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Thailand reports 6,087 new COVID-19 cases, 61 more deaths


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18 minutes ago, mjnaus said:

Time to get the hell out of here. Europe is looking pretty nice right now.

Me too. I was looking and hoping to avoid quarantine, but if this now goes exponential we might find ourselves stuck here. next few weeks will be revealing.

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2 minutes ago, Caldera said:

Not a nice trajectory to be on!


The logarithmic graph is far more telling about how it's behaving.  It is going up.

Something weird happened in India.  They had a huge wave and it suddenly dropped down.  I'm hoping that it happens in Thailand too, and the rest of Asia for that matter.  

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10 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Except that, at some point, hospitals will not be able to accept new patients, so people will die at home, and not be counted.


The obvious reaction to filled hospitals is to send asymptomatics in field hospitals into self isolation, and put symptomatic individuals in beds in field hospitals. Better for sick people to be quarantined in field hospitals than to stay at home with their families. Yeah, I know the field hospitals can’t do much for symptomatic patients, but the alternative will lead to catastrophe.

Very true. I didn’t want to bring in an additional factor of health care collapse which would increase the percentage of sick people that die, because it’s currently a variable unknown.


but the extrapolation of daily deaths from daily cases from 10 days ago, is a fairly certain outcome. It’s by no means the worst plausible scenario that could be seen, but it is very likely if nothing changes.

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21 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

When you say “the average of everywhere else”, I think you are talking about the percentage mortality rates prevailing in other countries. At least I presume that is the case. I am talking about whole numbers, not percentages.


it’s so much nicer to say the mortality rate is less than 1%, than say 240 people died today.


my point was, we probably need to stop thinking in terms of 50 people dying a day and mentally steel ourselves to deaths in the hundreds. At least, that is what current and likely future case numbers suggest.


I don’t know about you, but I need some time to adjust to the thought that deaths now look likely to rise to such a level.


Oh I agree.

And what has been stated here many times before, this is entirely dependent on if the real numbers are actually being reported.  Some say they aren't, and I"m inclined to believe them.  

Again, I'd worry far more about long term symptoms than dying.  They are not pleasant and in many cases are life altering.  

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13 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

That is going to upset a lot of covid deniers........their usual  mantra will need to be amended.

The farang who introduced me to Thailand, so my longest farang friend here, is a denier. He'll probably be saying the government is hiding the fact that those people dying are actually the ones who had the vax.

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Just now, Enzian said:

The farang who introduced me to Thailand, so my longest farang friend here, is a denier. He'll probably be saying the government is hiding the fact that those people dying are actually the ones who had the vax.

You can't beat them.......best just to smile and nod especially in a bar!!!

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55 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

My GF, who is from MYanmar, has been trying to get registered for a vaccine, but was told "can not, Thai or falang only"  Looking to register her for the Moderna Vaccine, and she has been placed on a waiting list for our local private hospital.  She has better insurance than most, as she has a PCH Optima Plus plan, but people look down upon her as she is from Myanmar.  Her extended family all of them are now in the hospitals having been moved from the field hospital side as they are no longer asymptomatic and her two aunts are still on ventilators.

Sad to hear, hope they get well.


Yesterday i finally was able to pay for moderna vaccine from Thornburi hospital group. I wonder how long I have to wait.

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Currently ranked number 72 from the link below.


264,834 total cases since the beginning of 2020 ( 18 months ago ) -

210,702 total recovered -

  52,052 active cases -

  = 2,080 total deaths


                                Closed cases


          210,702 (99%)                           2080 (1%)       

(Recovered/Discharged)                    Deaths





Edited by 4MyEgo
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10 minutes ago, robblok said:

A lot of deniers are bar flies who look for excuses to open the night life. They don't reason from facts but from their desire to go out drinking and partying. While i understand that this lockdown is boring (i hate it too) people should understand that opening up high risk venues that are not essential will only contribute to the extra spread.


Then of course you got the more crazy ones who just think covid is a flue and vaccinations are bad.


To bad Darwins law does not work so good in our current society. In the old times when people were stupid they died now they get rescued anyway. 

It's paranoia.  


It's not nice to laugh at people who are sick.  (not that that's what you were doing).  


Like most who start to act erratically eventually their friends drop off.  With the internet you can live in a real deluded world where fellow people such as yourself believe in the same things and think that the whole world is wrong.  It's really sad.  

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2 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

It's paranoia.  


It's not nice to laugh at people who are sick.  (not that that's what you were doing).  


Like most who start to act erratically eventually their friends drop off.  With the internet you can live in a real deluded world where fellow people such as yourself believe in the same things and think that the whole world is wrong.  It's really sad.  

What is sad is that those deluded people influence others and spread misinformation. The internet has given those people far too much power. I am not laughing at them (maybe a bit) but I am more worried about the damage they do.


Those not believing act irresponsible making it worse for all of us and the more people they convince the worse it get.

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1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

At some point panic sets in. 

A large part of that comes from growing belief that there is inadequate supply of vaccines. 

Piecemeal announcements of 1.5mil from here and there along with ....."we are in talks with this or that company does not instill confidence.

From the outset I was in the group.... "Stuff the online registration etc....I will wait until it's available in private hospitals and pay whatever".


My guess was mid late October (Forget that, it will be much later).

If it comes (moderna etc) that will also be bun fight.



I believe by that time they will have to start to re-vaccinate all those that got the Chinese junk with something that actually works against these new variants "and possible new variants we have yet to see", so anyone that has booked a spot for October might be dissapointed because the Thai government will prioritises these vaccines for their own, foreigners will drop down the priority to soi dog level again.


The only hope is that our governments get the finger out as France did and set up a vaccine program for their citizens abroad. The only other choice after that could be returning to you home country - you then be rinced upon your return to Thailand 

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

What is sad is that those deluded people influence others and spread misinformation. The internet has given those people far too much power. I am not laughing at them (maybe a bit) but I am more worried about the damage they do.


Those not believing act irresponsible making it worse for all of us and the more people they convince the worse it get.

I agree.

Mostly they influence their own ilk though, not someone with critical thinking skills.  

They come across as nothing more than argumentative and rude.  Forwarding <deleted> all the time that nobody has the time or energy to look at from crackpots on the net.  

And when they are proven wrong they get all silent until some other silly argument comes up. 

I don't argue with them.  I ignore them.  

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