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Thailand reports new daily record of 9,276 COVID-19 cases, 72 more deaths


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40 minutes ago, law ling said:

I was spooked by the the bad news here yesterday, so I went to Pattaya City Hospital and asked for a covid vaccine. 


Many people were there getting their vaccines - and I suddenly thought I had a chance!


But the nurse (without making any further enquiry about my situation) told me the vaccine is "for Thais only."


Health care here: based on race not need.

I live on Koh Phangan i will be leaving home in 20 minutes to have what i hope is my 1st AZ vaccine i registered last week with my pink D card and yellow housebook it seems that all the vaccines have been diverted to those places that are designated sandbox areas if this is true its very unfair my housekeeper had hers on Monday turned up at 7am and her ticket was 938 she managed to get it at 1 pm

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2 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

The lower the number of infections, the less likely a new variant will evolve. 


Any predicting a new variant in a small infected population is likely going to be wrong. 

Except in Vietnam, oh and maybe others to come, such as mixing variants in Thailand's quarantines that could well lead to newer variants but there you go, you can revert back to your ":doom monger" label again

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8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

BREAKING! New semi lockdown in Metro Bangkok proposed to start Saturday, lasting 14 days first. Leaving home only for necessary travel & "curfew" imposed 10pm to 4am. Prayut will forego 3 months of salary to help govt.



But... but... can I still go to my silly sandbox?  ????

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6 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Except in Vietnam, oh and maybe others to come, such as mixing variants in Thailand's quarantines that could well lead to newer variants but there you go, you can revert back to your ":doom monger" label again

If you depend on low probability events, then it's okay to be a Doom and Gloomer. 


In May, the data showed new case levels that were more or less flat, and declining at times,. The Doom and Gloomers claimed that disaster was coming, but, until the Delta variant arrived en masse in June, the government had a chance to tamp down the third wave. 


Ironically, at some point back then, I posted that the Doom and Gloomers were predicting that cases would rise to 10,000 a day, and I was blasted for that. So I guess these numbers are a surprise even for the Doom and Gloomers. 


Edited by Danderman123
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34 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Do you think the government can stop it's course ?


No vaccines, no lockdowns = the very high human costs your stating, NATURAL herd immunity is the only path at the moment, can't stop that, unless they obtain more vaccines and put lockdowns in place, which we know isn't going to happen, the latter, maybe, as for vaccines, well they are far away at them moment because these clowns have no idea what they are doing, more interested in having parties I heard, and spreading the virus.

You are right of course. Without policy intervention through lockdowns or vaccines, the only option left is natural immunity.


it’s the least attractive option but appears to be the path the country is on.


I personally think they will get part way through and then realize the enormity of the disaster unfolding and try to switch course. It will be too late and then it will be all about the international community rallying round to help with vaccines.

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26 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

An uprising against the present bunch is the most democratic thing that could happen in Thailand.

An Issan revolt could be pay back after so long being deprived and ridiculed by the corrupt and deprived leaders of Thailand.

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1 minute ago, Danderman123 said:

If you depend on low probability events, then it's okay to be a Doom and Gloomer. 


In May, the data showed new case levels that were more or less flat, and declining at times,. The Doom and Gloomers claimed that disaster was coming, but, until the Delta variant arrived en masse in June, the government had a chance to tamp down the third wave. 


Yes another low probability event then was the Alpha variant first discovered in the UK Kent when the covid numbers were flat below 3,000 a day.


Doom mongers, bang on the money! From 1st April to now.

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Just now, robblok said:

Ok back to attacking you as requested 5555


How was it a low probability that the Delta variant would arrive given that the Alpha variant arrived too. What made you think Delta would not do the same ? 


Its likely that any new highly contagious train will arrive in all the countries Thailand included. They might have sealed off the air borders but the land borders are too long to effectively stop people crossing borders. So any variant that is bad will come here eventually. 

We are not talking about arrival of a variant. 


Bkk Brian claimed that the Doom and Gloomers were concerned about the imminent evolution of a new variant in Thailand, due to reasons. 

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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

Yes another low probability event then was the Alpha variant first discovered in the UK Kent when the covid numbers were flat below 3,000 a day.


Doom mongers, bang on the money! From 1st April to now.

Please read a book about the mechanics of evolution of viruses. 

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Will never happen.


Opinion: Thailand’s proposed October reopening needs clarity


In mid-June, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha made a speech on national television broadcasting the government’s goal to reopen Thailand within 120 days. 


Reopening, needless to say, is a highly desirable goal. Take the Phuket Sandbox, which launched to great fanfare and is being heralded as a small but significant first step in Thailand’s reopening to the outside world. As journalist Matt Hunt wrote, despite deep skepticism elsewhere, Phuket’s residents and business owners are optimistic and happy to contribute to make it work. It represents a lifeline after over a year of darkness: an opportunity to bring back income and jobs. 



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1 minute ago, Danderman123 said:

We are not talking about arrival of a variant. 


Bkk Brian claimed that the Doom and Gloomers were concerned about the imminent evolution of a new variant in Thailand, due to reasons. 

No idea how likely it is. But what i said was spot on so the doom sayers (as you call them) were right before saying that it would get much higher and you did not take that into account at all. While other variants did arrive.


I have no clue if a new variant will evolve in Thailand or elsewhere but there will probably be a new variant in the future and it if its a bad one it will reach every corner of this planet (figure of speech). Just like the other variants did.

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1 hour ago, tomazbodner said:

Seems Thailand is now No.3 in the World! Anutin, you deserve a medal!



Actually, this is not correct. Worldometers has a problem where it shows only the last report which can even be zero. To see a more accurate view, you need to select 'yesterday' or 'weekly'. Thailand is now 17th.   If, comparing new cases/1M population. Thailand would be even higher.




Edited by rabas
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Just now, robblok said:

No idea how likely it is. But what i said was spot on so the doom sayers (as you call them) were right before saying that it would get much higher and you did not take that into account at all. While other variants did arrive.


I have no clue if a new variant will evolve in Thailand or elsewhere but there will probably be a new variant in the future and it if its a bad one it will reach every corner of this planet (figure of speech). Just like the other variants did.

Again, before the Delta variant arrived, the Doom and Gloomers were looking at flat levels of new cases, and claiming that things were going to get real bad. I asked what they meant by that, and they declined to give specifics. Brian refused to make predictions, but said that 2,000 cases a day would lead to much suffering. 


I happened to remember a poster claiming that 10,000 cases were coming, but was challenged if any Doom and Gloomers ever said that. 


Once the Delta variant arrived, everything changed, and the Doom and Gloomers are taking credit for predicting it was coming. 

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