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Pattaya: German in a Benz kills motorcycle taxi woman after she  shoos away soi dogs


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7 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Is that more of a factor than that of being a foreigner?


I've heard of foreigners paying 1 million baht.  No doubt, when the Thai family hear he was driving a Mercedes, they will demand a higher price, and the BiB will no doubt concur.


It's shameful that justice here is measured in baht, even that of a daughter's life.   


In this case, I am not sure what happened with the AEB on the car, which made me think the girl pulled out from the curb.  In any case, this guy will be paying bigger than most for his freedom.  

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8 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Is the the bike standing up photo exactly how the accident scene was discovered or part of the investigation? I think it would be unlikely a motorbike could remain upright like that,


I have personally witnessed an accident  overseas where the hit and run culprit vehicle was brought back by the accident scene by police using a  tow-truck. The accident vehicles were photographed together simply to demonstrate how the damages match up. The guilty driver rear ended another car so hard  his radiator/other critical parts failed.  The criminal only made it a few kilometers away before he broke down.  Bystanders called police so apprehended.  Reportedly DRUNK!

Red Bull Scion. The policeman's  Bike was embedded in the front of his car.

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On 5/11/2021 at 8:46 AM, jacko45k said:

Both involved were young people....

Young woman was trying to herd dogs out of harms way, what a sad waste of life. 

Another reason to get rid  of  soi  dogs, I'm sure  many accidents are  caused by them daily, seen a  few, people coming off  bikes etc.

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25 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Anyone who has a couple of neurons still working in his brain, and who is past the level of "Mercedes = Rich", should be able to figure out by themselves that the car this young German was driving was far from screaming "payday". 



What you fail to understand is, it's not what anyone on this forum thinks, it's what the Thai family of the victim and the BiB think, and that is, "Mercedes = Rich" no matter what model,  no matter what condition, and no matter the age of the driver.  

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On 5/11/2021 at 3:42 PM, kingofthemountain said:

Benz arrived at speed

Total conjecture, they have absolutely no idea of the speed, eye witnesses  are totally  unreliable, now if you want to look at the  Ducati the other day, well that would  appear to be high speed.

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7 minutes ago, Leaver said:


What you fail to understand is, it's not what anyone on this forum thinks, it's what the Thai family of the victim and the BiB think, and that is, "Mercedes = Rich" no matter what model,  no matter what condition, and no matter the age of the driver.  



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4 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Total conjecture, they have absolutely no idea of the speed, eye witnesses  are totally  unreliable, now if you want to look at the  Ducati the other day, well that would  appear to be high speed.

You was on the scene of the accident in the two cases?

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16 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Total conjecture, they have absolutely no idea of the speed, eye witnesses  are totally  unreliable,


Have you forgotten where you are? 


The speed is what they say it is.  


Pay up, or go to gaol.  

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29 minutes ago, josthomz said:

now no further news reports whatsoever of him being charged with “Reckless driving causing death” or anything similar to that…. I am fairly confident he wasn’t in the wrong.

You don't know anything nor is the absence of further information proof of anything. It is extremely common here.

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9 minutes ago, josthomz said:

The family can say whatever they want, but if the German doesn’t have no money and/or pretends not to have money, what are they gonna do? 


The family can call the German's bluff and see how long a Mercedes driving farang can last in a Thai gaol before he pays, or phones home for financial assistance. 


They know they will be getting money one way or another.  They can sit at home waiting for a higher price, whilst the German sits in gaol waiting for a lower price.  Which position would you prefer to be in?  Who do you think has the superior bargaining position?


13 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Specially when he is not at fault, and judging by the damage to his car where both headlights were still working after the crash and with now no further news reports whatsoever of him being charged with “Reckless driving causing death” or anything similar to that…. I am fairly confident he wasn’t in the wrong.


Mercedes driving farang kills Thai.  


Unless there's some dashcam footage, and he managed to upload it before he was arrested, it's not looking good.


Of course, you can pay for your innocence here, but that doesn't mean you are not guilty.  


The fact that it's gone quiet in the media would tend to indicate "negotiations" are taking place.  


