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Fears that relaxing ganja laws will result in crime explosion - but US data suggests otherwise


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1 minute ago, thaichina said:

No that is not true.


And you are saying different things, on your first post you said Everybody free to smoke but it does make you stupid and lazy. and now you talk about chronic use.


My guess is that you don t like cannabis and you have no clear idea about what you are talking about. You use a random personal experience you had and some cliches to prove your biased opinion. It s ok that you don t like cannabis and you don t want it legal but it is getting harder just to spray BS about it nowaday.


Chronic marijuana smokers are losers. Their brain is fogged and they have zero ambition.  Really, that is your argument? It does not sting at all, that is just not true!


No, I'm crystal clear.


I believe everyone should have the freedom to smoke as much weed as that want legally. I'm simply saying it makes a person stupid and lazy.

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44 minutes ago, thaichina said:

You can repeat it as many time as you want, it does not make it true.


Right. Because chronic pot smokers are known to be highly industrious and absolutely brilliant. Just ask all the hippies sitting up in the hills in Himachal Pradesh. Bloody geniuses each one.



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9 minutes ago, kynikoi said:


Right. Because chronic pot smokers are known to be highly industrious and absolutely brilliant. Just ask all the hippies sitting up in the hills in Himachal Pradesh. Bloody geniuses each one.



No, chronic pot smokers are not known to be highly industrious and brilliant.

No one gives a Fk about the hippies sitting up those hills. 

And that does still not make it true that   Everybody free to smoke but it does make you stupid and lazy, it just deflects a little bit.



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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Bangkok Business News quoted the secretary of the Office of the National and Social Development Council as fearing an explosion in crime as a result of easing restrictions on marijuana. 

They relaxed cannabis laws so that there was an explosion of money into the pocket of connected individuals and companies.  This wasn't for the public. They'll never willingly allow the public to consume anything but alcohol even if it means killing a guaranteed money maker for the country.

The power elite accomplished their goals led by Anutin of The Wacky-Weed.  Now the charge will be reversed in an attempt to go full Reefer Madness and demonize everything cannabis except for Thai produced oils and no-high decorative leaves used to pretend that Thailand has relaxed its laws. 
In the meantime, they see if they can stuff more users in there jails and prisons and perhaps they can push the percentage of the prison population in on "Drug Crimes" past 90%.
Da*m, if they'd just decriminalize it they'd empty their prisons.

Edited by CALSinCM
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5 hours ago, kynikoi said:

Everybody free to smoke but it does make you stupid and lazy.

      There are plenty of geniuses who smoked weed, it’s hard to believe the age-old argument that cannabis kills brain cells. Especially with the mounting evidence that says it doesn’t make you stupid and lazy.

   Einstein was known to smoke a lot of Marijuana and it is said that he also enjoyed an array of hallucinogenic drugs. Dimethyl-triptimene, a drug known as DMT, was found in his system during his autopsy and his brain was stolen during his autopsy. Interestingly enough Einstein & Nikola Tesla have said that their greatest discoveries and ideas showed themselves during meditative visions. He was also a heavy user of cocaine, LSD, and weed. The theory of relativity could at best be attributed to cannabis.

   Steve Jobs Did Acid 10-15 Times And Smoked Pot Every Week For 5 Years

         Carl Sagan was a secret and avid pothead. Not only did he enjoy partaking of the sacred herb, he believed it provided him with creative and scientific insights.

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2 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

Was once at a gathering in Thailand when one older guy was expressing hang 'em and flog 'em views on what should be done about drug offenders.  He was meanwhile drinking heavily and chain smoking.  When he went for a pee a Thai girl who enjoying pranks very naughtily substituted two stiff joints rolled to look like cigarettes in his fag packet, cleverly inserting them where he was likely to take the next fags from. When he returned he immediately lit up the first spliff creating a very strong smell he appeared not to notice and smoked it down near the butt, igniting the second spliff from its glowing embers. Strangely half way through the seond smoke his views had softened markedly on drug offenders and he started saying that they were probably mainly underpriveleged types in Thailand who should be given a chance to make good rather than executed.  Then he wondered if there was anywhere we could order pizzas from even though we were on the beach in the middle of nowhere.  Then he went off and passed out till morning. 


In no way do I condone slipping drugs or mickey finns to anyone which could be very dangerous.  However, this episode illustrates the effets of ganja on people unaccustomed to it quite well.  It is not conducive to violent crime at all.  That is the role of alcohol and amphetamines.  Legalizing ganja might encourage less consumption of those drugs and actually reduce crime rates.     

