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It's not going to be greener is it?

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the best is 6 months here and 6 months in your country,i am living here for 12 years and in may i go back to canada for 6 months a year,missing cheap golf, clean city,my food,driving a car safely,free health insurance when living there 6 months and many other things,maybe come back here sometime for 3 months but i will go playa del carmen mexico for winter time, and i dont need visa for 6 months and it is not expensive,about same thing than thailand,weather is better 27 ,28 day time and not humid winter time,flight only 4 hours and cheap to,i will miss something in thailand but i thing my life will be better and safer outside thailand

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Best front end advice for anyone contemplating retiring here or anywhere outside their home Turk is to come for a lengthy stay without burning all bridges in your current life. If/when travel opens back up you can come for up to 3 months without committing to a permanent move. Enough time to get a better feel than coming for just a vacation time period. Contemplating retirement at age 64 1/2 in 2011 (part of the reasoning was influenced by 5 by-passes in 2005). I made two monthlong trips in 2009 and again in 2010. Traveled around, met several Thai girls as I knew that would be part of the equation. I found Chiang Mai was best for me after my trips. Yep, fat boy in the candy store for the first 8 months. Tried a few “companionship” scenarios not requiring a full time arrangement but ... well, I found I wanted someone to travel with, go shopping with, go out to eat with. No, not someone to discuss world affairs or philosophy but someone very compatible ... and after a decade here, I still maintain that a western male finding the right traditionally raised Thai girl ... well. Each of us is different so only you can make the call for you. That is why I recommend coming for a lengthy stay. You will note some ... come and are unhappy and so leave, others come every year for part of the year only, some of us, Thailand is our only residence and are quite happy (overall, no I do not like the pollution!). Good luck with your search

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Right now, finding English-speaking conversation partners with my friends stuck back in their home countries unable to return to Thailand for their 6- month stints herenis difficult..  Not every foreigner you meet is a good conversation partners.  I don't drink so don't go to bars.   Two years ago, there were plenty of foreigners passing through Central Chidlom so striking up a conversation with someone was easy.  Now I am limited to telephone calls and email messages.  Hopefully, my friends will be able to return in a few months.  There are, of course, gathering places like the Siam Society, the FCC and music concerts but meeting someone that shares your interests and wants to be in contact frequently whom you also like is a matter of luck.  Other than that lack, I am perfectly happy living in Thailand.  

For the OP,  there may be requirements for your happiness that you are not aware of.  It's a good idea to give Thailand a trial run or two.  When you come for a short time, it's easy to disregard things that irritate you.

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I think it’s the sexpats that go there that get bored after chasing bargirls for 6 months. If you’re going there for a more relaxing atmosphere or to travel the country then I think you’ll be happier. It doesn’t sound like you want to retire, it sounds like you want to sow your wild oats. So go there and sow them and then when you decide you want to actually retire then you’ll know if Thailand is the place for that.

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9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Bored...I can never understand when people say that,maybe lack of imagination,

I have lived here 33 years,now in later years, I wish I had time to get bored,there's

always some bloody thing to do....Bored ????

regards worgeordie

Same here. I wonder how people can get bored. I am never bored, always busy with something. Bored people are boring.. My advice to the gentleman: stay where you are. 

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Your looking at the glass half empty and not half full , there are plenty of things to do over here in the kingdom rather than just drinking and chatting up the bar girls . I’m 70 living on my own don’t smoke and only occasionally drink and yes I go the gym , paddle board or go out on the kayak or ride my mountain bike . The worst part about Thailand is having to deal with immigration in 16 years of living here I have enjoyed it so much so I haven’t been back to the U.K. for 14 years . Give it a try rent out your pad in Aus and move over for a year if it’s not for you then head back home it’s that simple

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52 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

If you own property in Australia, and can rent it, hold onto it for as long as possible (or until you make the decision whether to permanently move to Thailand).