17 minutes ago, josthomz said:

If anything the one doing something reckless was the deceased, completely stopping at an 80kph limited highway without using any emergency equipment designed for that situation such as lights or vests, is indeed reckless. 


The German still has the problem of inattention at the wheel and / or speed.   The fact is, he hit something in front of him. 


27 minutes ago, josthomz said:

And many of the ThaiVisa experts desperately trying to find something to put the blame on the German are the same ones who would now be ranting in ThaiVisa about how bad and unfair living in Thailand is, had the same happened to them. Well you reap what you sow. 


It's not a fair society here.  That's no secret. 


Love, justice, power etc all has a baht value.


28 minutes ago, josthomz said:

And in this case nothing except ThaiVisa Experts indicates the German has been charged / blamed whatsoever.


We may never know how much money changed hands to secure tomorrow's headline that the German guy has been found to not be at fault in the accident, but I don't think he'll be walking away with his bank balance looking like it was before the accident.  

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31 minutes ago, josthomz said:

I know it because of common friends, and yes he did have a dashcam which he showed to the police. He never was arrested, just gave a statement, that's all.

I can very much believe he is at home currently uncharged....  things move slowly here. Did he, or did he not, hit a stationary object or one from behind? If he did, here he is in the wrong. 

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1 hour ago, josthomz said:


Remember that time a Brit hit and killed a homeless dude in Phuket with his brand new Mercedes-Benz C350?? 


There was nothing in the media but the news of him being charged with 'Reckless driving causing death" and in that case, just by looking at how his Merc looked after the crash you could tell that he was speeding and not by a little bit, perhaps even doing double the speed limit back then. 


In this case, the German is at his home right now. He has not been arrested (yet). And no, I don't know this because of the media. I know it because of common friends, and yes he did have a dashcam which he showed to the police. He never was arrested, just gave a statement, that's all.


Do you remember the drunk bar girl riding home in Phuket?  She crashed into a car parked on the side of the road and died. 


The car happened to be parked in a no standing area, along with other cars.  The owner of the car was a foreigner, who was in bed, asleep.


Result:  the accident was the foreigners fault.  He had to pay large, or go to gaol.  


This is the mentality and corruption we are all faced with here.   


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8 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Did he park at a real proper parking spot? Or had he parked the way many people park here in Thailand? On the outermost lane of any road ????


From memory, he parked out the front of his condo, along with others.  It was an illegal parking area, and he was in bed, asleep.  The death was deemed his fault, and he had to pay.  


Point being, the foreigner can pay, so they are made to pay. 


He should have been given a parking fine, but the accident deemed the riders fault.  

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4 minutes ago, josthomz said:

I understand that it is his fault for hitting an object in front of him.


And that's why the accident will be deemed his fault, and he will have to pay.  


If he was driving a regular car and not a Mercedes, he probably would be paying less.  

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16 minutes ago, josthomz said:


No he should not be given a parking fine. If your car is parked at an illegal parking place and an accident occurs, it will obviously be your fault even if you are far away sleeping. 


Do you seriously complain about this one, while at the same time saying it was the German's fault while someone on a motorbike stopped in the middle of an 80kph highway? 


Having such weird understanding and common sense, it is no wonder you think life here in Thailand is unfair. 


I would recommend going back home, paradise there. 


What you also fail to understand is that there is no common sense here.  The only thing that counts is money here.  Money decides if you are right, or wrong, guilty, or innocent, and what you can, and can not do.


Have you considered the deceased stopped to move the dogs along to save another rider from hitting them and injuring themselves or killing themselves?  Maybe she had the warning lights on to warn other drivers of danger ahead.  


You admitted it was the German's fault for hitting what was in front of him.  


What point are you trying to make?  

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On 5/11/2021 at 8:14 AM, robblok said:

she should not stop in the middle of the road its dangerous. No way of knowing if she turned off her bike (no real light then) or not. The guy probably drove too fast but to have a stationary object in the middle of the road all of a sudden would have had a lot of us in trouble too (me for sure) others better drivers would probably have no problem. I just know that even if im not going fast and all of a sudden there is a stationary object that is not well lit i have a problem.

