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20 minutes ago, rooster59 said:


I’d been reading multiple comments of the moaners on Thaivisa


This click bait line is getting old ..............  surely a Scrabble champion can come up with another one .    It's just like the roosters here in Thailand.   I don't mind an occasional crowing once in a while,  but its the repetition that drives me crazy.

I have trained the local roosters to crow in harmony...... usually an old Cream classic or Taj Mahal is my latest favorite:   


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

the xenophobes (who hate China even more than Thailand)


  • Haha 1

Just arrived in Bangkok. The first visit for nearly two years - I need to renew my passport, just in case. My first impression was how quiet Don Mueang was. No queuing for taxis. Secondly, I also noticed how (relatively) traffic free the roads are. 

Oi and I are staying in a small (cheap) hotel in Sukhumvit. What struck me in reception was that everyone else staying here is white. I mean white in the sense of not being tanned, and most are sporting mosquito bites - the sort you typically see on tourists during their first few days of visiting a hot country. 

So, it begs the questions, where have they come from and how did they manage to get in? Has Thailand opened up to tourists already?


Well having read this column occasionally I learned today that you are from Kent. I spent many happy summers there with the BB from Belfast in Hearn Bay played cricket with the village team and have many happy memories of my time there.

  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, PaDavid said:

Just arrived in Bangkok. The first visit for nearly two years - I need to renew my passport, just in case. My first impression was how quiet Don Mueang was. No queuing for taxis. Secondly, I also noticed how (relatively) traffic free the roads are. 

Oi and I are staying in a small (cheap) hotel in Sukhumvit. What struck me in reception was that everyone else staying here is white. I mean white in the sense of not being tanned, and most are sporting mosquito bites - the sort you typically see on tourists during their first few days of visiting a hot country. 

So, it begs the questions, where have they come from and how did they manage to get in? Has Thailand opened up to tourists already?

The did Quarantine..many from Europe  and Russia


When should you spend less time in front of the computer?

When you go over 45,000 posts? 
Or perhaps when your Community Rep ticks over the 20,000 mark.  
Hummm.  ????  Maybe it's time to take up guitar.

  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, rumak said:


I want to go on the record to say that I hate everyone equally  !!

Time to change the avatar to "Dirty Harry" Callahan.

  • Haha 1

"Look people, China needs to be watched like a hawk, there are some mischief makers there, but you need to choose your battles. Sinovac isn’t one of them. It’s a sideshow. "



Sideshow - maybe - but it is one of the tools in the CCP kit called "Debt Trap Diplomacy"  If Thailand sleepwalks into the trap, all will suffer .......

7 hours ago, HappyinNE said:

The top humor award = It all seemed like Greek to me.  Great!

Roo860 was confused.


Did he have an iota of understanding of the humor?

  • Confused 1

“Fortunately the WHO (why do I always think of Abbott and Costello’s Who’s on First?) had already decided that political correctness was the order of the day and that the Indian variant was to be called “Delta” and the UK one was now Alpha”. …


... Bravo Rooster !!! Yes a Nice Read again as usual, … Well I liked this week’s one better, for some Reason ??? … 


Yes the "Thai Variant” !!!  … That one should be a good one !!! …  ... “Particularly Contagious after Sex” ??? Right ??? Har Har …


  • Like 1

“Humble pie is not something anyone is likely to ingest in the case of Red Bull Boss. The new chairman of a committee that oversees public prosecutors has promised a new investigation.”


Well, I think that underneath their pretty blatant “Money Talks and <Deleted> Walks” MO, … That the Thais are really pretty Moral and Ritchous People I think. !!! … So I DO think that they will eventually get the Red Bull Air !!! … (Well though I guess that it is getting all of the corrupt People that helped him I guess. ?)


Like very few Thais will forget the Dead Policeman I think ! ?


… And well it is NO fun being locked out of your own country, and away from your Family !!! (And I Can Now tell you all that !!!) Under any Circumstances, …  like rich, … or Semi Rick, … or not !!!...  Like The Red Bull Air, and also Kun Shin I think … both would be pretty sad men I think ???


… Like our Christopher Scase who ran from Australia was ? after just a large ? ??? Real-estate Fraud ?… And he was really probably not all that Guilty either ? (Unlike Bondie, who WAS I think.) … Like Scase was just another Corrupt ? Well fly by night ? Real-estate man !!! … And we have thousands of them in Australia !!! … It was just a problem ? of a pretty big size though I think Right. ?  … And he just skipped the country, and got Clean away !!! …


... But well he did not look at all happy when I saw him on TV. … As he was Dying of Cancer in Spain !!! ??? … Minorca I think, right down the East end of the island.


… And I suspect our Red Bull Air is not all that happy either !!! Like happy to be away from his Family Possibly ? I guess ???


“My, how so many Australians were convinced of the guilt of Lindy and Michael as murderess and accessory in the death of their nine-week old baby. And my, how they had to eat humble pie six years later when Azaria’s clothing was found by a dingo lair.


