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Anutin denies responsibility for continuing vaccination appointment postponements


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20 minutes ago, Almer said:

As long as he is needed, then out he will go.

Anutin has got the PM by the gonads, because his political party is part of the Government's coalition.  Without their support this government would collapse.

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2 minutes ago, joebrown said:

Anutin has got the PM by the gonads, because his political party is part of the Government's coalition.  Without their support this government would collapse.

That was my meaning, he is needed today but he us slowly hanging himself

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

what a piece of work this guy is


why is he not being sacked



I have a feeling there will be a reckoning coming when this is over and it won't be pretty

The only reckoning that will be suited for this fool is the chair , he has a <deleted> load of money , property , woman , cars etc . So anything else then the chair will not hurt him whatsoever .

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Interesting example used when googling “the buck stops here”

the buck stops with someone
phrase of buck
    the responsibility for something cannot or should not be passed to someone else.
    "when you are a minister, the buck stops with you"
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7 hours ago, smedly said:

what a piece of work this guy is


why is he not being sacked



I have a feeling there will be a reckoning coming when this is over and it won't be pretty

I wouldn't even urinate on him if he was on fire ????

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8 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"Anutin denies responsibility"

What a great leader.


I guess then the responsibility must lie with his boss, the one who took 'full responsibility for the covid vaccine rollout'.  Wonder how his boss feels about that ????????.    

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What a pathetic excuse this man is for Thailand's Health Minister - they should have gotten rid of him last year already - the HD has no clue as to when vaccines will be available for their highly touted 'mass vaccination' program - I spoke with an elderly Thai lady friend yesterday who received her first AZ vaccination on Saturday - when I asked her when she will get her second 'jab,' she held up three fingers - foolish me thought she meant 3 weeks - she then told me, "no" three months! - is the first vaccination even efficacious after 3 months?? - I was going to delay a return to the USA in hopes that this government would get their vaccination program act together, but it will never happen - I am now going back for 2-3 months and hope that this vaccination and third wave situation sort themselves out by then - should I hold my breath? ????

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if nothing else, at least he has learned the important managerial skill of taking credit for any success related to his ministry and to blame any failures on underlings who didnt appropriately carry out his orders, or that it wasnt his responsibility to begin with.

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

what a piece of work this guy is


why is he not being sacked



I have a feeling there will be a reckoning coming when this is over and it won't be pretty

Prayut chan-o-cha and most of his cabinet first to go.

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5 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

How long can this idiot stay as Health Minister?



A question I keep asking about ours in UK a certain Mr Wankock 

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6 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

Personally I blame AZ for the issues surrounding the supply of their vaccine to SE Asia.


they are the people who chose Thailand as their SE Asia manufacturing hub. Would they have got similar issues had they chosen Singapore? We will never know, but I suspect not. They may have been given a later start date, but it would have been one that would have been met.


but instead they chose what was almost certainly a cheaper option. Meantime large parts of the world economy are mothballed. Penny wise and pound foolish is the saying that comes to mind.


I mean, you have a vaccine that is vital to get the world economy on its feet and lives saved, surely you go for certainty, not cheap production?


as it is, Thailand is doing what it is renowned for, smiling and deflecting blame. You get what you pay for AZ.

Did A-Z chose Thailand's Siam Bioscience to manufacture the drug -- OR did the Thai government apply to A-Z for Siam Bioscience to manufacture the drug under licence?


I think you will find that it was the latter!


The UK Government declared that the Oxford-AZ vaccine could be produced and distributed at cost by 'other' countries. 

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Wait till the Indian A Third Variant wave hits you and it will. Us in the UK were supposed to completely open up next week but now our figures are going up again hospital admissions are up and daily Death figures, all down to this new Indian variant. Sweeping the Country and over half of our population is vaccinated with 1 and 2 shots.