I call BS on this. No way he wouldn't notice if it was 100% weed cig.

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18 minutes ago, kiteman9 said:

      There are plenty of geniuses who smoked weed, it’s hard to believe the age-old argument that cannabis kills brain cells. Especially with the mounting evidence that says it doesn’t make you stupid and lazy.

   Einstein was known to smoke a lot of Marijuana and it is said that he also enjoyed an array of hallucinogenic drugs. Dimethyl-triptimene, a drug known as DMT, was found in his system during his autopsy and his brain was stolen during his autopsy. Interestingly enough Einstein & Nikola Tesla have said that their greatest discoveries and ideas showed themselves during meditative visions. He was also a heavy user of cocaine, LSD, and weed. The theory of relativity could at best be attributed to cannabis.

   Steve Jobs Did Acid 10-15 Times And Smoked Pot Every Week For 5 Years

         Carl Sagan was a secret and avid pothead. Not only did he enjoy partaking of the sacred herb, he believed it provided him with creative and scientific insights.

None of these examples are individuals being heavy, daily smokers. Almost everyone cited is dead. THC levels were 80% lower than what they are today.


Still exceptions that prove a rule

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8 hours ago, Taboo2 said:

It is BS, I live in Nor California....and crime is just as last year....we got our killing, hell, someone was killed in front of my apartment last week, but there is no explosion of crime....everyone is spending their stimulus money and are too lazy and spoiled with free money to go to work.  They are trading bitcoin and stocks on Robin Hood.

What you say may well be true. But the rise in crime and murder is not because of the relaxing of laws in relation to marijuana

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3 hours ago, kynikoi said:


It's absolutely true.


Chronic marijuana smokers are losers. Their brain is fogged and they have zero ambition.


I recall a PSA many years back. Some 30 something getting high in a dimly lit, messy room. Makes some comment about ...naw, tomorrow. Then you hear a mother's voice calling him to dinner. The camera pans back....he's living in the basement. Exactly.


Sorry if the truth stings a bit.


Easy to have made $$$ selling weed over past decades. No genius their it was ILLEGAL.

Are you smoking weed? Your imagination seems to be running riot.

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20 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Like the failed state of California, Colorado is a blue state. That is all you need to know as to why crime is up. 


But the CATO Institute says it's like the grand old duke of york, it's neither up nor down.


I wonder how youth crime can be up 11 fold, since the number of offenses on the statute book have been reduced. What were the numbers before and after the legalisation?


What does the colour of a state have to do with crime figures, anyway?


And why did no one challenge this political <deleted> to back up his assertion with data. Surely spreading misinformation is an offense under law nowadays, in Thailand? He opens himself to a defamation suit from the State mentioned.




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18 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Ganja is very dangerous for recovered alcoholics like me. 


you make it sound like you had a cold and got better... I was under the impression, perhaps misguidedly, that alcoholics were continually recovering, as there is no 'cure', no magic fix.

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14 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:

 I went to the Himachal Pradesh a few times in my younger days, staying near Malana during harvest season. Sure there are useless people there, but you are making a massive generalization.

Don't you mean Manali? 


The stoneheads just sat outside the Freedom Cafe all day with their chilums. 

The generalisation is right, continual use of ganja ma rs one a zombie and causes mental problems. 


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14 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:

   I went to the Himachal Pradesh a few times in my younger days, staying near Malana during harvest season. Sure there are useless people there, but you are making a massive generalization.

   I was a chronic user for a long time and I still managed to get things done. Hav'nt smoked much since I have been living in Thailand with my wife, mainly because I don't want to smoke <deleted>ty pesticide infested brick, don't like paying for high quality bud and too scared to start an indoor grow over here until they make it legal(never).

   Not going for a dick swinging contest, so I am not going to tell you what I have and have not done with my life. I will say I know lots of very functioning potheads, I also know a lot of wasters, this is just life and people are different.

   btw, your Aveinalaff sign off comment, just reads like you are a moron.

I went to Dali in south China stepped off the bus walk three meters and pulled several large buds from a  7 foot plant growing in the roadside ditch after seeing field upon field of the stuff whilst travelling on the bus, unreal!Of course that was after my time at Benares (Varanarsi) smoking chillums until they were literally too hot to handle!I think that was at the Blue Moon guesthouse.

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23 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Like the failed state of California, Colorado is a blue state. That is all you need to know as to why crime is up. 

You do know Trump Lost Right , get over yourself , your butt hurt is amusing us 

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