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U.S. embassy in Thailand rejects citizens' appeal for vaccines


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16 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Got the email from the embassy this morning, and I had to just laugh. They have put their trust in Thailand and other countries to vaccinate the citizens who are living or working in those countries.

Same here... I gave that email the same finger I gave out the window when I left US airspace 3 years ago.

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1 minute ago, oslooskar said:

Uncle Sam has already been upstaged by France. (I'll leave China out of it because, as far as I know, it's responsible for this mess.)

France is doing the right thing and it sets  a precedent for every other country with expats to do the same thing.  China has also done the right thing in stipulating that its' citizens must be "first in line".  How could anybody think this would be improper or "improper entitlement" (which seems to be the sentiment of many on this thread)?

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2 minutes ago, Kenneth White said:

Like they say in America "Love it or leave it" This holds true any ware. Thailand Love it or leave it. I am American and do my damnedest to accept the Thai culture and Thai first, which at times it is difficult but at least I try. All you expats from all over world stop complaining.

I hate to rain on your self-righteous rant, but this is NOT about Thailand or Thai culture.

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Just now, WaveHunter said:

France is doing the right thing and it sets  a precedent for every other country with expats to do the same thing.  China has also done the right thing in stipulating that its' citizens must be "first in line".  How could anybody think this would be improper or "improper entitlement" (which seems to be the sentiment of many on this thread)?


They don't think it's improper for Chinese or French people to get an entitlement. Go through the messages. They only complain about Americans. Americans, who aren't even getting anything. They don't have any issue at all with the French and Chinese going first. Tells you something, doesn't it?

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4 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

If my country (the United States) is donating millions of doses to foreign countries including Thailand, then I have every right to feel "entitled" to have priority of those donated vaccines.  We are not talking about Embassies providing vaccines; we are talking about one's home government providing them to a country like Thailand with a  stipulation that the donating country's expat population will be first on the list to receive them.  


Is that an unfair assumption to make?  I don't think it is at all.

Why do you think that you have priority? You are a Visitor in Thailand . 

You are entitled to the Free vaccine like everyone else .

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3 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

Same here... I gave that email the same finger I gave out the window when I left US airspace 3 years ago.

You seem to have missed the most important information in that email, especially if you are an American.  Read it again...especially the part of about the 7 million doses being donated to Asian countries including Thailand this month, and then do some critical thinking about that, instead of using your "finger" as you described/

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11 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

And what does this have to do with you? This is just one of your many opinions that lack intelligence.

It's always funny when some people who don't know me think they know how intelligent I am.

Intelligent people don't do remote diagnosis of people who they don't know... 

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1 minute ago, John Drake said:


They don't think it's improper for Chinese or French people to get an entitlement. Go through the messages. They only complain about Americans. Americans, who aren't even getting anything. They don't have any issue at all with the French and Chinese going first. Tells you something, doesn't it?

Most of the nonsense I read in threads by people like that only tells me they are very confused and very emotional in expressing their confusion.  It's like they are defiantly saying, "Don't confuse me with the facts" ????


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9 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

I think you need to go back and read it because there is absolutely NO stipulation that those does are reserved for American citizens.

There's nothing to go back and read.  Obviously the email did not stipulate that, but if it does not occur, it would be unjust and WRONG.  I mean, for the US to donate millions of doses to a foreign country and not have a stipulation that it's own expat citizens be vaccinated first would amount to putting the welfare of of a non-US citizen above that of a US-Citizen. 


With any other American Administration in the history of the United States but the present one, that would simply be unthinkable.  With the present Administration, I'm not so sure based on all of their demonstrated policies that seem to place foreigners above their own citizens, so your assertion may be correct.  I hope it is not.

Edited by WaveHunter
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Just now, pmarlin said:

Got the email and after reading it my first thought was that was a lot words just to tell me I'm on my own.

Yes lips service  that they are donationing to other countries to defeat the global scale.  Youll get the donated vaccine on an equal basis of the foreign countries nationals.  I dont know about you, but I see the majority of vaccines going to local nationals not foreigners equally.   Is the US State department under illusions?

