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Is there anything at all in Thailand beneficial for foreigners living there right now?


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1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

Maybe I live in an alternate Thailand, for me, nothing has drastically changed..

All the things I found "beneficial" are the same as they have always been, "right now" is pretty much the same as 5-10 years ago.


I read the OPs list of grievances, and most of it appears to be things that were always part of living in Thailand (Asia in general).


Threads like this always appear to me as "buy a house next to the airport" then spend the rest of your life complaining about the planes.


For me, I loved living here when I arrived 8 years ago and love living here now. My home country exchange rate is up 15-20% from were is was, all the big ticket items are still way cheaper than home country. 

"Right now", without a constant stream of 2 week millionaires, lots of prices are back to reasonable levels, less crowds, less traffic, less pollution. Its a better place to live than its ever been.



What news are you reading reporting less pollution as Bangkok was just listed as the 8th polluted city in the world?

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6 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

What news are you reading reporting less pollution as Bangkok was just listed as the 8th polluted city in the world?

Bangkok has its moments, but most places in Thailand have bad pollution during the year, as do most cities in the world.

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Bangkok has its moments, but most places in Thailand have bad pollution during the year, as do most cities in the world.

Growing pollution to the levels in Bangkok is not having it's moments. 


Ever been to Shanghai China?


Started the same way as Bangkok is today.



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1 hour ago, Aforek said:

Living upcountry, ampoe 8000 inhabitants , 4 kms from my house, everything available 25 kms around, 700 meters of rice fields and numerous birds in front of my balcony, no pollution, nice people, food, weather, internet with fiber, I have everything I want here

I know that TV is full of Thai bashers, but I am not one of them 


problems ? yes, I don't like that immigration has 76 different ways of working 

I have no problem with 76 Immigrations, I only go to one! In and out for my 90 days this week.....3 minutes.

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15 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

An interesting point about house ownership and renting.

Times have changed and over the past 30 years in the UK, house prices have increased from 3x your yearly wage to 20x your yearly wage. When I was young everyone could afford to buy within 2-3 years of starting work. Now it's almost impossible for normal working people to buy their own home. Oddly enough in Thailand most people can afford to buy their own home on a 7-11 staff wage. Not sure what it's like in the USA. My 4 kids in the UK are either still living with mom in the house I purchased (and lost in divorce) or renting a room in a shared house despite earning decent money.


Not sure eating in a hut over a lake was heaven, but the lap I was using as a pillow after was as close as possible on this earth.




I'm sure I know her from.............................no must be mistaken. LOL


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5 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Im fine this beats Manchester even on a good day, for those of you who want to leave dont forget to close the door on your way out, Oh and turn the lights out,


Unless you were standing at the Etihad !    LOL

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5 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:


You could probably make a place like this somewhere in the West if you really wanted to. But it's easier to find places like this in the developing world.

Is that one of those restaurants on the lake outside Chiang Mai?

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4 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Growing pollution to the levels in Bangkok is not having it's moments. 


Ever been to Shanghai China?


Started the same way as Bangkok is today.



I loved Shanghai, but much prefer living in Bangkok.  The air quality today is not so bad, and far better than some other parts of Thailand.  It was much worse a couple of weeks ago.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

An interesting point about house ownership and renting.

Times have changed and over the past 30 years in the UK, house prices have increased from 3x your yearly wage to 20x your yearly wage. When I was young everyone could afford to buy within 2-3 years of starting work. Now it's almost impossible for normal working people to buy their own home. Oddly enough in Thailand most people can afford to buy their own home on a 7-11 staff wage. Not sure what it's like in the USA. My 4 kids in the UK are either still living with mom in the house I purchased (and lost in divorce) or renting a room in a shared house despite earning decent money.


Not sure eating in a hut over a lake was heaven, but the lap I was using as a pillow after was as close as possible on this earth.




Shouldnt that pic be of the back of your head?. ????

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5 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

Just a few things I can think of...

  • No idiot 2 week millionaires
  • Quieter roads
  • Reduced living costs
  • Great weather
  • No hoardes of tourists following the flag carrier
  • Delicious food
  • Cheap rent
  • Deserted beaches
  • Beautiful mountains
  • Friendly people
  • Personal safety through lack of petty crime
  • Low coronavirus infection numbers

Tuesday lunch club! - Na Jomtien 1pm-6pm


Now thats my style. 5 hour lunch may be a hill too high to climb, but i would give it a shot.

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Just about everything I want is here, as I get older I do use this availability less but great to know it's there.

Rules & regulations in Thailand, your kidding me right, must have been a while since you last went "home". Still a lot cheaper here, the climate suits my old bones & even if moving back to a "nanny" state the pension could never make up for my lifestyle here.

If I am careful with my money should see me out.

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