Sadly, not as black and white nowadays as it once was. The changes to capital gains tax in 2019 (?) means it could be a bad idea to do that (obviously each person needs to investigate their own situation carefully).

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5 hours ago, arick said:

He is leaving Australia.! Not bloody the UK can't compare the two 

True.Coming from Oz the op may be able to handle the weather better than I can.One post mentioned bored western males in the the chunky monkey? what he doesn't take into  consideration is the heat,the last couple of years 2018/19/20 I have noticed and felt that it was even hotter and drier than normal.It will take me at least six months to acclimatise and I'm not sure I ever would be able to function in the hottest time of the year.I visit every year Jan/Feb.

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20 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:



But before I get onto that I saw another post which again put it in my thoughts 

The poster wrote similar to "saw bored lonely old farsang men sitting outside chunky monkey Bar "

Who are you and him to say they are bored and lonely? 

They have probably just gone for a short walk for something to eat. Would all Aussies be able to eat out daily? 


If you were retired and living alone in Australia what would make your day so much better than theirs.?

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15 hours ago, simon43 said:

OP - your big mistake (IMHO), is your plan to chase bar girls all day.  Remove that from your plan and you'll probably live a happier and healthier life!

Right ! it's what I did long time ago, now I have a totally new life upcountry, and, believe me , I feel very well;  why farangs want to go to Pattaya ? It's the only place to go in Thailand ? 

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I like the idea of spending just a few months in Thailand at a time and shuffling back and forth if you can. I would also try and get your mates to join you on occasion as much as possible. Having good mates in this world is not an easy thing to find. 


This last year I've been forced out of work. It had me seriously contemplating if this was what retirement was like. Awful. All my life, I would always try and decide where I was going to live when I retire. But since having the last year off, I've now shifted my thoughts to what I'm going to do. It doesn't matter if it's Phuket, Hua Hin, Pattaya or Timbuktu. I've enjoyed many of the replies here and it's further shaping my decisions. 


Back to work now... still many years to save money and plan for retirement.

Edited by ncc1701d
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22 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Getting towards retirement age have been contemplating retiring to Thailand for the past 25 years .


Now I'm re considering.

A number of things have happened since to make me think again.


But before I get onto that I saw another post which again put it in my thoughts 

The poster wrote similar to "saw bored lonely old farsang men sitting outside chunky monkey Bar "


Which made me think ...are these farangs any happier now they made their move to Thailand / Pattaya?


I'm working full time at the moment in Australia..I live in my own apartment alone in City close to everything ...have no family. Have 2 good friends only have a secure job which I worked for last 30 years ...


So I start dreaming over the last few years if I moved to Pattaya how wonderful it will be .....but in reality ...


I will rent a 1 bedroom condo

I don't drink or smoke 

I guess every morning go to gym...

The rest of the day I guess chase bar girls 


Chasing bar girls is like saying going to the supermarket and chasing apples. 



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I have some friends who moved to Thailand for about a half a year for one, who owns a house , with his wife of course in Hua Hin.

 He does not like Winters in Canada, with shoveling snow, and wearing a parka for the cold weather. My other friend is in Jomtien Beach,  Pattaya, he

and his Thai wife live in a condo, and he enjoys life, going to the gym in the morning and meeting up with friends for coffee, spending time at the beach in the shade.                          He does not miss the cold weather and snow.  Says that his cost and life style is fairly cheap. He gets around with an electric 3 wheel scooter.

    Another friend goes to Thailand and rents a rental apartment, and drives his own Honda motorbike.  He enjoys being away from snow and cold as well.

  They have all said, that it is better to just go to Thailand for up to 6 months and do not get tied to an expensive house. Better to stay in a condo, that you 

can own, and not have yard work etc to keep up with, or rent a furnished apartment or house if you want the space.   Life is what you make of it, no matter where you are.             Good luck in your retirement.

  I now that I would never buy any condo or stay for more than 6 months as I cannot take the hot March and April to May weather.   I do enjoy

   November to March as the weather is mostly dry and not too hot.