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At least the Australian government is front up about leaving citizens overseas for dead. 10,000's stuck overseas unable to return, but make sure you file your tax return on worldwide income or we'll be after you.

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10 minutes ago, AquaThai said:

Yes lips service  that they are donationing to other countries to defeat the global scale.  Youll get the donated vaccine on an equal basis of the foreign countries nationals.  I dont know about you, but I see the majority of vaccines going to local nationals not foreigners equally.   Is the US State department under illusions?

The email did NOT state or even imply "... Youll get the donated vaccine on an equal basis of the foreign countries nationals. "  Don't put your personal spin on something that was not said or implied! 


There is no reason to believe that, and every reason to believe that the US will have some sort of stipulation, just like China has done, and also similar to the sentiment shown by the French Embassy for their expat citizens here in Thailand.


In the entire history of the United States it has always looked out for the welfare of its' own citizen as a paramount concern.  For them to do otherwise in this situation would represent a first.  In light of the present Administration's disregard for its' own citizens, I'm not saying it's unthinkable.  I'm just saying it would be unjust and wrong.

Edited by WaveHunter
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15 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Phuket & Bangkok Expats now getting vaxed with AZ.

other tourist regions then non- tourist ares to follow soon surely.......


and why exactly should embassies start providing mass medical services ?

they provide passport related documents & emergency services for individual citizens in great distress like prisoners or severely disabled.

if not satisfied with medical service here, go elsewhere for that.....

Didn't take long for the first "if you don't like it here, go elsewhere" post of the day. Cheeze, some people.

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10 minutes ago, aguy30 said:

The simple solution is for the US to require Thailand to dedicate enough of their expensive gifted vaccine to vaccinate all 40,000 or so American expats in Thailand. Most expats in Thailand pay US taxes and the US already paid for the vaccine with tax money.


The French are providing vaccine through the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. This is the same hospital that is going to vaccine people in the Pattaya area with Thailand supplied vaccines.


I wouldn't have been surprised if this fiasco happened with the previous administration but never expected it with this administration. The US Embassy Bangkok should be fighting to get vaccines for expats not writing "sorry about that" letters.

I agree with everything you wrote but I guess we have different opinions of the present Administration, but we probably should not go there ????


And honestly I'm baffled why the American Embassy is not taking a strong approach like the French embassy is taking. 


The American stockpile of vaccines is far greater than France's with estimations of it being over 1 BILLION does by the end of the year!  Providing for the needs of US expat citizens worldwide would barely put a dent in that stockpile.


What's more, the Thai government's reaction to the French plan proves there are no diplomatic roadblocks to it happening.  So, for the US not to take strong action on behalf of it's expats seems insane!

Edited by WaveHunter
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15 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

they shouldnt do it because its not their business

individuals outside their country must surely organize their own healthcare... or return home

France are the only nation doing this ......at home -based French taxpayer expense no doubt.......

perhaps they are offloading those millions of perfectly good unused AZ vaccines , before expiration, a stockpile that Macron created, stupidly & jealously saying AZ was no good........



Surely you've seen the hundreds of post on here from farang trying to organise their own healthcare, but are unable to access a website for registration or find a private hospital with vaccines to sell. The truth is that there are very few vaccines for foreigners and it isn't asking too much of our govts to provide emergency vaccines in this situation. By the way, I pay full UK tax. 

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3 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

I agree with everything you wrote but I guess we have different opinions of the present Administration, but we probably should not go there ????


I was only thinking about the vaccination crisis without any other agenda. Just thought there would have been a different approach.

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3 hours ago, Barry343 said:

All other countries are only vaccinating their own citizens first, if you are a non citizen you can still receive an injection if you are willing to pay for it. 


That is not correct at all. And especially in the UK.

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14 hours ago, Trujillo said:

Why is the head of the USA embassy in Bangkok calling himself a chargé d'affaires? Did we get sold to the French since I've been gone? 

Heads of embassies of the USA are called ambassadors. 

Maybe the old man's on leave, then the acting head of post would be the charge d'affaires.

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