Lindy was innocent and the dingo was guilty! Who would have thunk it!”


Well I do think that there WERE a large proportion of Australian people that always have thought that Lindy WAS Innocent right from the start. …


But it was just the Media … Turning the handle again … as usual … Like Controversy Sells news print, and TV time also !!!  So well they just let that one Rip !!!  … And the easily led Bogans that go for all of that <Deleted> <Deleted>  and conspiracy theory stuff, just loved it !!! … As the Editors, and programmers and their media masters, the Marketers, all knew that they would also. !!!


.. Still they were Seventh Day Adventists !!! Right !!! … The Chamberlans, … like just bordering on a Cult Religion, right ?  … And Lindy was a “Had Woman” … Well she was being accused of killing her new born Baby !!! When she actually Saw the Dingo take it I think ? … So well no wonder she did not photograph to well for the media Scrum !!!  … And they both, just made a perfect target, for division, to sell news Papers right !!! ??? … And a married Couple also, so a good straight <Well Screw them> story, and the Loonie Right would have just loved that indignity also ! ? Right ??? …


And she always wore Big Back Sunglasses !!! … Like definitely Guilty Right !!! …


... But well the ordinary Australians … Like Me ! ? … Well we never have trusted the Police … Not through malaise, like in some other countries, ... But well The Money … From the media, making money from it ??? … And the Politicians who run the Public servants. ??? And need money to get Elected, ! …  And also some of the police, just in their Plain unfortunate Incompetence !!! ... Like we all KNOW that it would be a VERY Hard Job !!! … But we ALL distrust them on that one also.  … Like <Deleted> happens !!! But just Hope that it doesn’t happen to you !!!


Like they disproved the “Blood Splatter under the dashboard of their car” test result pretty fast I think !!! … Like even before they found the Jump suite in the Dingo’s Cave under the rock..


… And I think that the Local Aboriginals always knew that the Dingo did take the baby, …  but “They”, always said … “That they had asked them the wrong questions” in the enquiry … Like it probably would not be culturally like the older Aboriginals, and their Old Trackers, to make a specific statement like that !!! … And if no one asked them … Specifically … … Then there is probably a pretty good chance that they just would not bother telling them, … specific facts !!! ??? …  As well no one asked them if the Dingo actually took her ???  I think ? ... (Though I think remember there being some discussion, about if the dingo, ? or the tracks ? Indicated it was carrying anything ? ... But I forget their answer.)


 … I think they just asked them “If there were dingo tracks there” next to the camping ground …. And they just said “Yes” … As there were, (And it was also pretty probable that English was a second Language for these old trackers also) (I think ?) … … But no more or not enough ? specific questions were asked !!! ??? (Or they were just not reported ???) I heard.


… And well the White ? Park Rangers, Public servants, that were supposed to be Looking after the Dingo’s !!! … AS WELL as the Tourists in the camping ground, and their Children !!! … So well I think that they knew also, …  but well better Lindy took the wrap ??? Right ??? … Than to have a LOT of other people asking a lot of questions ??? Right ? (Like I would not mind betting that the local Aboriginals even knew where the Jump Suit was ! ? But that they just were Not saying ???) (I think ?) 


... Like one of those Dingo’s had been even regularly coming on to Tourist busses, and Running down the aisles, begging for Food God Dam it !!! ... The drivers were opening the doors to them !!! … Like what a Great Tourist Draw Card that would have been !!! …  Better than sitting with the Tigers out West right ???   … So no further tricky questions for the park and Tourist operators … as well the Chamber lands were just Too good scape Goats ? Weren’t they !  … Like WAY too good. … And the Media Loved it !!! And they made a LOT of money out of it, … for Months after that !!! …


… But well the chamberlains paid for it, 2 years in Goal for Lindy was it? and well the other prisoners also quite obviously knew that she was not guilty also I think !!! … Then their mirage broke down, and they have been divorced, ... and well I do not think that to many people have enquired about their mental Health to much just lately Either !!!


.. I think that they may have moved back to new Zeeland also … Like I think ??? But do not know for sure ??? But they were New Zealanders originally I think any way !!! ??? … Another good Reason to be Framed ? … so easily !!! And with Public support …  Right ???


Yes God Bless Lindy Chamberland !!! ... And her Husband Michael. … Australian Now Hero’s !!!  … And the Dingo's ??? Well they were all “Ventilated” as the locals, and Camp rangers put it ... not long after that incident I think. … But well, I wonder if the Tourist Coach Drivers are opening their doors, for their replacements to come on board, and cadge a bit of food off of the new Tourists there ??? Right ?

  • Confused 1
17 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

“My, how so many Australians were convinced of the guilt of Lindy and Michael as murderess and accessory in the death of their nine-week old baby. And my, how they had to eat humble pie six years later when Azaria’s clothing was found by a dingo lair.



Early on, I talked to a very senior Victorian public servant about the case. He said if the case had been tried in Victoria, there never would have been a conviction.

  • Thanks 1

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