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England WILL NOT win Euro 2020/2021

Mike West

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1 hour ago, mommysboy said:


You can actually see the knee press in to Sterling's leg here.

The first contact is just a normal contact, never in a million years is that foul. Only the second contact with the hip is a contact of substance, but most experts agree nowhere near the gravity that would warrant a penalty.


It is quite clear that Sterling took a dive if you look at it carefully without Come-on-England blinkers.

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17 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

The first contact is just a normal contact, never in a million years is that foul. Only the second contact with the hip is a contact of substance, but most experts agree nowhere near the gravity that would warrant a penalty.


It is quite clear that Sterling took a dive if you look at it carefully without Come-on-England blinkers.

Oh, sure, like every striker he made the most of the opportunity offered, but equally for sure there was contact.  The ref. wasn't going to get it right either way.


Most informed commentators are simply describing this as a soft penalty, but also pointing out that it is not scandalous. and that it is ridiculous to suggest Denmark were cheated out of the game, as England were by far the better side, particularly in the latter stages.  In fact, if Denmark had progressed that would have been the shame.

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23 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

The first contact is just a normal contact, never in a million years is that foul. Only the second contact with the hip is a contact of substance, but most experts agree nowhere near the gravity that would warrant a penalty.


It is quite clear that Sterling took a dive if you look at it carefully without Come-on-England blinkers.

Why is it even a debate? He got clattered. Clear pen. 

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On 7/10/2021 at 10:15 PM, bartender100 said:

You just watch the Italians going down at the slightest touch then rolling around on the pitch, been doing it the whole competition, so far

Awwwwww cwy baby, you mean the exact same way Sterling did against Denmark for the "penalty"? the one that robbed the Danes of their spot in the final?  so it's ok when England does it? Bunch of hypocrites you lot. 

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On 7/9/2021 at 2:24 PM, mommysboy said:

I don't know if the following link is open to all.  But the video embedded half way down clearly shows that it was a penalty. Whether you think Sterling should have stayed on his feet is another matter.  Also, slow motion always minimizes effects.  When you run fast even the slightest of touches can throw a player:




Pure sour grapes from some of the Danes, Scots, etc.  It was a penalty!


(In his assessment of the video, the pundit says 'Sterlings right knee gets clipped followed by a hip barge from the other side….how is that “not touched”? try staying on your feet while sprinting with a ball and that happens'.)

will you <deleted>, Everyone else in the world bar the English, said it was NOT a penalty. Aniother thing, why didn't the ref go check the VAR replay himself? the way he is supposed to? Sterling dived and cheated. I am so glad England lost.  :):):):)):):)

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On 7/10/2021 at 9:46 PM, RickG16 said:

Why is it even a debate? He got clattered. Clear pen. 

So we're not allowed to debate it because it's England? you lot a worst kind of fans and people, such hypocrites. You lot would have started world war 3 had the exact same thing happened against England. Also, It's debatable because EVERYONE else on the planet, bar the biased English, said it was not a penalty.  I am so happy England lost, Karma came back a bit you in the a$$, ????

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Mike West, well you had a 50/50 chance of been right, Ok the better team won,

I suppose you will be back with more forecasts for England in  Qatar 2022,why

all the hate for England, ?

regards worgeordie

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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

why all the hate for England, ?


Firstly, worgeordie, I would like to send you my regards.....


Secondly, I think I know the answer to this. And it is one of the reasons I am a lot more comfortable supporting my club team than country.


It's this whole ridiculous 'it's coming home' thing which is pushed by the media and consumed by the fans. What exactly is coming home? We have never won the Euros. They are the lyrics in a song.


I'm afraid it is this arrogance which fans around the world hate, and I don't blame them. We also invented cricket and rugby, and have had some fine teams in both. But I don't remember any arrogance such as 'it's coming home'. Until we get rid of this lofty attitude, which is based on absolutely nothing (there are plenty of countries who play the game a lot better than us). We will be hated around the world and rightly so.



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On 7/9/2021 at 4:59 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

If , as Sterling was doing, running fast and weaving in and out of players and trying to control the ball, even the slightest touch can send players off balance and cause them to fall over

omg, he DIVED, get the f over it. YOU LOST, No Eurocup for England now and not in your lifetime. Go back to crying yourself to sleep every night. ???? 

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Mike West, well you had a 50/50 chance of been right, Ok the better team won,

I suppose you will be back with more forecasts for England in  Qatar 2022,why

all the hate for England, ?

regards worgeordie

50 / 50? check the date I posted this. 

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1 hour ago, RickG16 said:

Firstly, worgeordie, I would like to send you my regards.....


Secondly, I think I know the answer to this. And it is one of the reasons I am a lot more comfortable supporting my club team than country.


