So if the turn happens then the world tourism might start up.


Also reported that in the UK people dependent on hand outs / food banks has gone up 700% in some areas.

One thing is sure the world is being dragged through a depression the likes of, never seen before.

It may get worse before it gets better.

The Dr said no one is doing much research on other medications the politicians are totally mesmerized on vaccines.

If you google South African news, they have suspended use of Astra Zeneca vaccine as it has had little effect on the new strain, as little as 25%, amazingly the rest of the world are ploughing ahead ordering and injecting this vaccine which may turn out to be useless, if the South African strain spreads throughout the world.

Astra Zeneca are currently working on a modification to the vaccine but they have not got one yet. 


That said-Thailand is in the same boat as most other countries, except the panel agreed, that the countries that locked down, their economies are doing well--- China ,NZ ,Vietnam, they have not needed bail out money any where near some other countries.

Bailout money definition= monetary Missiles, aimed at the rich.

When a turnaround happens and we all hope that is sooner than later, then if Thailands stupid policies on insurance and making things difficult for tourists to return will be the final nail in the coffin.


How long will the people be able to take this, surely the pressure from Tuk Tuk drivers right up to the big boys who rule the roost, Mr Tesco 7/11 will hurt . Thing will have to change in Thailand or they will head back to being the same as poor old Myanmar. 


What a state the world is in, the media focused on idiot Donald Ducks impeachment and arguing about how to distribute vaccines, a giant political mess with billionaires and the WHO, Bill Gates and his mates, rolling in the cash while the worlds lower income are going to hell.


The amazing thing is they don't seem to be to worried about all those wide bodied jets being parked up in the dessert or the Tuk Tuks in cob webs in Bangkok

On the subject of the South African strain, other strains will mutate into similar elsewhere in the world. In the UK the Kent strain, know as the UK strain has mutated again, discovered in Manchester, and has the same mutation as the South African one. The boffins say the only way to reduce mutations is to reduce infections so it's important to know where your cases are and true numbers,vhence the WHO test, test, test.

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13 hours ago, asiasurfer said:

You can keep all of those stinking rip-off tuk tuks and other "taxis" marooned indefinitely. Not feeling any pitty at all. 

Live here too long and they become like Songkran...just a pain. Sometimes though you need to cast your mind back to your first trips, most of us found tuk tuks to be an integral part of the whole Thai experience and lots of fun. They are not compulsory, just an option.

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You know, it's because there's a deadly germ that could slip into your airways every inch of the way and kill your family.

We wearing a cloth and washing hands to avoid this deadly germs. 


You know, this is the common narrative. Nobody see the social, psychological, economic disasters behind this bait and switch.

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16 hours ago, asiasurfer said:

You can keep all of those stinking rip-off tuk tuks and other "taxis" marooned indefinitely. Not feeling any pitty at all. 

Totally agree......I find it quite satisfying to see these thieves and con artists up the creek without a paddle.

Karma bit your a$$ Somchai.

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14 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


What would you do with a group of (largely) subsistence farmers turned unskilled workers who likely have no transferable skills?  Especially difficult considering the vacuum of opportunities left without tourism.


They likely had zero opportunity, then found work driving tourists around, now there is nothing for them.


Their only real option is filling the manual labour shortage left by a lack of immigrants, but they likely would rather be back on the farm if they were going to have to do that.

What would I do? The government has the responsibility, not I! Take for example the PM's prior comment about wanting less academia. Here is his chance. If he wants more culture he could start a new institution, gov. funded and get more people to be employed in this. Now although I think that would be a step back for Thailand but it might be just one idea (out of many) to give people some 'bread & butter' money. However, I think it is unlikely to happen.

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