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Family of man, 50, who died after Covid-19 jab receive 400,000 baht


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2 hours ago, bougnat said:

Enjoy jab guys !

Cov. Vaccs.jpg

This shows quite clearly that the poster has absolutely no idea of what he/she is looking at.

I think it is becoming clear that "anti-vaxxers" are in fact just one stat wonders with no real idea of medical science.

Most especially, they seem incapable of understanding "large numbers".


this should give you some idea...



Edited by kwilco
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3 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

for most old ex pats, probably just as likely to die from the vaccine as the virus 

A profoundly inaccurate presumption


the ignorance amongst some expats seems boundless

Edited by kwilco
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1 hour ago, Deerculler said:

Some birth control pills can cause blood clotting.

No one on here is saying anything about that.

 Get the jab and stop all the the stupid talk.

but nobody is forcing you to take the birth pill, unlike the so called miracle vaccine 


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4 hours ago, mommysboy said:

I think it's fair to say that all the vaccines are not as safe as we would like them to be.  With the vector vaccines the major issue is more obvious and easily defined, but the problem is also there in equal measure for the mRNA vaccines too, only more diffuse.  There is no point holding out for the 'good one' because it does not exist yet. Imo, regardless of the type we are possibly looking at 50 very serious adverse effects and perhaps 1 or 2 deaths per million among people who are truly fit and healthy (note: not many people are). 


If you are relatively young, you may want to consider the possibility of not having the vaccine at all regardless of type.  If you are somewhat less than fit and healthy or over 60, then there is at at least cast iron evidence that any adverse effects are hugely outweighed by the benefits where the AZ vaccine is considered. The risk of serious blood clotting in old people is very, very low and may not differ from the general population.  Generally, I would say over 60's (unless frail) should just get vaccinated with whatever is available.



so over 60s should run the risk and get the jab ?

and how many 0ver 60s ex pats in Thailand have died from Covid so far ?


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7 minutes ago, kwilco said:

A profoundly inaccurate presumption


the ignorance amongst some expats seems boundless

care to show us your superior knowledge and tell us how many ex pats in Thailand have died from this "deadly" Covid ?

{lease show us how this is a profoundly inaccurate assumption ?

But i have got to agree with your last sentence, so much fear, so much hype,   

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46 minutes ago, kwilco said:

This shows quite clearly that the poster has absolutely no idea of what he/she is looking at.



The data comes from the EudraVigilance database maintained by the European Medicines Agency.


Key considerations:

  • Case reports of suspected adverse reactions alone are rarely sufficient to confirm that a certain effect in a patient has been caused by a specific medicine.
  • The fact that a suspected adverse reaction has been reported does not necessarily mean that the medicine has caused the observed effect as this could have also been caused by the disease being treated, a new disease the patient developed, or by another medicine that the patient is taking. Case reports need therefore to be assessed by an expert.
  • A single case report should be seen as a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, where further data are usually needed to complete the picture. These include data from worldwide spontaneous case reports, clinical trials and epidemiological studies.
  • The number of case reports for a particular medicine or suspected adverse reaction does not only depend on the real frequency of the adverse reaction but also on the extent and conditions of use of the medicine, the nature of the reaction as well as public awareness. Therefore comparing numbers of case reports between medicines may give a misleading picture of their safety profiles.

[Guide on the interpretation of spontaneous case reports of suspected adverse reactions to medicines]




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1 hour ago, VBF said:

I know nothing of "Global Research" but using your link and backtracking to their home page it strikes me as possibly a little conspiratorial.

I would, therefore, take that article with a large amount of salt. That's not to say they must be wrong, just because I haven't heard of them, but "have a care"


I have done my usual fact checking and nothing, absolutely nothing to discrete this site, so until I see something contradictory to this, I accept it, besides it was send to me from a cousin in Europe who is a doctor, I won't say anything to discredit vaccines as we all make up our own minds, I hope, not follow the masses without doing as much research as we can.


Edit: I will get vaxed, as I am not an anti-vaxer, but not just yet.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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55 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

but nobody is forcing you to take the birth pill, unlike the so called miracle vaccine 


Nobody is forcing you -yet.  Most of us are quite fine that the world seems to have found a "cure for stupid", and in a delicious paradox, that cure for stupid appears to be ever-mutating Covid, dont take the vax? Then be prepared to deal with the endless list of post Covid complications, and I don't worry about the "death rate" another red herring the anti-vaxxers are obsessed with. It is quality of life youre gambling with. If one is dead, ones problems are over, I've had a good life, and I've made my peace anyhow.


By all means don't take the vaccine, but I will cheer as security throw you out of bars, restaurants, airports, and shops, when the time comes to produce your vax proof, or leave the building!


"Freedom", will soon, by human necessity, be reserved for people who understand it's true value -and the art of compromise. 


We didn't hear you "freedom lovers" whine when 9/11 turned us all into terrorist suspects at airports these last 20 years! Now that, I do have a problem with. That dehumanizing security theatre should have been sorted out with biometrics and frequent flyer profiling years ago. 

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Personally this is nothing more than a promotion to get people to get the vaccine. There is only two available Sino and AZ and AZ isn't as available as it should since the government has stated they don't have enough need to ratio to province with the greatest infections and need to stretch the time for the second shock from 4 weeks to 12-16 so more can obtain the AZ.


I stated this before there are so many locals that are poor never having a checkup or even a clue they have pre-existing conditions. So many are walking around with High blood pressure, high blood sugar levels.


Last, for a year the government has provided very little financial assistance to people suffering now they are handling money out 400,000 get real.????

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Only 200 baht if you cannot show a license ?  But do you have to prove you do have a license ?


No wonder the accident rate is high.  You don't need a license to ride a bike, just 200 baht in worst case scenario when you are caught.