Seems the bikes headlight in on and the road is well lit, in the picture

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27 minutes ago, josthomz said:

In the case of the German, even if technically he is at fault (which he is).


Yes, so what is your argument????


He's at fault.  He will pay.  


28 minutes ago, josthomz said:

The point that I am trying to make is that the guy in Phuket has to pay with his own money, obviously, because he did something illegal. And we all know that insurances don't cover any cost at all when there is something illegal in-between.




28 minutes ago, josthomz said:

but in my case being also a Mercedes-Benz it covers up to 5,000,000 Baht in case of a third party passing away as a result of the accident.


Not if it's you are doing something illegal, like speeding.  You said this yourself.  


30 minutes ago, josthomz said:

He has not been charged with anything yet by the police and I doubt he ever will.


That' because he will pay not to be. 


This doesn't mean he is innocent.  Justice is measured in baht here.


31 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Like I said, even if being his fault he did nothing wrong.




32 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Nothing against traffic rules, and so he can not be charged with anything.


Yes, and my bar girl is "different."  ????

33 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Being at fault doesn't necessarily mean you did something illegal.


Correct.  It just means money will be extorted from you anyway. 


33 minutes ago, josthomz said:

And your problems begin when you do something illegal. If you are at fault but you broke no law, you have an insurance to cover your ass.


As you said, insurance doesn't cover illegal actions, and all the BiB have to do is say he was speeding, and then no insurance.    


You really should get rid of your Mercedes.  It's a target on your back.  

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2 hours ago, josthomz said:

Furthermore there was no chance the German could have seen her, he started overtaking a truck which was driving on the leftmost lane. Even while overtaking he was still below the speed limit (80 mph). 

So you are saying a truck was coming on the road

and the motorbike driver stayed in the middle of the road ?


She was not blind nor deaf, anyone in his right mind, particularly in Thailand at night on a large road hearing a truck approaching moves on the side of the road. so her staying in the middle with the truck passing on her side doesn't make any sense.


Maybe it's the defense chosen by the german, but even if it's true i am sorry he is still at fault

The law on the road is the same in all countries, before to overtaking another vehicle, you need to be sure of 2 things:


1\ there is not another vehicle coming in your back




2\ the part of the road in front of you that you are going to use for overtaking is clear with no obstacles (It could be an accident, a broken car, a police check point or whatever)


That's why in the drive schools you learn to start overtaking long time enough before to be at the rear of the vehicle in front of you, particularly if it's a big one like a truck, this way you have enough vision of the road in front of you


so you are right he didn't do anything illegal if he was under the 80 limit, however he was at fault and the Thai police use very often 

the ''reckless driving'' and this is what is probably going to happen

in his case. That means he will have to pay to the family of the deceased, the ''normal'' price for a farang killing a thai being 1 million baht (Can be more or less depending of a lot of things)


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3 minutes ago, josthomz said:

The BiB won't add speeding out of the blue if I wasn't speeding.


Good luck with that.  ????


4 minutes ago, josthomz said:

But it's never happened to me nor those close to me here in Thailand? Why? 


The clock is ticking.


4 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Get rid of a Mercedes, and get a Toyota Vios, right?


No.  I just suggested you get rid of the Mercedes.  The rest you made up yourself.


5 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Only a cheap charlie would think having a Merc is a target on your back.


There's a big difference between being a Cheap Charlie and being experienced in living in a 3rd World Country.  You friend is about to find out the hard way.


7 minutes ago, josthomz said:

If that was the case, there'd be thousands in Thai jails for driving Mercs and similar cars.


No, just thousands of guys that paid more to stay out of gaol.


8 minutes ago, josthomz said:

Just wait and see how the German won't pay a single Baht because he did nothing illegal. His insurance is negotiating with the family of the diseased person and most likely the insurance will cover it all. Wanna bet a cold beer?


Gambling is illegal in Thailand.  Do you think if we were caught gambling insurance would pay our way out of gaol?  ????

