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Thailand reports daily record of over 2,000 COVID-19 cases, 4 new deaths


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12 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Currently, there are 1,423 infected patients waiting at home for hospital beds to become available nearby.

while they filling the spaces with people who are not sick and don't need to be there - a strategy I said weeks ago was severely flawed

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

They do test on arrival and then quarantine.  Where do you get your information from.

Test who? Illegal migrants?? ????


And now for legal international arrivals:

In Thailand with 10 days Quarantine they only test on Day 5 and Day 9. They DO NOT test on arrivals.

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30 minutes ago, VBF said:

Without making a personal attack (I'm not, just responding!) I don't understand your last sentence "This virus is not arriving just from Illegals."

Why? Because Thailand has insisted that all legal entrants quarantine for the last year, therefore surely if it's arriving, it must be from illegals?  


Of course, this doesn't prevent home-grown cases - is that what you meant?

Your last sentence hit the nail on the head. Sorry if it did not sound that way. You would have to read the post I was responding to in order to understand the entirety of my post.

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Per ThaiPBS:


"In the northern province of Chiang Mai, 16 children, aged between 2 and 4, three teachers and one janitor at a nursery in Mae Tue sub-district have been found infected with coronavirus. A municipal official said that about 80 parents have been screened, with their test results expected today.


A field hospital, to accommodate the infected children, is due to be disinfected today before it opens. It can house only 30 patients and will be supervised by medics from Nakhon Ping and Doi Saked hospitals."



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Let’s see, 50,183 total cases and 121 dead. That’s a .2% fatality rate. Seems almost insignificant, unless of course you happen to be one of the unfortunate fatalities. It does however make me wonder if Thailand has taken a page from the Chinese covid stat-reporting playbook.

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12 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Your last sentence hit the nail on the head. Sorry if it did not sound that way. You would have to read the post I was responding to in order to understand the entirety of my post.

I thought I had - no problem - thanks for confirming ????

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22 minutes ago, Amdesign said:

Test who? Illegal migrants?? ????


And now for legal international arrivals:

In Thailand with 10 days Quarantine they only test on Day 5 and Day 9. They DO NOT test on arrivals.

And you want to open the borders for businessmen from India to arrive on day 5 and day 9 so that they would not be tested, That is real good risk management. Where did you get your qualifications from? A Corn Flakes packet.

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15 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Your last sentence hit the nail on the head. Sorry if it did not sound that way. You would have to read the post I was responding to in order to understand the entirety of my post.

The attempted logic behind, "well there are a few people crossing the border illegally with it anyway, so we should open everything up" is so astoundingly stupid, you almost have to be impressed by it

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4 minutes ago, phills2k1 said:

The attempted logic behind, "well there are a few people crossing the border illegally with it anyway, so we should open everything up" is so astoundingly stupid, you almost have to be impressed by it

I don't think that's what @ThailandRyan is saying. I re-read much of this thread to get his point - politely suggest you do too!

Oh, and it's certainly NOT what I'm suggesting! 

Edited by VBF
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Per Khaosod English:


COVID sniffing dogs coming your way in Thailand?


So says a Chulalongkorn University veterinary sciences professor who's leading a project to train Labrador Retriever dogs to detect COVID infection from human sweat. The dogs who have already completed the training are being used to check oil platform workers before they're sent out on work assignments:








Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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7 minutes ago, VBF said:

I don't think that's what @ThailandRyan is saying. I re-read much of this thread to get his point - politely suggest you do too!

Oh, and it's certainly NOT what I'm suggesting! 

Hah sorry for the confusion, I wasn't suggesting he was saying that either.  We're on the same page in this thread


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15 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

And you want to open the borders for businessmen from India to arrive on day 5 and day 9 so that they would not be tested, That is real good risk management. Where did you get your qualifications from? A Corn Flakes packet.

Legal international arrivals get tested max 72 hours BEFORE DEPARTURE. Now they are NOT TESTED ON ARRIVAL. This is some sort of safety compared to illegal migrants who cross in thousands, without any tests at all.


What I was suggesting is: cancel state quarantine, make test before departure and on arrival. This would be good practical solution workable for migrants, and without travel restrictions imposed on business.


Anyway with current rate of domestic infections quarantine has no sense.

Edited by Amdesign
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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

COVID sniffing dogs coming your way in Thailand?


