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Thailand reports 4,161 new COVID-19 cases, 51 more deaths


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9 minutes ago, Macrohistory said:


Hang on a second!  If a virus "sometimes kills a lot of people," it's not "common."  It's not a common cold or anything else.  It's a deadly something or other.  Why do you insist on putting the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the same category as the various kinds of viruses that cause the common (and very rarely deadly) cold?


It's certainly not rare is it?It seems to me it depends if you think of common as occurring frequently, if it occurs frequently and many people get it regardless of how many die from it would still be considered to be common.People getting covid also appears to be quite common.The common cold has been killing people with weak immune status for eons.The fact that this time there are more people who have weaker immune systems because we are living longer makes many more people susceptible to a more virulent strain of the common cold seems to make it even more common than usual.

The reason I put Sars Cov 2 into the group of corona viruses that cause the common cold is because it's a corona virus.Seems pretty logical to put it there if it's a corona virus.Where do you put Sars Cov 2?Would you put it in with the flu viruses which have been proven to much worse than previous common cold viruses and even worse than this virus?Remember the flu killed 40 million people when the population was 1.8 billion with a global fatality rate of nearly 1.0% ( 0.95%) the current global fatality rate of covid currently stands at 0.051%.

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36 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Opportunity for Thailand here to get in quick, the US have plenty of vaccines already and most other western countries.


The mRNA Vaccines Are Extraordinary, but Novavax Is Even Better


Novavax announced its latest stunning trial results last week, and an efficacy rate of more than 90 percent even against coronavirus variants.


The latest Novavax data confirm that it’s possible to achieve the same efficacy against COVID-19 with a more familiar technology that more people may be inclined to trust.



I find it strange that this type of article is published without mentioning which strain of Covid was involved in the trials. Given the beta and delta strains are here and present, it would be nice to know that these results were for those strains. If they weren’t, is more research being done?

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8 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

I find it strange that this type of article is published without mentioning which strain of Covid was involved in the trials. Given the beta and delta strains are here and present, it would be nice to know that these results were for those strains. If they weren’t, is more research being done?

I think it mentions the strains in the Phase 3 Trial Data Factsheet but as you know with studies they are never easy to comprehend with the graphs etc.



Edited by Bkk Brian
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3 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

But is  it really worrying, vaccinated  people can still spread covid  but arent they way more  likely to have no complicatiosn etc.

Makes opening tourism problematic if vaccine levels are still low in thailand

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11 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

One point to add, Burilam has consistently been the most proactive province when it comes to Covid. The others could take a leaf out of their book.

Isn't  that the one where governor declared that he would make vaccine compulsory. Sounds like a grand standing D.H to me

Edited by DrJack54
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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I would ask that if one were to mix the AZ vaccination with a second of Moderna, being that that ones an MRNA vaccine, if it would give top performance, asking for my friends dog.....

Maybe "barking" up the wrong tree

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6 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Hospitals in Bangkok suspending tests because of lack of beds for those with positive results and now this.....................


Shortage of personnel hits Covid testing service at many Bangkok hospitals


Several hospitals in Bangkok and vicinity have suspended Covid-19 testing due to shortage of personnel, as they had to also deal with several cases in their workplace.

The hospitals that have suspended the Covid-19 tests are: Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun,Vibhavadi, Mali Interdisciplinary Hospital, Paolo, Nakornthon, Mahachai, Phyathai 2 (ARI Clinic), Princ Suvarnabhumi and Synphaet Ramintra.

The test service was suspended from the middle of this week.


The resumption date has not been announced.



Cynic in me would think powers from above

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7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Judging from their fast opening up, sharp rise of economic activities and mass domestic tourism, I find very hard to doubt their success in containing the virus. 

It has to be COVID because it fits dins dales narrative.  Drunk or no.  

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2 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Isn't  that the one where governor declared that he would make vaccine compulsory. Sounds like a grand standing D.H to me

He did say that. He also was the first to impose quarantine on people from bangkok around songkran I believe.



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4 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

He did say that. He also was the first to impose quarantine on people from bangkok around songkran I believe.



I wonder how his mandatory forced vaccination program has gone, seems like some of his constituents who have had both sinovac vaccines have now tested positive for Covid anyway.  He must be banging his head on the wall. Of course I can not remember where I saw the information so lets called it anecdotal.

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25 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

I wonder how his mandatory forced vaccination program has gone, seems like some of his constituents who have had both sinovac vaccines have now tested positive for Covid anyway.  He must be banging his head on the wall. Of course I can not remember where I saw the information so lets called it anecdotal.

