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Expats over 60 and with underlying conditions can register for free Covid vaccinations in June & July


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3 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Certainly, if your MIL agrees.


But you have to get a yellow tabian ban first, that is what "tags on" to the blue book. The pink  card can be automatically issued once you have the yellow TB.


Every yellow TB corresponds to a blue book, even when there is no Thai property owner. In my casae (I own the house, have lease on the land) the blue book is empty.  For most people, either renting oir staying with Thai family,  there is a blue book for the address where they live with a Thai listed as house master.

Oh!!! So I would have to obtain a yellow book for my mother in laws address first?


So no need to be tagged in her book once that is done or............... is that still a prerequisite to obtaining the pink ID that I am tagged in her blue book.........sorry if I am a bit slow on the uptake.

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1 minute ago, Surelynot said:

Oh!!! So I would have to obtain a yellow book for my mother in laws address first?


So no need to be tagged in her book once that is done?.........I just get my pink ID based on the yellow book??


yes and yes.


you cannot be "tagged" in her blue book. Only Thais can be listed in a blue book.But your yellow book will link to her blue book.


ti get the yellow book, Thai landlord/house master has to come along with you to the Ampur, same as they would do with a Thai being added to their blue book, but instead of being added you will be issued a separate yellow book.


You will need an official translation of your passport face page, most ampurs require that it be issued by the MFA in Bangkok, a few will accept from a local translation service.


Depending on the Ampur, other documents may also be required but these 2 - landlord/housemaster in person with their ID & translation of your passport - are the 2 that cause people the most difficulty/time.

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4 minutes ago, Banana7 said:

Free Moderna and Pfizer shots are provided starting June 1 upon landing at any airport in Alaska USA, for ALL travelers, no need to be a USA citizen. You can also get the second shot free, if you stay 30 days. Free testing for COVID-19 too, which is optional! Details here: https://covid19.alaska.gov/travelers/



Great! I'll book my flight straight away! ???? But how about getting back into Thailand - any problems there? ????

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1 minute ago, Sheryl said:


yes and yes.


you cannot be "tagged" in her blue book. Only Thais can be listed in a blue book.But your yellow book will link to her blue book.


ti get the yellow book, Thai landlord/house master has to come along with you to the Ampur, same as they would do with a Thai being added to their blue book, but instead of being added you will be issued a separate yellow book.


You will need an official translation of your passport face page, most ampurs require that it be issued by the MFA in Bangkok, a few will accept from a local translation service.


Depending on the Ampur, other documents may also be required but these 2 - landlord/housemaster in person with their ID & translation of your passport - are the 2 that cause people the most difficulty/time.

Got it...thank you very much......

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5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Certainly, if your MIL agrees.


But you have to get a yellow tabian ban first, that is what "tags on" to the blue book. The pink  card can be automatically issued once you have the yellow TB.


Every yellow TB corresponds to a blue book, even when there is no Thai property owner. In my casae (I own the house, have lease on the land) the blue book is empty.  For most people, either renting oir staying with Thai family,  there is a blue book for the address where they live with a Thai listed as house master.


The district office generates the ID number when it registers someone on a tabian baan for the first time.  No need to have a pink ID but might as well get one at the same time, if you go to get a yellow tabian baan.  The whole process now seems easy ieven in the sticks 13 years after the law made it compulsory to issue yellow books and pink ID.  For the first several years heads of registration simply refused or said it wasn't possible because they were too lazy to read the new rules.  If it is a family property, it should be no problem.  The difficulties come where you are renting and the landlord refuses to put you on a tabian baan.  But you don't have to live in the place where you are on a tabian baan.  Most Thais don't.

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13 minutes ago, sathornlover said:

I have been registered with the so-called yellow book for many years and cannot register via the app.

My wife called three hospitals yesterday. All three said that registration for vaccination is currently not possible for foreigners, regardless of whether they have a yellow book or a pink card. hospitals were very cooperative but cannot do anything for this group of people at the moment, but the third hospital said that even the Theis have not been vaccinated yet...


