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U.S. embassy in Thailand rejects citizens' appeal for vaccines


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2 hours ago, WingFat said:

I can sympathize with your view of the situation, to an extent. The US is one of I think 2-3 countries in the world that taxes their citizens no matter where they live, although if one stays out of the US at least 30 calendar days a year, they receive a sizeable tax deduction (aka "Expat Deduction"). 

Actually it's if they spend 30 days or less in the USA during a one year period  that  they are then allowed the deduction.

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15 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Unethical?  I am a US taxpayer and pay a hefty sum every year, even while I am living in Thailand.  That means that my tax dollars helped pay for those vaccines that will be donated to countries like Thailand


I have every ethical right to expect priority in receiving vaccination from the donated batch THAT MY TAX DOLLARS HELPED PAY FOR.  There is nothing unethical in that logic at all.


Furthermore, if the vaccination rollout in Thailand was not being discriminated by nationality, and had been handled from the get-go more properly months ago when many other nations were working hard to secure vaccines instead of playing in-country political games, none of us would be facing the ridiculous situation we now face here as expats.


"""ethical right to expect priority in receiving vaccination"""


Yes agree if you are at home in the US, but as you chose to leave your own country, for an obviously better way of life, then why should you be expecting priority over others (that's not ethical, just greedy and selfish).  

Yes the Thai Govt have handled the vaccine roll out very poorly, but if it bothers you that much to wait a while, then go back home and get vaccinated there.

By the way I received my first shot today (found a solution instead of complaining).

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6 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

The email did NOT state or even imply "... Youll get the donated vaccine on an equal basis of the foreign countries nationals. "  Don't put your personal spin on something that was not said or implied! 


There is no reason to believe that, and every reason to believe that the US will have some sort of stipulation, just like China has done, and also similar to the sentiment shown by the French Embassy for their expat citizens here in Thailand.


In the entire history of the United States it has always looked out for the welfare of its' own citizen as a paramount concern.  For them to do otherwise in this situation would represent a first.  In light of the present Administration's disregard for its' own citizens, I'm not saying it's unthinkable.  I'm just saying it would be unjust and wrong.

Right, thats why China is leading the way, and my country said get in the que.  You really believe foreigners will be given the opportunity to vaccinate along and equal to to local nationals?  Well guess what, its already not happening?  Its been almost impossible for any foreigners to register to get a vaccine.   You can attempt  to say Im wromg and putting  a spin on it, but the facts speak for themselves. The Mor Chana app isnt English or any other language friendly.  Dont get angry at me because  of what the media post.  In late April it was posted that 50 million doses of Phizer would be coming in July and distributed in Pattaya.  Yesterday my country posted they will be sending 50 million doses worldwide by the end of June.  Is this related to each other?  You really think the US will put a stipulation to wue its citizens.   You are so lost

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1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

Unethical?  I am a US taxpayer and pay a hefty sum every year, even while I am living in Thailand.  That means that my tax dollars helped pay for those vaccines that will be donated to countries like Thailand


I have every ethical right to expect priority in receiving vaccination from the donated batch THAT MY TAX DOLLARS HELPED PAY FOR.  There is nothing unethical in that logic at all.


Furthermore, if the vaccination rollout in Thailand was not being discriminated by nationality, and had been handled from the get-go more properly months ago when many other nations were working hard to secure vaccines instead of playing in-country political games, none of us would be facing the ridiculous situation we now face here as expats.


Perhaps other foreign nationals don't understand our tax obligation...

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It's too bad that someone hasn't tracked all the vaccine purchase/arrival announcements over the course of the last year or so.


I expect that many of them will simply disappear from Thai PBS and the Bangkok Post down the memory hole.


With all the pronouncements I bet that hundreds of millions of vaccines have been *ordered*.

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21 hours ago, Trujillo said:

I don't want an experimental, emergency-use vaccine for something that has a 99+% recovery rate, and I don't want any help from my government. 

But the way, why does the letter refer to the "Biden-Harris administration"? Why include the mostly ceremonial role of vice president in the title? I assume we are being primed for the 25th amendment. 


And what does this mean: "The US diplomatic mission has not been spared by COVID-19, as several families in our community have endured tragedies from this terrible pandemic."

So I read this as what? People working for the US government in Thailand have...died? I have never heard anything about this, and I am sure if that were the case, we would have known about it. Could someone explain? 


And why say "terrible" to modify the situation? Was that fear-inducing adjective necessary?


...and lots of bantering of the word "equitable" without actually offering your citizens anything rings hollow. 


Dude, you have way too much time on your hands.

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4 hours ago, placnx said:

French is the language of diplomacy. They also have a post called attaché. The military also uses French terms.


French is not even spoken outside a few EU countries, a few Caribbean islands and Africa.


How many French teachers vs English teachers does Thailand employ? Many French teach English here.

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The self pity and the smarmy self righteous faux empathy made me almost physically ill. It was imo totally unamerican.


Why Include Biden's name? He's so feeble he couldn't find Thailand on a map but it was the inclusion of Harris that made my blood boil. It's a totally incompetent administration managed cynically behind the scenes. Two muppets. Her speech in Central America was absolute disaster. She was turned out by the electorate in the primaries. Back to fill the CRT BLM quota.


