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Koh Samui: Foreign tourists set to be welcome subject to rules from July 1st


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3 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

I think by locals they mean Thai people who don’t work in the tourism industry. Most tourism workers on Samui have already been fully vaccinated and most other residents will be by next month. I can imagine that after the 3-day quarantine tourists can only go to approved venues, restaurants, bars and on excursions where the staff is fully vaccinated. I think after 7 days of this it’s then up to the tourist to decide if they want to mingle with non vaccinated locals on or off the island. Regardless for long stayers it’s better than being locked in a Bangkok hotel room for 15 days….

What would be better is a 7 quarantine on the island and then free to go mainland after additional covid test for vaccinated.  Im in pattaya asq 15 day/ 3 covid tests yet vaccinated. Abit much. Im more likely to GET covid not give here in Amazing Thailand.  Tourism is dead in pattaya.  My mate snap a photo. second road. 2pm.  Depressing 


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So it's 7 days quarantine - barely any better than the 7 days ASQ in Bangkok that you could do up to the 5th of May. And probably more expensive.


I supposed you can do limited travel after 3 days, no doubt escorted by armed guards in hazmat suits.


Obviously it will be the same deal in Phuket. Same covid insurance, same CoE. They will be lucky to get 1,000 people a month, and none of them will be tourists.

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It's not that long to July 1st, so they need to make it clear what's required.

COE? Insurance? How much?

Covid passport? What's happening with that? How does one prove that they're fully vaccinated and what form of proof is required?

It shouldn't be too difficult to get a list in order, one that is concise and unambiguous, so that people can start getting organised and making their arrangements.

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2 hours ago, robsamui said:

How very rude. In the case of Samui there's no need to try to fool anyone (you're used to people wanting to fool you then - American probably) because the entire place (Chaweng) is a ghost town.


If you can spare the time, all you need to do is to look on YouTube to see Samui's devastation.


Better still come here to see for yourself, instead of being graceless and dismissive.

Those pics were BS. SPIDERMike got busted by forum sleuths page 3&4 this thread proving they were around a year ago during full lockdown 

 Are you feeling like a dummy about now? 

Best check facts before going on the attack


Edited by madmen
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2 hours ago, huberthammer said:


Mate you seriously need to stop consider your self to be the Samui specialist. It is well known that you hate the island and that you come on here on every occasion to bad mouth it. You don't live here anymore and you just misinformed on so many issues. 


I have been registered for the vaccine for two weeks now and so have most of my Farang friends. We now all awaiting for the vaccine to come to Samui. Stop talking about things that you are no longer up to date with and more importantly get over whatever bad happened to you in Samui. If you hate it so much just ignore this part of TV and live a happy life instead of complaining about everything that happens or has happened in Samui.

Actually, I love Samui. Just returned from a great trip to Samui and Phangan. I left because I had alot of issues, most of which have never been addressed. Just telling it, as I see it. Sorry if that hurts. 


Thanks for the correction on the vaccines. My friends living there will be pleased. Is the astro an option? 

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

This is nothing more than a Field of Dreams. Build it, and they will come. Abandon the foreign market, and they will come back. Abuse them, and they will forgive. 


Sorry guys, not the way the real world works.


My guess is there are many within this insipid administration, that are fuming at the National Economic and Social Development Council for speaking truth. This is an extremely rare occurrence, when it comes to tourism projections here. 


Just got back from Samui. Was discussing this with friends who live there. Alot of debate. My thought is, what would the tourists be returning to? In Lamai and Chaweng especially, 90% of all restaurants have closed permanently. 100% of massage shops and bars are closed. When they are "allowed" to re-open, how many will be able to afford to, and what are they opening to? Who is coming? Will the tourists come to a devastated "island resort" anyway? Will the businesses who have stayed open for an extended period without many tourists want to re-open? Many lost a fortune paying rent and expenses, when only a few domestic tourists trickled in. Now, with the massive failure of the health officials here, things are only getting worse for tourism. They have received zero in the way of assistance from the goons. Nothing.


Total, and shameful abandonment, in their time of need. What can one say? If they were being graded on this, Prayuth, Anutin and Phiphat would all get an F, or a 0.1, if that is even possible. 


Samui, right now. Images taken a few days ago.







Only the last image here was from my previous trip in September. The top three were shot a few nights ago in both Lamai and Chaweng. 

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11 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:

After watching a few videos about the current state of Samui on YouTube, I can't imagine why anyone would want to visit right now, unless of course they have friends or family living there.


my child living in khon kaen  and my mom and dad did not see them  since last January 2020 so yes they cant wait to come back Thailand lol ????????

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2 hours ago, khunPer said:

Excellent observation, yes the wires are all gone...????


I unfortunately only have a few photos from the beach road in Chaweng after the both hanging wires and high power lines were taken down, this one shows the same MacD, but at night, so I have brightened the image to show that there are none of those hanging stuff anymore, nor posts for them. The photo was snapped on 2nd April at 9 pm (21:00), it has been shared before in another Samui-thread but without brightness...


For comparison, @spidermike007's photo, which is also without the huge transformer box, which was there in August last year, so must be almost a year old and probably taken during the lockdown period, as the small connection boxes on the sidewalk is also missing, they were up already in June last year, and the tarmac was also improved by that time...



This is my photo of almost exactly same spot, but snapped 30th June 2020 at 17:46, note the the power box at right on sidewalk next to the sign, and there is one more further down on left side...




Beside the work PEA did, there is very little of renovation or maintenance going on Chaweng Beach Road,  the pavements and lots of premises are slowly decaying....here is one photo taken 2 days ago:




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If, throughout history every time that there was a global pandemic, governments introduced crippling lock-downs for a few years, I wonder where humanity would be at now? Maybe we would just be figuring out the internal combustion engine?

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The beach at the Ritz-Carlton, Plai Laem yesterday....not a single soul to be seen. Crappy beach BTW. Look at the pipes going into the sea...wondering what comes out of these.





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8 minutes ago, gearbox said:

The tourism is in severe downturn, but nevertheless they continue to build eyesores...Choengmon beach.






Those are eye-sores because they aren't finished. But if I was the person investing in such a development, I would want to get as much of my money back as possible and then run a mile. That looks to be an investment of a billion baht plus. Ouch.

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