There are similar reports here in this forum from other proud owners of the so-called pink card or yellow book. So it doesn't make sense to go and try to register in a hospital and endanger yourself or others in the current situation.


So unfortunately I can't really do much with your long rebukes and especially with the statement MOPH is doing its best.


I agree with you on the point that as a relatively privileged and healthy farang, I can sit it out for a while.


But you seem to be missing two more points::


There are still plenty of migrant workers with and without pink cards in this country and possibly some who are over 60 or at least belong to risk groups. And often have to live under very bad social conditions. From your point of view, should they all go and report to the hospital in person?


And this brings us to the last decisive point. It makes no sense whatsoever to distinguish between a Thai and a foreigner - a case remains a case, a serious course of illness remains a serious course of illness and is a burden on the system, regardless of whether it is a Thai or a foreigner.


And that is why, in my view, the app and the whole system is broken by design...


"................  is a burden on the system, regardless of whether it is a Thai or a foreigner."


Except, of course, that the foreigner (normally) has to pay more baht!

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9 hours ago, Brierley said:

And when I visited three hospitals yesterday, and the local health office they all told me that foreigners cannot register until 1 July. It's a great article but what it says, in practice, is wrong.


My other half tried to register me, the village chief at his office, said there would be a loud speaker announcement over the village tanoy system when the doctors actually had government documentation regarding registration in their possession, which as yet, they haven't.


I also contacted Ratchaphreuk private hospital in Khonkaen and was informed they would contact me when they had vaccines available.

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8 hours ago, MasterBaker said:

key word is a "residents" not a visa holders


That is just scaremongering. They have already stated ' expats '  the government knows full well the overwhelming majority are on extensions based on retirement or marriage.

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The headline of this article and the first sentence of the second paragraph do not agree.


The headline states that expats over 60 who have an underlying condition will receive Covid vaccinations free of charge.


The second paragraph states that expats who are over 60 and expats who have an underlying disease will receive Covid vaccinations free of charge.


A condition is not a disease.    An and is not an or.


Any chance of having these fundamental discrepancies clarified ?


It is cock-ups like these that lead to the rumour-mills going off at 359 degrees from the truth.


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5 hours ago, Saltire said:

Any way to find this announcement/article in Thai as I feel it may help me to show my local hospitals what I am asking.


I showed the wife a Google translation but I think it was about 80% accurate which may or may not be enough.



Most hospitals have English-speakers, unless you are living way out in the sticks. Ask for an English-speaker, and explain you want to register for COVID waksin.

It does help if you are registered with the hospital as a patient, they usually issue a card.

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47 minutes ago, sathornlover said:

There are still plenty of migrant workers with and without pink cards in this country and possibly some who are over 60 or at least belong to risk groups. And often have to live under very bad social conditions. From your point of view, should they all go and report to the hospital in person?

Migrant are not over 60, and they are in a social insurance scheme. 

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4 hours ago, rabas said:


You can find it by going to Google Play Store and search for Chonburi Hospital. It's the big green one, in Thai,


It requires a Thai ID number found on a yellow book or pink card. In this case the pinkcard is not required but yellow book is and you seemingly must live in Chonburi and or be registered at Chonburi hospital.

I come under Muang Chonburi and my wife registered us both on the Chonburi app a week ago. I am registered at Chonburi general hospital, as well as the cancer hospital and Bang Saen, but I have only ever been to Chonburi for the free flu jabs, apart from visiting. The cancer hospital does like a full MOT for about 1600 baht and when I did the last one about 6 years ago they recommended I see a cardiologist, that is when I registered at Bang Saen, it has a better reputation with the locals than Chonburi, and I have been going every 3 months to see the cardiologist ever since. I used to get my hypertension tablets from Fascino with a discount card but getting them from the hospital pharmacy saved me about 30%.

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12 minutes ago, MrMo said:

The headline of this article and the first sentence of the second paragraph do not agree.


The headline states that expats over 60 who have an underlying condition will receive Covid vaccinations free of charge.


