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Movie quotes:

"Go ahead, make my day !" , "Do you feel Lucky"


“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”


"what we got here, is a failure to communicate"


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another movie quote and one of my faves...............................'If you aint first, you're last'.................. Billy Bob Thornton to Will Ferrell junior in Talladega nights..............................


Vegetius fl. ad 379–395
Roman military writer 

Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.

Let him who desires peace, prepare for war.

usually quoted as ‘Si vis pacem, para bellum [If you want peace, prepare for war]’

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1 minute ago, ravip said:

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”


Intelligent are skeptics

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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

is an ancient proverb which suggests that two parties can or should work together against a common enemy. The earliest known expression of this concept is found in a Sanskrit treatise on statecraft, the Arthashastra, which dates to around the 4th century BC, while the first recorded use of the current English version came in 1884

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Sex without love is an empty experience. But, as empty experiences go, it is one of the better. - Woody Allen


I am but mad north northwest - when the wind is southerly, I can tell a hawk from a handsaw... Shakespeare

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“Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges!
       I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”


There's  one born every minute


Regards Worgeordie

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10 hours ago, Sparktrader said:


I don't want to be too serious but I think within that quote lies significant dangers to the western world. 

People feel like questioning equals being smart. Anyone with a conspiracy theory or who has listened to right wing or left wing radio or read some rubbish on the internet feels they are now equipped to take on all and sundry and to fight the consensus opinion. 

The internet has decreased rather than increased trust in the educated and scientific as there is so much noise going back and forward.

If someone objects to questions it may be because they feel the person is tilting at windmills - putting their feelings up against the hard work of actual scientists and other professionals who know what they are doing. Loud mouth politicians and others can confirm such prejudices and  tell people they are five times wiser than others just for asking a dumb question. Not talking about you or our previous climate discussion.

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