It's this whole ridiculous 'it's coming home' thing which is pushed by the media and consumed by the fans. What exactly is coming home? We have never won the Euros. They are the lyrics in a song.


I'm afraid it is this arrogance which fans around the world hate, and I don't blame them. We also invented cricket and rugby, and have had some fine teams in both. But I don't remember any arrogance such as 'it's coming home'. Until we get rid of this lofty attitude, which is based on absolutely nothing (there are plenty of countries who play the game a lot better than us). We will be hated around the world and rightly so.



Well said. ????

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On 7/9/2021 at 2:59 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

If , as Sterling was doing, running fast and weaving in and out of players and trying to control the ball, even the slightest touch can send players off balance and cause them to fall over

And then you see those slow-motion replays where, at a touch as light as a butterfly's wing, the 'professional' footballer suddenly finds himself unable to move one foot in front of the other as if an invisible hobble has suddenly locked their ankles together. Simultaneously, the mouth shapes into a grotesque silent scream as if suddenly, mortally wounded while their arms have prematurely shot forward and downward to cushion the already soft contact with the turf. It's a skill set that's part of their training and rides that fine line between a professional foul and simulation.

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On 7/9/2021 at 3:08 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:
On 7/9/2021 at 3:02 PM, Tanomazu said:

But the whole world can see it was not a penalty and a dive.

Excluding the referee, He thinks that it was a penalty and hes the only one that matters

This was the same referee (and Linesman) who also didn't see the second football on the pitch that was maybe only 3 meters away from Sterling as he started his run to the goal line.

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On 7/9/2021 at 5:17 PM, mrbojangles said:

You admit there was contact. When a player does that and the attacking player goes down, the defender gives the referee a decision to make. Look at your own players first. The first one there was contact on the knee and the second banged into him with his hip. Maybe you should blame them as they should know better than to do lazy tackles and try to barge a player off the ball with your hip in the box.


As for your point on the VAR operators. They aren't under any pressure to reach quick decisions in penalty decisions. They are top professionals who eat pressure for breakfast.


I see you still have no opinion on your goal from the free kick.

Good grief! No defender was barging into anyone as they KNOW that they're in the bloody penalty area.


As to the VAR room, has anyone ever seen any video of these pressure-resistant top professionals at work?


No? I'll stick with the image of the fat bloke sitting in a dark room in his underwear eating delivery pizza and surfing porn during the extended 'injury' role playing.

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2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I'll stick with the image of the fat bloke sitting in a dark room in his underwear eating delivery pizza and surfing porn during the extended 'injury' role playing.

That could be most of TVN......555


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I have been holding for saying it but can't hold any longer..... I told you so, England not good enough without referee's help.... look at the bright side, they still have a shot (not there yet 555)  in 2022 in Qatar.....555

Edited by Mavideol
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17 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

And then you see those slow-motion replays where, at a touch as light as a butterfly's wing, the 'professional' footballer suddenly finds himself unable to move one foot in front of the other as if an invisible hobble has suddenly locked their ankles together. Simultaneously, the mouth shapes into a grotesque silent scream as if suddenly, mortally wounded while their arms have prematurely shot forward and downward to cushion the already soft contact with the turf. It's a skill set that's part of their training and rides that fine line between a professional foul and simulation.


In one of the other matches a Belotti claims he was hit in the face, he wasn’t happy and feigned a serious facial wound.

Upon play-back even the commentators pointed out that he was hardly touched our brushed and they dismissed the over reaction. 


A few mins later he had a black eye.


This shows how slow-motion masks impact. Referee’s and experts know this, they’ve experienced this over and over again. 


Anyone who has played football at any reasonable level knows how when jinking through players on the edge of balance a knock is all it takes to bring a player down. 


Sterling was tripped. Could he have stayed on his feet ? - thats possible, but he was already knocked off balance by two players he’d already beaten. IF this was outside of the Penalty Area no one would be arguing that this was a foul. 


This was simply a foul in the penalty area. The VAR looked at it and did not contradict the Referee. 

Other referee’s (working for the TV stations) also looked at it and confirmed it was a penalty. 


The only people who do not agree it was a penalty are those who do not understand footballing rules, or those who ignore the rules and make up their own ‘decisions’ that a penalty needs to be a severe foul in the penalty area to be worth of such penalisation. 



Now... What about Chellini dragging back Saka ???? - professional foul, Saka had him beat. Saka was through? could that have been a game changer right there ? What Chellini the last man ?


Its football...  lots of questions and controversy... But as soft as it looked, no matter how much you may dislike England and want to see them lose, the penalty decision was a correct decision - Sterling was past both players contact was made and Sterling was tripped. 








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