The second paragraph states that expats who are over 60 and expats who have an underlying disease will receive Covid vaccinations free of charge.


A condition is not a disease.    An and is not an or.


Any chance of having these fundamental discrepancies clarified ?


It is cock-ups like these that lead to the rumour-mills going off at 359 degrees from the truth.


The title should read..."Expats over 60 and THOSE with underlying conditons can register...." It identifies the two different groups of people who can register in this first stage.

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4 hours ago, rabas said:



It rejects both me and my Thai wife. We are in Bangkok. After entering the 13 digit ID and our mobile phone and pressing "authenticate"  we are dumped to a dark screen that tells us what to do if the ap does not work.   I could find no way to proceed.


Another poster said it was for Chonburi. Good to know you got it from Bangkok.

Apologies, I responded to you on the basis I thought you were in Chonburi, so a bit irrelevant.

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Just a clarification about Pink 1D (foreigner), Blue Book and Yellow Book. 


Blue Book or Tabien Baan (see below) shows ownership of property, typically Thai, but foreigners are also issued a Blue Book for purchase of a condominium. A Blue Book can not be used to get a 13 digit Thai ID number and therefore may not be used to register for Mor Prom and the C19 vaccine. 


Yellow Book or "House Book" is what you need to acquire a 13 digit Thai ID. Documents needed, your Blue Book or Thai Owners consent of Blue Book, passport certification from your embassy with Thai translation. All information to be submitted to Thai government offices in Bangkok for approval documents. Then take approval documents to the local municipal office (tesabaan) for Yellow Book and Pink Thai ID. Then you can register for the C19 vaccine. 


It's just that simple! or we can wait until Mor Prom is modified to accept other means of data entry requirements????


*Tabien Baan literally translates into English as “house registration” but is commonly referred to as a “blue book” (because for Thais it is literally a blue book).

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Just now, sandyf said:

Apologies, I responded to you on the basis I thought you were in Chonburi, so a bit irrelevant.


All information, especially detailed info is useful.  Using Maw Prom is like solving a hard Sudoku.  Another poster said he successfully used the Chonburi ap from Bangkok. My wife and I can't.

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10 minutes ago, scpchris said:

Just a clarification about Pink 1D (foreigner), Blue Book and Yellow Book. 


Blue Book or Tabien Baan (see below) shows ownership of property, typically Thai, but foreigners are also issued a Blue Book for purchase of a condominium. A Blue Book can not be used to get a 13 digit Thai ID number and therefore may not be used to register for Mor Prom and the C19 vaccine. 


Yellow Book or "House Book" is what you need to acquire a 13 digit Thai ID. Documents needed, your Blue Book or Thai Owners consent of Blue Book, passport certification from your embassy with Thai translation. All information to be submitted to Thai government offices in Bangkok for approval documents. Then take approval documents to the local municipal office (tesabaan) for Yellow Book and Pink Thai ID. Then you can register for the C19 vaccine. 


It's just that simple! or we can wait until Mor Prom is modified to accept other means of data entry requirements????


*Tabien Baan literally translates into English as “house registration” but is commonly referred to as a “blue book” (because for Thais it is literally a blue book).

So many people are going to go through all that in the middle of red zone areas in a pandemic. I think not!

The idea is to get vaccinated not take risks of getting infected to get a magic number.


 But thanks for that really. I do have a blue book and you've explained well that isn't enough.


I have another important question which I asked before but nobody answered.


Suppose you did get a new number or even an existing number. 


But suppose you've never registered with that number at a Thai hospital.


Would online registration even work if the system didn't have a record of your number in their database already? 


I recall reading that it wouldn't. Perhaps someone can clarify.

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, sambum said:

Will there be any chance of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines becoming available in the near future?. I have a history of blood clots and Astra Zeneca in particular has  been proven to cause these  - in  a small number of cases, grant you, but I don't want to take the risk. Also the efficacy of Astra Zeneca against some strains is  suspect? 