So says a Chulalongkorn University veterinary sciences professor who's leading a project to train Labrador Retriever dogs to detect COVID infection from human sweat. The dogs who have already completed the training are being used to check oil platform workers before they're sent out on work assignments:









Testing, distancing and vaccines are all that matter


So heartbreaking that this is (and has been) obvious to so everyone but those who matter

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Just now, Amdesign said:

Legal international arrivals get tested max 72 hours BEFORE DEPARTURE. Now they are NOT TESTED ON ARRIVAL. This is some sort of safety compared to illegal migrants who cross in thousands, without any tests at all.


What I was suggesting is: cancel state quarantine, make test before departure and on arrival. This would be good practical solution workable for migrants, and without travel restrictions imposed on business.


And for those people who become contagious after 72 hours?


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2 minutes ago, Amdesign said:

Legal international arrivals get tested max 72 hours BEFORE DEPARTURE. Now they are NOT TESTED ON ARRIVAL. This is some sort of safety compared to illegal migrants who cross in thousands, without any tests at all.


What I was suggesting is: cancel state quarantine, make test before departure and on arrival. This would be good practical solution workable for migrants, and without travel restrictions imposed on business.

They are tested in quarantine multiple times.

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1 minute ago, phills2k1 said:


Testing, distancing and vaccines are all that matter


So heartbreaking that this is (and has been) obvious to so everyone but those who matter


The gist of the story above is that the dogs actually could be more effective at detection than the most widely used method in Thailand right now -- temperate checking -- because the dogs supposedly can detect COVID whether or not a persons has any symptoms, whereas the temperature checking depends on the person having a fever...


Now the only issue is.... where's Thailand gonna find enough Labrador Retrievers and other similar pups???  ???? 


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1 minute ago, phills2k1 said:


And for those people who become contagious after 72 hours?


The risks should be minimized to reasonable level but can't be completely eliminated. This is how real life works.

They should set workable system; they one they have now with quarantine is not workable.


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1 minute ago, rabas said:

They are tested in quarantine multiple times.

Who? Illegal migrants? They are not tested at all.


Legal arrivals in quarantine are tested on Day 5 and Day 9. I went through it, they are NOT TESTED on arrival.

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Just now, Amdesign said:

The risks should be minimized to reasonable level but can't be completely eliminated. This is how real life works.

They should set workable system; they one they have now with quarantine is not workable.



I truly don't think you know what "acceptable risk" actually means. 


They're minimized to a reasonable level with the system in place.  Allowing masses of people in with only 72 hours of virus coverage, when we know that it can take more than a week to become contagious, is not an acceptable risk

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Just now, phills2k1 said:


I truly don't think you know what "acceptable risk" actually means. 


They're minimized to a reasonable level with the system in place.  Allowing masses of people in with only 72 hours of virus coverage, when we know that it can take more than a week to become contagious, is not an acceptable risk

That is your opinion. Read the medical press on PCR testing first.

I never suggested to allow masses of people to Thailand. I only suggest limited number of business travellers. This will also help to organize migrants who are now entering without any tests becasue they can't comply with present entry requriements. Overall, with this approach the risk will reduce.


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3 minutes ago, Amdesign said:

That is your opinion. Read the medical press on PCR testing first.

I never suggested to allow masses of people to Thailand. I only suggest limited number of business travellers. This will also help to organize migrants who are now entering without any tests becasue they can't comply with present entry requriements. Overall, with this approach the risk will reduce.



And for the people who become contagious after 72 hours?

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The trend is certainly up.  On the weekends the trend always goes slightly down, then rises through the week.  At least it's been this way where I live, and elsewhere and it seems this is the case here too.  

The variants are way way more prone to infect people.  We went from nearly zero a few months ago to nearly 70 percent the variant.  It's taken right over.  

Please just do the usual precautions - I don't want to see anyone go to that COVID horror show quarantine centre. And I bet a lot of Thais think that way too!

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7 minutes ago, phills2k1 said:


Your ENTIRE argument is that, "migrants are coming over illegally, so we should throw away every other guardrail we have".  It is so incomprehensibly stupid that it hurts to even think about


It's like a (different) country saying, "well some people are going to drive recklessly anyway, so we should throw out all traffic laws"

It is not stipud and I proved it by numbers. Only 0.38% of infections are from quarantined people. So why keep them locked??

Thailand is not an island and people will keep crossing the borders in the jungle. Why not adapt the scheme to let them enter legally??


On a road, one can put cameras and fines, this will help. This not possible with the virus brought through the jungle by illegal migrants. 

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"The outbreak began in the capital Bangkok and has spread across the country".


What else was to be expected when the powers that be allowed all and anyone to travel to wherever over Songkran? 

Its like putting a rabid dog in a nursery school and hoping the kids don't get bitten.

The clowns convention is and on going everyday event in here.

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