I'm sure Biden Harris feel our pain.

Edited by kynikoi
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9 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

As a tax paying citizen of the US living in Thailand I resent hearing self-righteous, arrogant people make unfounded remarks and accusations about people they do not even know.  You, sir, do not support me or any other Americans I know living here in the Kingdom with your tax dollars.  I can assure you of that!

Wow guy.  You sound like you have a narrow view.  Take the blinders off

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13 minutes ago, AquaThai said:

No its over your head the email clearly  said they are donating 50 million  around the world by the end of June.  It clearly said you will get vaccinated with the local nationals, which is not happening.  China a communist country  is Vaccinating  its people and supplying  does ti do so wven if its the Synovac.  The French are doing the same.  So they are puttting their citizens first.  The US clearly  is not.   The US is giving the vaccine to other countries to win the global campaign, and crossing their fingers that these countries will be fair and include US citizens in the que when they vaccinate.   Countries are already showing and proving that they are not equally vaccinating foreigners with their own local nationals.   Alrrady there was a que for foreigners  to sign up two days ago for the Moderna vaccine in October at a cost of 2000thb.  I clearly would have been willing to sign up and pay, if  One they had advertised and informed expats.  But in less than one hour they closed it down and said they could take no more.  Now it is advertised in the media that someone  must answer and explain why there were so few signed up, and why there were so few allocated for foreigners.   So dont put your false hope that the US can do anything other than ask that the citizens be given an equal opportunity to get the vaccine, when it clearly already isnt happening.  Its not that hard to send additional  vaccines to the Embassy and vaccinate its US citizens.   Send some army doctors along with the vaccine  to administer.   The email clearly says that US citizens  abroad are on their own and will not be given the same opportunity as its citizens  at home.  Clearly the same as taxation  without representation. If they can give away vaccines,  and other countries can vaccinate  their citizens  at their Embassy,  then whats the problem with the US?  If you think that you will be given the same opportunity to get tge vaccine here, well I will pray for you, because you arent high on the list.  The US government should prioritize  getting its citizens vaccinated  abroad just as the opportunity is given at home.  I paid my taxes, I served my country honorably,  and should be given the same opportunity at the vaccine  and not be left up to the country that was given the donations to vaccinate.  And so should all my other fellow expats.

80 million doses by end of June, not 50 million.  Also, I think you are missing what was "written between the lines" of that recent email from the Embassy.  I suggest you re-read it and consider what the real meaning of that email really was becuase it actually gives cause for some optimism about the current plight of American expats here in Thailand, not pessimism.  Diplomatic missions like an embassy often have to say things in round-about ways.

Edited by WaveHunter
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1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

I have not left my country "for a better way of life", as you put it.  My home is still in the United States where I own property that is actually my legal domicile.  That therefore makes me a legal resident of the United States as well. 


Furthermore, I pay significant Local, State and Federal taxes every year, and would have already returned home if this pandemic had not raised its' ugly head making it safer to stay here than travel back to the US.  


That's not even relevant though!  As long as someone remains a citizen of their home country they are entitled to the rights and protection afforded by their home country unless they decide to renounce their citizenship...no matter where they may find themselves anywhere on the face of the earth!  The rights and protection afforded by citizenship do not mysteriously vanish because you are in another country.


Also, I really resent being called unethical, greedy, and selfish by someone who does not even know me, or know why I am visiting the Kingdom.  Unfounded assumptions such as you've made are usually the mark of narrow-minded, judgemental and prejudiced people....so save your self-righteous, personal attacks for someone else.


Have you tried to use your medicare card here? When you leave your own country some of those protections you paid for just don't go with you.

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23 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

That's the USA in a nutshell. They care about any random person in another country more or less the same as any one of their so-called citizens/tax cattle.

Americans always baulk at 'socialised medicine' anyway.

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3 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

Unethical?  I am a US taxpayer and pay a hefty sum every year, even while I am living in Thailand.  That means that my tax dollars helped pay for those vaccines that will be donated to countries like Thailand


I have every ethical right to expect priority in receiving vaccination from the donated batch THAT MY TAX DOLLARS HELPED PAY FOR.  There is nothing unethical in that logic at all.


Furthermore, if the vaccination rollout in Thailand was not being discriminated by nationality, and had been handled from the get-go more properly months ago when many other nations were working hard to secure vaccines instead of playing in-country political games, none of us would be facing the ridiculous situation we now face here as expats.

Yes , Thailand is discriminating against foreigners regarding vaccinations for covid 19 . That does not mean foreigners here in Thailand  have to go down there road . Just wait and be ethical in your chosen country to live in . Show the government and the people of Thailand that we are ready to get through a difficult time together . Not pouting on about what tax you have paid to the US state gives you the right to jump the que . 

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1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

80 million doses by end of June, not 50 million.  Also, I think you are missing what was "written between the lines" of that recent email from the Embassy.  I suggest you re-read it and consider what the real meaning of that email really was becuase it actually gives cause for some optimism about the current plight of American expats here in Thailand, not pessimism.  Diplomatic missions like an embassy often have to say things in round-about ways.

The US is irrelevant to this nation. Thailand has placed it on ignore. It's China's game now. Those diplomats...they lost.

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