The reports that have come out in the media are not quite correct and understandably would cause concern to people in your circumstances. It is false to say that the vaccine caused clots as that is not the case. What has been identified in the known cases is that the vaccine may have induced Thrombocytopenia, a low platlet count. It is known that in very rare instances that when the platlet count is low the platlets have started to stick together and this has been referred to as clots. This is a completely different situation to normal clots caused by coagulation.

What the media fail to do is make any reference to other conditions that cause a low platlet count, such as dengue fever, as this would detract from the story. If the total cases of platlet clotting in Thrombocytopenia were to be established it would be a much lower risk than that based on the vaccine figures alone.

I know where you are coming from as I take anticoagulant every day as a stroke prevention measure and why I looked into the problem.

I had dengue about 10 years ago and my platlet count dropped to about 25K, the blood test last week showed it to be 141K, the lower end of the normal range. It should be borne in mind that an awful lot more people have had dengue than been vaccinated. 

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19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

But thanks for that really. I do have a blue book and you've explained well that isn't enough.


I have another important question which I asked before but nobody answered.

The number you have been given is registered in a national database. 

You shouldn't have to register separately at a hospital. 


You, as a foreigner, are having similar problems registering as some Thais. 

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15 minutes ago, rabas said:


All information, especially detailed info is useful.  Using Maw Prom is like solving a hard Sudoku.  Another poster said he successfully used the Chonburi ap from Bangkok. My wife and I can't.

Thanks, I tend to reply as I read through the thread.

I used to work in IT and nothing works first time, software tends to evolve. There are different factors that come into play and everything has to be just right and not everyone says quite what they mean.

For example someone could be living in Bangkok but their ID number could be from Chonburi. The outcome would depend on how the software verification was set up.

From some of the Thai problems I know about I suspect the Mor Phrom looks for the ID and registered hospital to be in the same province, but only an observation from a very small sample.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Migrant are not over 60, and they are in a social insurance scheme. 

Also that's what our inquiries yesterday revealed, even EEC contract workers can't register in Rayong either by app or at the hospital itself. According to the Rayong hospital, there were many inquiries from this group of people. How can MOPH or you exclude that not a single migrant worker has risk disease?


By the way, a considerable part of the migrant workers is in the gray area without "SS".

But even in this case, an infection is an infection, a severe course of disease remains a severe course of disease, which burdens the system with or without pink card, yellow booklet or whatever does not matter...


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they post some good news and soon after the reality hits them and the previous news go down the pipe, country of contradictions and incompetent governance


Push to vaccinate 16 million vulnerable Thais suffers early setbacks


The slow uptake is being blamed on two major factors: hiccups on the booking platform and reluctance to receive the jabs amid reports of undesirable side effects.


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6 hours ago, rabas said:

My understanding as a Zoroastrian is there are two, either or, cases.


1. (for Thailand) Maw Prom LINE ap, start LINE, scan the frequently posted QR code. This ap requests the code on the back of the pink card, which causes problems for some, but not all.


2.(for Chonburi) a different Maw Prom, from Google play store, this does not require the code from the pink card reverse.


Try 1. If 1 does not provide happiness try 2.


I have searched in Google Play for Mor Prom and Maw Prom and both of those followed by Chonburi, but it does not come up. I recall seeing it earlier, but maybe it has been removed?

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15 minutes ago, sathornlover said:

Also that's what our inquiries yesterday revealed, even EEC contract workers can't register in Rayong either by app or at the hospital itself. According to the Rayong hospital, there were many inquiries from this group of people. How can MOPH or you exclude that not a single migrant worker has risk disease?


By the way, a considerable part of the migrant workers is in the gray area without "SS".

But even in this case, an infection is an infection, a severe course of disease remains a severe course of disease, which burdens the system with or without pink card, yellow booklet or whatever does not matter...


Those with no insurance are illegals and should be deported. 

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Underlying Health Conditions ?    
Can anyone please tell me ( in my 70's ) what these conditions are, have tried finding out from local govt. hospital, local clinic, even a hospital in Khon Kaen where I had my pacemaker fitted, no clear answer from any of them ?