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Anybody who may be concerned with the vaccines and their adverse reactions can keep up to date with latest reports ! Coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk 


had my first vaccine back in March Astra Zeneca ‘ few aches and pains afterwards and chills lasting several days - booked in for 2nd jab this coming Monday - seems by reports I’ve read adverse effects have been much less reported after having 2nd jab ~ was against having the vaccine but without it i won’t be able travel,. Fingers crossed as missing my family in ubon 

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12 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

The mortality rate for Sinovac seem a bit on the high side.

Is there any credible statistics available from other countries?

I was just reading Plymouth Live. A woman died with blood clots after an Astra Zeneca jab.

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1 hour ago, chalawaan said:

Nobody is forcing you -yet.  Most of us are quite fine that the world seems to have found a "cure for stupid", and in a delicious paradox, that cure for stupid appears to be ever-mutating Covid, dont take the vax? Then be prepared to deal with the endless list of post Covid complications, and I don't worry about the "death rate" another red herring the anti-vaxxers are obsessed with. It is quality of life youre gambling with. If one is dead, ones problems are over, I've had a good life, and I've made my peace anyhow.


By all means don't take the vaccine, but I will cheer as security throw you out of bars, restaurants, airports, and shops, when the time comes to produce your vax proof, or leave the building!


"Freedom", will soon, by human necessity, be reserved for people who understand it's true value -and the art of compromise. 


We didn't hear you "freedom lovers" whine when 9/11 turned us all into terrorist suspects at airports these last 20 years! Now that, I do have a problem with. That dehumanizing security theatre should have been sorted out with biometrics and frequent flyer profiling years ago. 

Thanks, but I'm sure i wont have a problem with the bars and restaurants, and as for the "passport", I'm sure i can find a perfectly good copy if needed 

Endless complications ? So how many on here have got "Endless complications" from this Covid ? Its been 16 months now, how many expats on here have died or suffered from this deadly virus 

Ahh the red herring death rate, you mean the one that is many many more times likely to kill you ?

That magic word that keeps popping up, "Freedom " and Return to normality , while still having to wear face nappies, be constantly tested , to social distance, ( but only when its convenient ) , but I'm sure you will feel smug while still spreading the infection to others even after the vaccine

Didn't hear people whine about airport security, perhaps you should get a hearing aid .? People complained then, and still complain about the often silly security rules. And if you've ever worked at airports, you would know just how stupid they really are 

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58 minutes ago, Steve Vincent said:

Anybody who may be concerned with the vaccines and their adverse reactions can keep up to date with latest reports ! Coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk 


had my first vaccine back in March Astra Zeneca ‘ few aches and pains afterwards and chills lasting several days - booked in for 2nd jab this coming Monday - seems by reports I’ve read adverse effects have been much less reported after having 2nd jab ~ was against having the vaccine but without it i won’t be able travel,. Fingers crossed as missing my family in ubon 

Hope everything is ok for you, and you get back here to your family safely


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2 hours ago, Fromas said:


EudraVigilance database is a good source of data on serious adverse reactions. That link you posted also states the following:


"After a medicine is placed on the market, its use in the wider population requires continuous monitoring. The evaluation of the benefit-risk balance of a medicine may change over time with the increase in knowledge gained from its use by many people and the availability of new therapeutic alternatives.


Most important is the spontaneous reporting of serious or previously unknown suspected adverse reactions. An adverse reaction is considered serious if it:


·is life-threatening or has a fatal outcome;

·requires in-patient hospitalisation or extended existing hospitalisation;

·results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity; or

·is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”


We should all keep up to date with such data.



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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


I have done my usual fact checking and nothing, absolutely nothing to discrete this site, so until I see something contradictory to this, I accept it, besides it was send to me from a cousin in Europe who is a doctor, I won't say anything to discredit vaccines as we all make up our own minds, I hope, not follow the masses without doing as much research as we can.


Edit: I will get vaxed, as I am not an anti-vaxer, but not just yet.

Fair play...  it's often difficult to sort the good from the bad and ugly with some of these sites. ????

FYI....I've had AZ x 2 - feeling fine so far! ????

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5 hours ago, bougnat said:

Enjoy jab guys !

Cov. Vaccs.jpg


Yes, but we really do need a comparison chart of the same in a non covid/ non vaccination year to distinguish the above data from ordinary background rates.  It may be that there is little or no difference.


Also we really need to know how many vaccines have been administered.


Nevertheless I do do think it is likely that all the vaccines come with unexplained fatalities, and that at the least (like covid19 itself) they tend to nudge some people over the edge when they have pre-existing conditions.

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3 hours ago, Joinaman said:

so over 60s should run the risk and get the jab ?

and how many 0ver 60s ex pats in Thailand have died from Covid so far ?



Likely zero, but that is because covid19 has not been running wild through Thailand.  But for sure once vaccines have been administered in sufficient numbers the doors will be flung open again, and that is when most of us will have a brush with the virus.  Take your chances if you want- if you are genuinely fit, slim and healthy you should be ok.



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12 hours ago, cclub75 said:

 Vaccines do not kill.


The Human body is so complex that no one can say for sure (unless you are ThaiVisa self entitled expert and you know them all) because what may apply to you and 99% of the population may not apply to the 1%. Those 1% still matter as SOMEONE may be a part of it.  That is why you sign a vaccination consent form and have all the risks (known) presented to you. The unknown will probably become known in a couple of years (maybe)


Also any type of medication has a chance of killing someone. It may be small but no one can GUARANTEE you anything. 

Edited by anon7854
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16 minutes ago, Heng said:

Aren't there any preventative anti-clotting drug regimens that one could take before getting a jab?   Like taking penicillin before going to a love fest in the 70s?


I don't know how old you are but It's very rare in over 60 males.

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