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Netizens pose question: How did UK variant get into Thailand despite emergency decree?


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The big question is?  Will Anutin reverse course and cancel songkran on Fri morning.  I think most Thai people would accept and appreciate this.   Basically his career is over.  Does he want to have deaths to his credit or be remembered for someone who tried to do what is blaringky obvious.  Seeing how Thai officials flip flop this isn't an impossibility . 

Edited by Elkski
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if Sanook considers that a vital question, if there is an UK variant,

they haven’t done their homework!


There are 352.000 mutations,

so picking a handful of those 100-thousands and just assuming,

they are more dangerous than the most prevalent local one,

is not based on any evidence, just scaremongering.


And btw.: in the UK itself, death rates were decreasing despite the UK variant (that was: before they started the vaccination campaign....)

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3 minutes ago, BernieOnTour said:

if Sanook considers that a vital question, if there is an UK variant,

they haven’t done their homework!


There are 352.000 mutations,

so picking a handful of those 100-thousands and just assuming,

they are more dangerous than the most prevalent local one,

is not based on any evidence, just scaremongering.


And btw.: in the UK itself, death rates were decreasing despite the UK variant (that was: before they started the vaccination campaign....)

Its not assuming its proven its about 1.7 times more contagious. So if there is someone not doing its homework its you. Also it has nothing to do with deathrate but with contagion. 


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2 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

So with all the masks, quarantines, PCR tests and huge additional costs to travellers they cannot stop the virus. So why don't they just open up and use the tried and tested hydroxycloroquine ( recommended by Dr. Fauci before the outbreak) Ivermectin with Zinc and Azithromycin which have proved to be 100% effective when used in the correct dosages? There have been many coronaviruses that were far worse than the current strains and we have coped with them. All evidence points to the fact that all the lockdowns, masks, tests and vaccines have no positive effect, in fact the opposite. With many dying from the vaccines now and masks being recalled with toxins in them and US states without lockdowns doing better than their counterparts. Time to stop this distruction of the economy and peoples lives. The cure is worse than the disease. 

Luckily trump was stopped in time....but Brazil’s mini trump pushed that hydroxycloroquine “preventive cure” and the economy was more important than lives. THAT REAL DESTRUCTION OF LIVES LOST .  .  Also all the evidence you point out  is blatantly false.  4000 a day die in Brazil.   Anti vax and “ my personal freedom” are  Truly  selfish.  

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12 hours ago, steve187 said:

so what would be your plan if you were made Prime minister tomorrow

LOCKDOWN, countrywide! Cancel Songkran, essential travel only, air, train & bus. We eradicated Covid last year. With tough measures, we may just be able to do it again.


Otherwise, Thailand is just one more failed state.


I've been screaming about the enormous risks here since mid-December & only now do the wallflowers start pithing their panties.

Edited by unblocktheplanet
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28 minutes ago, hobobo said:

In Thailand this could be a very long time indeed!

Yea it looks that way, but the availability of vaccine is not linear, As countries like the US and the UK get vaccinated for the most part, Expect larger quantities to become available in the market at substantially reduced prices, Why do you think the Thai government is procrastinating? 

In the US in three or four  months they wont be able to give it away. where do you think all that vaccines is going to go?

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8 hours ago, Rhacsyn said:



Could it not have been brought in from Myanmar? Anyway it is here and needs controlling.

So strange that in the UK cases, deaths have been falling steadily for months. Even with the more contagious and mkre deadly variant.

Based on what we are seeing in Israel and the UK, vaccination seems to be the only answer to control it. Everything else is just a band-aid approach

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1 hour ago, Elkski said:

Perfectly said .   GREED! personal and corporate and government. 

My opinion of many of you has been severely degraded by having to read pages of childish banter.  UK variant is just a name, full stop. I can't keep the v1.4.5.11 names straight in my head. 

I and many predicted this eventuality in Thailand.  It didn't even require any of my ???? science brain cells to see this coming 6 months ago.   Anutin needs to go.  So sad to see 12 months of good effort being wiped out by greed.  All of those who said don't worry it's just the flu are about to find out the truth.  As far as I'm concerned those types should be branded with a tattoo on the forehead for life.