Pretty sure some would get infected despite two sinovac injections, the efficacy of that vaccine isn’t the greatest. and I’m not saying he has done everything right or that he is right to do everything he is done.


But, I give people credit for taking the virus seriously, thinking forward, being proactive and actually trying to fight the virus.


I have no idea who he is btw. He may well be a useless jerk trying to grab headlines for all I know. But I have noted 3 occasions where he tried to get ahead of the virus, rather than letting it come to him. Puts him 3 rungs up on the central czar in my personal opinion even if he is still on the first stage.

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9 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

I think one of the problems was that Thailand came off largely unscathed initially, and so complacency and hubris set in.


Going to be an interesting few months for sure with these clowns in charge.

The hub of hubris.

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3 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

One point to add, Burilam has consistently been the most proactive province when it comes to Covid. The others could take a leaf out of their book.

What happened to the mandatory vaccinations in Buriram? Anyone go to jail for not getting vaccinated? 

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I was on an internal flight earlier this week and it was absurd. At Don Muang in the toilets, every other urinal was closed to maintain social distancing and yet on the plane itself we were packed in like battery hens. There wasn't a single spare seat.


I've had my two Pfizer shots, so wasn't that concerned,  but if I hadn't, I would have been genuinely worried. There's no way that if anyone on that plane had Covid that they wouldn't have infected a slew of people around them. We were all shoulder to shoulder for almost two hours.


And yet they lock poor sods into workers camps for a month, supposedly to stop the spread. It's a joke, but it's a joke that will end in tears.

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Out of beds and medical staff.


This is the first time in I've really been worried since the pandemic began.


The field hospitals look as they'll be a contributer to the spread of COVID-19.  Lack of toilets and close proximity.  


Thailand is many "hubs" but hygiene isn't one of them.




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Multiple business associations oppose lack of Bangkok lockdown

After the government announced yesterday a one-month closure of construction camps, the Federation of Thai Industries and many other business associations complained that the action was too weak. The FTI and other business groups believe that a full lockdown is necessary to control Covid-19 outbreaks in Bangkok and half-measures like this are ineffective at best.



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7 hours ago, tomyami said:

On another worring note Israel the most vaccinated country and with pfizer assumed to be the gold standard see a spike in cases have reintroduced mask indoor venues



Most countries who are testing vast numbers of the population for Covid are going to find spikes in case numbers, the same way they would if they were testing vast numbers of people for other transmissible diseases (which they're not of course). 


Surely what matters is whether or not the hospitalisation / death rates are rising. 

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Most countries who are testing vast numbers of the population for Covid are going to find spikes in case numbers, the same way they would if they were testing vast numbers of people for other transmissible diseases (which they're not of course). 


Surely what matters is whether or not the hospitalisation / death rates are rising. 

Yes they are rising fast in Israel due to the delta variant and even more so in the UK where that variant has really taken hold, hospital rates up, icu rates up but the death rates remain very low due to the vaccinations of all vulnerable groups, fewer ICU patients are needing a ventilator. Many are managing with mid-level support

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7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Multiple business associations oppose lack of Bangkok lockdown

After the government announced yesterday a one-month closure of construction camps, the Federation of Thai Industries and many other business associations complained that the action was too weak. The FTI and other business groups believe that a full lockdown is necessary to control Covid-19 outbreaks in Bangkok and half-measures like this are ineffective at best.



Everything they say seems logical to me and supported by what has been seen in other countries in terms of what works to control the virus, to buy time until sufficient vaccinations are done.


Projects like the sandbox etc are just putting lipstick on a pig. It’s also putting the cart before the horse because you need to show you are a vaccinated country in control of Covid, before you start inviting people to come.


the business guys in this article just might be on to something! Maybe they have paid attention to how other countries have fared.

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12 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Most countries who are testing vast numbers of the population for Covid are going to find spikes in case numbers, the same way they would if they were testing vast numbers of people for other transmissible diseases (which they're not of course). 


Surely what matters is whether or not the hospitalisation / death rates are rising. 

Yes you will find more mass random testing, then isolate those that have the virus, sick or not, otherwise those that have no symptoms just carry on spreading it to those who may become seriously ill or die from it. WHO all along have stated test, test, test and isolate, break the chain of transmission. Alternative is just to let it carry on and spread infinitely until everyone has had it. Choice of sacrificing maybe 1-2% of your population plus people with other conditions dying because your healthcare systems become overwhelmed. Even if your healthcare systems can cope with covid you have the knock on from other diseases, as is becoming apparent in the UK now with cancers, etc.

Edited by Petey11
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