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Tourism Authority Aims to Ease Quarantine Requirements in Thailand and Visitors’ Countries


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2 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

Headlines such as "Thailand suffers record daily deaths" in UK press whilst Thailand makes me do a 14 day ASQ in Bangkok if I come here mean why should other countries bother with Thailand's belly aching about their quarantine requirements.

Just to put it in context, the UK has over a million less people than Thailand and yet the UK has 128,008 reported deaths and Thailand has 1,744 . So who cares what the UK press reports.  Even if you could believe the Thai numbers, I think the UK press need some prospective. Now I think the way vaccinations are being handled here is... ( you can fill in the blank ). 

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I'm wondering which countries would be so stupid or ignorant to talk with Thailand about these bubbles.

Europe and US have COVID under control due to widespread vaccinations and they also have no problem to welcome vaccinated people so what the hell is he talking about?

In other Asian countries COVID is still raging and they won't allow people to leave and/or enter. So not much left in this world....

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

What i have observed in the last few weeks concerning this "sandbox' business is that every dick Tom and harry of several government's bodies and entities has something to say, either add, criticizes, warn, suggest or wish to see happening, too many cooks spoil the broth as we all know, no uniform direction and certainly no clear leader as what is needed to be done...

but but we have prayut 

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

 PS - Thailand has CV19 under full controll and we have 4% of the population fully vaccinated (except for foreigners living here who are bottom of the queue)

They still can’t get an app working so foreigners can register for nothing in way of delay,delay,delay & more delay for a simple vaccine appointment 

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4 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Can someone put that into simple English.

What's the actual plan. I have read it few times. Can't understand the proposal.

It said one day there is sunshine that the next day there maybe rain, very easy to understand.

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7 minutes ago, EvetsKram said:

Actual plan?  What's that?? 


5 minutes ago, superal said:

TAT governor Yuthasak Supasorn said,


In a nutshell to other foreign embassies , Thailand has set up covid free areas where their local workers will all be vaccinated and will present little or no risk to tourists . What he neglected to say was that many entertainment venues will be closed , so why is that if there is no covid risk ? 

What is happening this week in the other world , i.e. Europe /USA ?  They are all considering allowing their double jabbed nationals to travel to safe countries and will not have to quarantine on return . Thailand is currently on the UK amber colour of the traffic light system and when the UK government meet this Thursday to discuss / update the traffic light system I reckon Thailand will be moved to the red light    zone . Why ? because of low vaccination rates , slow vaccine procurement , lack of covid behavior enforcement , little or no TV communication on covid instruction  to the masses , sparse covid testing based mostly around known infected places , Bangkok and surrounding towns . 

I was told last night by a Thai person that Covid is everywhere in Thailand , spreading rapidly and in many rural areas of Issan where there is no testing . Thailand's covid reports are not considered to be accurate by many western countries and the country remains a high risk zone for travellers who will find it difficult to get any insurance cover . Salt to the wound , Sinovac being the preferred Thai vaccine offers little or no protection to the Delta virus strain ,same as is Pfizer , however the AZ is effective .

Thailand must invest heavily in producing its own vaccine producing facilities asap .The powers that be should forget about tourism happening this year but allow and make it easier for expats with Thai families to return to Thailand .   Dig into their massive gold reserves and help their people to survive but I guess that is a bridge too far .

Just saw article on BBC app that there is now "Delta Plus" variant... Indian but with spice of South Africa, as it has the same mutation as the Beta strain. Currently there is no data on how infectious it is or how deadly, nor what effects vaccines have against it. So Delta+Beta mix... That'll get exciting!




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6 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

If you think it’s restrictive here have a look at the situation in Australia.

Mainly only citizens and those with permanent residency can enter, permission from the government to leave the country, State borders being closed at the whim of State Premiers, very open here compared with the above.

That is the crux of the matter , no control , not proactive and hardly reactive . Hate to say this but Thailand may need a lockdown but money / economy is number one and they do not want a weak baht as was the case some 40 odd years ago  . Uppercrust all vaccinated and protecting their wealth at any cost it seems but for how much longer can it be sustained ? 

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1 hour ago, 10baht said:

Just to put it in context, the UK has over a million less people than Thailand and yet the UK has 128,008 reported deaths and Thailand has 1,744 . So who cares what the UK press reports.  Even if you could believe the Thai numbers, I think the UK press need some prospective. Now I think the way vaccinations are being handled here is... ( you can fill in the blank ). 

The UK has millions more in the age groups of 65+ though. They make up a vast majority of the deaths.

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5 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Can someone put that into simple English.

What's the actual plan. I have read it few times. Can't understand the proposal.

Newspeak and Thai rhetoric assures one that there really aren't any definite plans/proposals. 

Change and submitted with the wind. 



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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Meanwhile, the agency will build travel confidence and encourage other countries to ease travel restrictions with Thailand, in order to loosen quarantine requirements when tourists return home.

But Thailand wants 14 days quarantine...

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No countries will compromise the  safety of their citizen  just to please Thailand.

Every countries know that after the forced   14 days of  "free" quarantine and multiple tests in thailand, tourists can roam freely  all over infected areas in Thailand 

before going home.


HAHA ... better to come up with a another plan..

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Just now, the green light said:

No countries will compromise the  safety of their citizen  just to please Thailand.

Every country knows that after the forced   14 days of  "free" quarantine and multiple tests in thailand, tourists can roam freely  all over infected areas in Thailand before going home.


HAHA ... better to come up with a another plan..


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for TAT as long there is the high cost of the forced quarantine in PHuket and a quarantine returning home for the tourists, this plan will not work.


However, it may suit farangs  and other foreigners living on the island or just returning to their families  or condos, They are not  planning  to leave the country for a while


Or farang who have 800k in the bank and they need to return to Thailand to renew their "O" visa.


Normal visitors on a 60 days visa-- no way this plan suit them


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