I should add praise to these several doctors  or medical professionals who have recently been brave to share an educated opinion going against the grain.  Does anyone remember how regional reports were squashed very early on.  Thailand is in last place on the vaccine race.  But worse they don't even have a viable plan B.  AZ  vaccine not looking to good based on science.   I predict many Countries like UK, USA, India, are going to regret that they were so me me and may let some super deadly mutation occurs in some poor country that really attacks the World. 

One more tidbit.  USA is now approaching what 25% fully vax rate but look at the spikes in many states.   Doesn't bode well for <1% rate in Thailand with sino or AZ

The US spikes are because individual states follow different guidelines   governed by republicans that want to open up fully vs democracts leaning to a measured opening.  Ex Texas fully opened. Full stadiums with 30.000 people.  There’s a spike in the making.  Florida another sh@tshow with a mini trump as governor.  Got both jabs with Pfizer, I mask up and still keep away from people .    

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17 minutes ago, robblok said:

Its not assuming its proven its about 1.7 times more contagious. So if there is someone not doing its homework its you. Also it has nothing to do with deathrate but with contagion. 


Not proven,  if you read the article you cited.

It may be up to 70% more infectious, the latest research puts it between 30 to 50%...

Let's not spread headline grabbing news, but present the data. 

Also, UK cases are falling rapidly 

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9 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

The US spikes are because individual states follow different guidelines   governed by republicans that want to open up fully vs democracts leaning to a measured opening.  Ex Texas fully opened. Full stadiums with 30.000 people.  There’s a spike in the making.  Florida another sh@tshow with a mini trump as governor.  Got both jabs with Pfizer, I mask up and still keep away from people .    

I live in Miami... 

There are no spikes in the USA in general, a slight increase in daily positive tests - at the same time, hospitalizations and deaths are falling.

Vaccines work as you can see in Israel and the UK. In the USA, we only have about 20% of the population fully vaccinated.. still a way to go. But as the at risk population is vaccinated in a high proportion, deaths will decline,  which is the point.

Cases are meaningless as most people don't even feel that they are infected.

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3 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

I live in Miami... 

There are no spikes in the USA in general, a slight increase in daily positive tests - at the same time, hospitalizations and deaths are falling.

Vaccines work as you can see in Israel and the UK. In the USA, we only have about 20% of the population fully vaccinated.. still a way to go. But as the at risk population is vaccinated in a high proportion, deaths will decline,  which is the point.

Cases are meaningless as most people don't even feel that they are infected.

Don’t forget that with many having had COVID a certain level of herd  immunity is add to those vaccinated.  
side note.....I live in north Miami and pattaya.  

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6 hours ago, ukrules said:

They also wondered where this came from in the UK.


Looking at the map and locating where Kent is helps to clarify the situation when you combine it with the knowledge that France had a massive and unprecedented surge in COVID infections a couple of months prior to the 'UK Variant' being detected by those scientists in the UK who perform half of the entire worlds viral sequencing.


Here's a google maps copy/paste of Kent :



The probable Kent variant arrive on the shores of Kent from the illegals arriving in inflatable boats form Calais or Dunkirk refugee camps. Where the French basically help them illegally to cross the channel. <deleted> they have to make the transit to the UK when they are in a 'safe' country after fleeing Syria etc is beyond me!

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18 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

Not proven,  if you read the article you cited.

It may be up to 70% more infectious, the latest research puts it between 30 to 50%...

Let's not spread headline grabbing news, but present the data. 

Also, UK cases are falling rapidly 

UK cases are falling rapidly due to, two factors. 
1. A sustained lockdown period again 

2. Most importantly, a world class vaccination role and uterlisation, currently some 32m adults have received their first vaccination, with 5-6m completing their 2nd. So over 50% of adult population now vaccinated in some form with whole population on course for July. 
Yes the UK got things wrong in the beginning, but by the end of it the UK will be in better shape than rest of the world evolved countries 

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12 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

It walked in with an asymptomatic person who possibly tested negative.  Either that or it was brought in back in January and escaped quarantine.  Who really knows as they have never really been openly testing.

Ryan, I agree they may never know how it entered Thailand. But I challenge the view they're not competent, Thailand has excellent geneticists.