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It sounds like you have no real idea as to wht you want when you retire. Unfortunately no one can tell you what you want that is entirely up to you.

Once you have decided what you want then you can think if Thailand is the place for you or not

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21 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Bored...I can never understand when people say that,maybe lack of imagination,

I have lived here 33 years,now in later years, I wish I had time to get bored,there's

always some bloody thing to do....Bored ????

regards worgeordie

Off topic, but never understood that mindset either. There is this propensity in the UK at the moment -- for some of those that are furloughed at least -- to be bored of being paid to be home. Total abject stupidity. I mean, use that F time to get other things going, to read, whatever. I would give my left nut to have the opportunity to sit at home for 12 months and be paid. There aren't enough hours in the day. What a golden ticket. Anyway, off topic. Hope op makes the leap. 

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4 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Off topic, but never understood that mindset either. There is this propensity in the UK at the moment -- for some of those that are furloughed at least -- to be bored of being paid to be home. Total abject stupidity. I mean, use that F time to get other things going, to read, whatever. I would give my left nut to have the opportunity to sit at home for 12 months and be paid. There aren't enough hours in the day. What a golden ticket. Anyway, off topic. Hope op makes the leap. 

Not sure I could fill a year if I were locked in a house.

Only so much time you can read/watch tv/browse internet before your eyes hurt.

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Leave all your assets in Oz. Come and rent a joint in where you think you want to stay for at least a year probably 2 so the honeymoon period has well and truly worn off. Sounds like you are happy in Oz. Also sounds like you wouldn't mind chasing a bit of tail which as you get older gets increasingly harder. 

   Many people are trapped here or come from countries that have <deleted>ty winters etc so Pattaya is automatically a good option. And yep especially in towns like Pattaya there are bar flys who's days consist of a couple of cheap long necks of chang and the odd bar fine. The converse is also true many people here living full busy lives never go near a bar or bar girl.

 No one can answer this for you and nothing will be perfect everyday forever.

  Pattaya is the easiest option but I would look further afield there are some beautiful parts of Thailand to live that aren't that. Maybe start there but do not limit yourself you might find what you need somewhere else.

 I've lived here nearly  here 20 years and would dread going back to Oz to live. You don't say if you have spent a lot of time or any at all here previously. Good luck with your choice but don't go all in and don't be dazzled by the bright lights.

   Disneyland is awesome but no one wants to live there. 

Edited by starky
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Well, OP, don't you have a portable hobby, something that you love to do and could do in Thailand?

As you already realize, chasing bar girls will get old eventually.

There's also no way I'd pick Pattaya in the first place but that's me.

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On 3/6/2021 at 12:00 PM, Antonymous said:

There seem to be plenty of people who come to live in Thailand whose main or even only motivation was to chase the girls and to drink/party. That's fine if those remain your top priorities in life as you get much older, but the reality for most people is that the excitement (or libido, or money) wanes eventually. Therefore in making your decision to retire in Thailand or not, you must consider other things that motivate you or could become priorities in future. Ask yourself can you fulfill those better in Thailand, your home country or elsewhere.


Life is whatever YOU make it, wherever you lay your hat.

There have been many comments over the years that the excitement (or libido, ................) wanes eventually. Is there any TVF poster that enjoyed the night life deciding they were not interested any more? I suspect that the ones that stop do so for reasons other than that, even if they try to excuse it by quoting the official line. Perhaps they ran out of money, or they made the mistake of thinking a wife would be more convenient, or they just got old and less able, even if they still wanted to.

Personally I never had the desire wane, but I was mistaken to think my wife would continue to be the fun girl I married, and then I was too poor to carry on as before.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

but I was mistaken to think my wife would continue to be the fun girl I married,

Did any wife continue to be the 'fun girl' their husband married? 

Of course not, the 'fun girl' was a pretense assumed to achieve marriage, and once married quickly discarded.  

Edited by OswaldBastable
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