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regardless of who was at fault, a motorcyclist is lethally unprotected, i drive minimum these days,

i already have chronic pain from accidents,

simple statistics dictate all who drive mc shall be hurt one of these day

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11 minutes ago, josthomz said:

The BiB won't add speeding out of the blue if I wasn't speeding.



i was long ago driving perhaps 30 km/h on a 90 km/h road because i was looking for a small soi to the left,

as i came over a small hill some police stopped me

and one of them had learned the english word 'speeding',

so that is what he had to say

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1 minute ago, josthomz said:


Just the typical ThaiVisa stories, really. 


I would recommend you all going back home. Why stay in a country that hates you, scams you, is racist towards you, takes your money away.... ? 


Better go back home, more gals for us ????

i wont be having any relation regardless where i live,

but your theory is demonstrably falsified,

by for example myself

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On 5/13/2021 at 3:33 AM, RobU said:

Look at the photo the motorbike is buried so far into the front of the car that it remains upright. The motorcyclist was not thrown forward  the car was moving so fast that the bike was pushed from under her and she hit the windscreen that kind of accident only happens when the car is travelling at very high speed.


It's an interesting theory - but the rear wheel of the motorbike is still completely round.


The Benz crumpled because that is what cars do nowadays - in fact it's called the crumple zone. It's a safety feature that absorbs energy creating less damage.


If he'd been going very fast, the rear of the bike would not look like it was barely damaged. 

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37 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

in his case. That means he will have to pay to the family of the deceased, the ''normal'' price for a farang killing a thai being 1 million baht (Can be more or less depending of a lot of things)

I gotta say, no matter how many years I have experienced Thai life/style, I still can't get my head around  the Thai way of compensation for death'...is it only me??

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14 minutes ago, josthomz said:


I didn't read the rest of your gobbledygook post because you have got it wrong. 


That road is a three lanes road. A large track was travelling on the leftmost lane and behind said truck was the German and his Merc. The motorcycle was driving on the rightmost lane of the road relatively slowly. 


The German pulled to the center lane to pass the truck at the same time that the girl swerved into the middle lane too to avoid (help) the stray dog becoming pretty much stationary (given that originally she was driving pretty slowly). The German despite driving below the speed limit had no time to completely brake. IMHO a more experienced driver would have been able to swerve and avoid her, but again, finding yourself in that situation many of us would just brake and not able to react in time to swerve.

Maybe i have got it wrong

but ''your'' story still doesn't make any sense

i know very well this road as i live just beside of it

and at night with all closed by law at 9 pm there is really very little traffic

so the exact situation that you describe had around 1 chance on 100 millions to happen

i should be reaaly curious to read the police report with the testimony of the truck driver

maybe your ''friend'' can have you a copy?


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7 hours ago, Leaver said:


Mercedes is a brand synonymous with wealth, no matter what model.


He could have bought a regular car, but chose a Mercedes.  No problem, his choice.  


Do you think the BiB care if it's a C-Class. The fact that it's a Mercedes will see them have baht signs in their eyes.  


Buying a Mercedes here is hardly flying under the radar.  


There is no radar or any need to fly under it.


The BIB certainly know the difference between a 3 series and an 850. They know this because of what their bosses drive. 


But a 3 series or even a 5 series - it's not considered serious wealth here. Not even close. 

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I think the main problem with this thread it's poor people arguing about the things they think wealthy people go through.


I've been involved in accidents here and with many, fault is decided on the spot by the insurance guys. When there is a disagreement, they go to the police. If they then don't agree with the decision of the police - it goes to court.


The idea that it's a roadside auction is based on forum gossip. I once had an Ikea van hit a motorbike, which got wedged under my car. The whole thing skidded towards me and hit my 5 series.


By the ideas mentioned here - it was my fault. We all ended up at Thong Lo police station weeks later and the Ikea driver was trying to blame me - because my wheel was on the line between lanes. The police told him to get lose and said - we'll just fine you 300 Baht for being on the like. Ikeas insurance paid - I got fined 300 Baht with a wink from the cops. They said it had to be that way so I was clear (having paid my debt to society) and would not be involved if it went to court.


But according to the crew here - the fact that  I was driving a $100,000 car means I got fined for getting in it each day.

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