AFAIK, you can't get through 14 day ASQ without being detected. All ASQ positive cases are genetically sequenced to study the strain and origin.  Thailand, like major countries, submits genome samples to the global GISAID database. So far, they have submitted 15 complete UK B.1.1.7 genomes. The first 9 were from ASQ cases starting in December. The other six:


-- Yesterday April 7 they submitted 3 new B.1.1.7 samples from two hospitals. 

-- On April 6 they submitted 3 other B.1.1.7 samples collected about a week ago.


They are also studying imported all strains. Here is one publication  Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Thailand reveals mixed imported populations, a local lineage expansion and a virus with truncated ORF7a


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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Yea it looks that way, but the availability of vaccine is not linear, As countries like the US and the UK get vaccinated for the most part, Expect larger quantities to become available in the market at substantially reduced prices, Why do you think the Thai government is procrastinating? 

In the US in three or four  months they wont be able to give it away. where do you think all that vaccines is going to go?

At some point the US and Canada will decide what to do with the vaccines that they ordered and aren't going to use. I'm guessing that they will go first to countries that have ordered but not received delivery, but not clear. There's also COVAX wanting vaccines.

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2 hours ago, Janner1 said:

Get every possible person vaccinated in the next 14 day, 

Look at the U.K. 40 million people vaccinated and yesterday only 45 people died and 2763 new infections of the unvaccinated, and that is from a death rate of 1500 daily and 30,000 infections daily just prior to the rollout.


The U.S peaked in early January with over 200,000 cases per day.  Now it's around 60,000 per day.  About 110 million (1/3rd of the population) have had at least one shot and 64 million are fully vaccinated.  About 2.5 to 3 million doses per day are being given. 

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11 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Healthy satire does not always cut it with some, I guess we just need to accept that, unfortunately. However that should not stop it being used..............

If I were you I'd go for the old creme pie in the face accompanied by whistles and comedy hooters.

Seems to work well over here.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Wow misinformation is alive.


Could you please read the graph and explain to me how the UK can do half the worlds testing for covid 19 ?




He was talking about the UK's surveillance capability I assume:


it was spotted here because of the strength of the UK's surveillance system, scientists have said.

The Covid-19 Genomics Consortium (Cog-UK) has tracked the genetic history of more than 150,000 samples of Sars-Cov-2 virus.

That equates to about half the world's genetic sequencing of coronavirus.







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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Yea it looks that way, but the availability of vaccine is not linear, As countries like the US and the UK get vaccinated for the most part, Expect larger quantities to become available in the market at substantially reduced prices, Why do you think the Thai government is procrastinating? 

In the US in three or four  months they wont be able to give it away. where do you think all that vaccines is going to go?

The U.S. has received enough doses to fully vaccinate 119 million people.  It's been what, 3 months or so?  So in 4-6 months a lot can go elsewhere.



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13 hours ago, steve187 said:

so what would be your plan if you were made Prime minister tomorrow

Open up the whole country and vaccinate everybody coming in and already here , these stupid closedowns are not helping if you do not close down everything BTS , Songkran travel EVERYTHING . 

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Just now, Nanaplaza666 said:

Open up the whole country and vaccinate everybody coming in and already here , these stupid closedowns are not helping if you do not close down everything BTS , Songkran travel EVERYTHING . In the future they will make the medicine (vaccine ) in pill form they are already creating it so might that just be the new paracetamol ??? 


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On 3/21/2021 at 2:30 PM, Surelynot said:

Kids running about every where last time I went.......not early either, about 10pm........being a miserable old soul, can do without that.


8 hours ago, John Drake said:


Whatever happens, it is interesting to see how this is being associated with the British. Inevitable that Thais are going to blame them the more that they hear "UK variant" used, although I don't know what else to call it.  Might be unfair, but it's clear that it is going to happen. It's one reason the past two days I've gone out of my way to make sure people know I'm an American, not British. Combine this with all the bad news about the British vaccine having problems along with a British variant, and there could be trouble in the works.

Pathetic. The thought that it’s

necessarily British people that spread the UK strain now is laughable.

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13 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It didn't "walk in" with anyone!  It's a strain of Covid that was first noticed in the UK, but can and does develop anywhere.  Viruses mutate and new strains develop - that's why you need a new flu vaccination every year.

Covid is the new flu , the flu has magically disapeared . Experts say there is no more flu , how ???? 

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