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13 minutes ago, samtam said:


I have searched in Google Play for Mor Prom and Maw Prom and both of those followed by Chonburi, but it does not come up. I recall seeing it earlier, but maybe it has been removed?

Search for:


หมอพร้อม  or  Chonburi Hospital


You can cut and paste the Thai word. On my computer it is 1st or 2nd App that comes up. It's the big dark green one.


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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

The reports that have come out in the media are not quite correct and understandably would cause concern to people in your circumstances. It is false to say that the vaccine caused clots as that is not the case. What has been identified in the known cases is that the vaccine may have induced Thrombocytopenia, a low platlet count. It is known that in very rare instances that when the platlet count is low the platlets have started to stick together and this has been referred to as clots. This is a completely different situation to normal clots caused by coagulation.

What the media fail to do is make any reference to other conditions that cause a low platlet count, such as dengue fever, as this would detract from the story. If the total cases of platlet clotting in Thrombocytopenia were to be established it would be a much lower risk than that based on the vaccine figures alone.

I know where you are coming from as I take anticoagulant every day as a stroke prevention measure and why I looked into the problem.

I had dengue about 10 years ago and my platlet count dropped to about 25K, the blood test last week showed it to be 141K, the lower end of the normal range. It should be borne in mind that an awful lot more people have had dengue than been vaccinated. 


It should be borne in mind that an awful lot more people have had dengue than been vaccinated."



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10 hours ago, perconrad said:

When I on sunday in the Mor Prom in Line App registered and booked a vaccination appointment on 8. th june 10 o'clock it was enough with a prefix beginning with B as the pink ID card has.


Unfortunately this option no longer seems available, unless you have a Thai family member and you are bracketed under them.



8 hours ago, johnarth said:

dont panic yet, you might die from other means


Without being able to exercise, (our pool is potentially closed as are all other fitness facilities), I shall develop a comorbidity - obesity, or I will lose the will to live, with all this flip flop.



8 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Why is that? Maybe you can try rockin' up to the UK embassy in Bangkok for your vaccine...do they actually provide any citizen services there anymore?


I don't think UK has an embassy in Bangkok any longer.



7 hours ago, HAPPYNUFF said:


7 hours ago, Surelynot said:

the Mor Prom in the Line app do not differ between Thai and foreigners......foreigners with a pink ID?


Yes, in one key aspect - the identifyer on the reverse of the pink card is only 8 digits and 1 letter, which is not accepted by the app.



7 hours ago, perconrad said:

The mor Prom do not differ that you can register and book a vaccination appointment if you fill out all the information asked for from your pink card.


The identifyer on the reverse of the pink card is only 8 digits and 1 letter, which is not accepted by the app.



1 hour ago, scpchris said:

Just a clarification about Pink 1D (foreigner), Blue Book and Yellow Book. 


Blue Book or Tabien Baan (see below) shows ownership of property, typically Thai, but foreigners are also issued a Blue Book for purchase of a condominium. A Blue Book can not be used to get a 13 digit Thai ID number and therefore may not be used to register for Mor Prom and the C19 vaccine. 


Yellow Book or "House Book" is what you need to acquire a 13 digit Thai ID. Documents needed, your Blue Book or Thai Owners consent of Blue Book, passport certification from your embassy with Thai translation. All information to be submitted to Thai government offices in Bangkok for approval documents. Then take approval documents to the local municipal office (tesabaan) for Yellow Book and Pink Thai ID. Then you can register for the C19 vaccine. 


It's just that simple! or we can wait until Mor Prom is modified to accept other means of data entry requirements????


*Tabien Baan literally translates into English as “house registration” but is commonly referred to as a “blue book” (because for Thais it is literally a blue book).


And it is by no means an easy process. My lawyer did for me at about THB20-30K and even with all his running around, we had to spend 2-3 hours at the local amphur signing screeds of paper, none of which I understood. Anyway, I now have Blue Book, Yellow Book and Pink ID, replacing the original title deed I was given when I bought my condo 18 years ago.

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