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6 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

Personally I blame AZ for the issues surrounding the supply of their vaccine to SE Asia.


they are the people who chose Thailand as their SE Asia manufacturing hub. Would they have got similar issues had they chosen Singapore? We will never know, but I suspect not. They may have been given a later start date, but it would have been one that would have been met.


but instead they chose what was almost certainly a cheaper option. Meantime large parts of the world economy are mothballed. Penny wise and pound foolish is the saying that comes to mind.


I mean, you have a vaccine that is vital to get the world economy on its feet and lives saved, surely you go for certainty, not cheap production?


as it is, Thailand is doing what it is renowned for, smiling and deflecting blame. You get what you pay for AZ.

Did A-Z chose Thailand's Siam Bioscience to manufacture the drug -- OR did the Thai government apply to A-Z for Siam Bioscience to manufacture the drug under licence?


I think you will find that it was the latter!


The UK Government declared that the Oxford-AZ vaccine could be produced and distributed at cost by 'other' countries. 

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12 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

Did A-Z chose Thailand's Siam Bioscience to manufacture the drug -- OR did the Thai government apply to A-Z for Siam Bioscience to manufacture the drug under licence?


I think you will find that it was the latter!


The UK Government declared that the Oxford-AZ vaccine could be produced and distributed at cost by 'other' countries. 

Well I guess there is this. One of many articles at the time setting out an agreement between AZ and “Thailand”, making Thailand the manufacturing hub for AZ Covid vaccine in SE Asia.




Thailand's Public Health Ministry and the local conglomerate SCG, with its packaging and chemicals divisions, also joined the deal.

Nakorn said most of the doses would head abroad.

"Thailand will secure only 26 million doses. We may ask for more, but it will not be a big part, so maybe more than half of that [200 million] can be exported," he told VOA.

"It's in the letter of intent that we made together with Siam Bioscience, AstraZeneca, SCG and Ministry of Public Health that it will be distributed within the ASEAN region," he added, referring to the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

In a brief statement to VOA, AstraZeneca's Thailand office confirmed the broad outlines of its plans.

"The Ministry of Public Health, SCG, Siam Bioscience and AstraZeneca share the focus on broad, equitable and timely access to an effective COVID-19 vaccine in Thailand and Southeast Asia region. AstraZeneca has been working with Siam Bioscience through technology transfer to expand AZD1222’s global manufacturing capacity," it said.

AstraZeneca's vaccine, developed in collaboration with Britain's Oxford University, is still pending approval in Britain. Officials there say regulators could reach a decision by early January.”


in other parts of the article it referred to a “pact” between various Thai parties and AZ. So it seems to me that Astra Zeneca played an integral part in Thailand becoming its SE Asian production centre.


you sort of suggest that Thailand wanted to produce the vaccine and so AZ’s only involvement was to give them the green light to do so.

Far from it. AZ wanted a production centre in SE Asia and was heavily and integrally involved in agreeing to and setting it up in Thailand.


more fool them.




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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Not ever.


He was never "groomed" for much of anything. 

He was touted for the PM job at the last election as head of a coalition between BJT and the Dems, and it was rumoured he was next in line had there been no COVID crisis.  


His unpopularity now may have sealed his fate though.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

when the ministry receives them from the suppliers


Edited by KKr
no words for this, self censored
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10 hours ago, smedly said:

what a piece of work this guy is


why is he not being sacked



I have a feeling there will be a reckoning coming when this is over and it won't be pretty

These billionaire, their corporate buddies,  and their military friends ride roughshod over the public, but there will never be a reckoning.  They own pretty much everything and control what they don't own at the end of a gun.
Nothing will change.  Any attempts at reform by the public will be put down like a rabid dog.

In the meantime "leaders" dress their windows with lies and then blame others for their own failures.  There is no downside for these people as they have no capability.  Who is above them to bring them to task?  The public?  <laughs>

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7 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

How long can this idiot stay as Health Minister?



indefinitely, no matter how worse he performs. Because he is also Deputy Prime Minister and leading figure of Bhumjaithai party, the biggest coalition partner of the current government. If Prayuth fires him or I believe even if he step back by himself, the coalition would break immediately and we all know what that means... 4 letters

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