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Netizens demand subsidies for their Moderna vaccines via a trending hashtag


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By Erich Parpart


On Wednesday, Thais who paid to book vaccines from Moderna asked the government to subsidize their payments.


They took to social media with #ทวงคืนค่าโมเดอน่า (“reclaim Moderna fee”) to vent their anger.


They argue that the government should have brought in the vaccine and provided it for free. The government, however, has resisted doing so and is red taping purchases by businesses, they added.


Full story: https://www.thaienquirer.com/29491/netizens-demand-subsidies-for-their-moderna-vaccines-via-a-trending-hashtag/


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Unbelievable even making their own citizens have to pay for a vaccine which should be provided for free, its also being taxed!


"They argue that the government should have brought in the vaccine and provided it for free."


"In addition, Moderna vaccines are being taxed. The Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), the agency in charge of ordering Covid vaccines for the private sector, is selling the mRNA vaccine to private hospitals at the price of 1,100 baht ($34.06) per dose.

Accordingly, hospitals are now charging between 1,200 baht ($37.19) and 1,700 baht ($52.64) per dose of the vaccine, with most charging the higher amount."

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Well, assuming Moderna is actually ordered,


and is actually delivered,


and two shots are actually administered,


 and the regime orders, and administers mRNA vaccines, Pfizer for example, for free in the future,



then, yes, IMO, Thais should be retroactively reimbursed.


Foreigners, like me, should not be reimbursed.



The regime appears to have admitted that the bulk of the vaccines they've purchased and administered to date are insufficient to combat the the emerging variants, and everyone will require a real vaccine as a booster. Thais shouldn't have to pay for their government's incompetence.




They do on a daily basis.... now they're just starting to wake up and realise the fact.

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People wealthy enough to have already purchased their registration now want their money back. Looks like they used their wealth to block the peasants from trying to register in competition to them.

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7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I imagine if you could not see this coming, then you must have a hard job finding a 7/11


I am waiting for this one in the USA with Thailand soon to follow that lead


Edited by Thomas J
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5 hours ago, Khun Yogi said:

Why should foreigners have to pay.???? You have no idea what you are talking about. Many of us paid into the Social Security system at max. rate for years, and some get a small pension from SS.

Quite right, how many Thais have been charged in the USA and Europe when they were given the best vaccines? none, it was all free on a need basis, where you were born should not come into it. Also Thailand has developed no vaccine currently in use, all were invented by foreigners,

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7 hours ago, Khun Yogi said:

Why should foreigners have to pay.???? You have no idea what you are talking about. Many of us paid into the Social Security system at max. rate for years, and some get a small pension from SS.

He did say foreigners like him - presumably a non tax payar, like me.


I don't mind paying for a vaccine, but if they ever dare to ask me for some tax they can go <deleted> temselves.

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