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Thailand reports daily record of coronavirus infections and deaths


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5 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

If the hospital system can discharge 6500+ patients in a day, and admit an equivalent number of new patients + squeeze in 1,000 more, why should they limit testing to less than 7,500? I don’t understand your logic.


There won’t be severe constraints on hospital testing (beyond those already in place) until there is absolutely no more room for new patients.

I don't understand your logic, because each and every day there are more admissions then releases so each and every day there will be less people being able to be admitted. By your logic then tests should decrease on a daily base.


(only variable is the home isolations). But there is no denying that each and every day as long as there are less released then admitted the number of patients they can still admit will get less.


Its not just a matter of getting extra beds but to get extra doctors and equipment.  Its not like space is the limiting factor but the amount of nurses doctors and equipment. Also you can't increase the amount of Dr's and nurses all the time. Its easy to open up an new location put beds there. But to staff it is the problem.


Just pointing out the flaw in your reasoning that you dont seem to get but others do.

Edited by robblok
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2 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Asked previously. Never really understood why do so many folk queue for Test. I assume it's free. 

Is it required for employment or.....??

Surely they are not all feeling off colour.

Worried that they might be positive and pass on to a family member. Although queuing so close together negates the whole purpose of the exercise.

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2 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Asked previously. Never really understood why do so many folk queue for Test. I assume it's free. 

Is it required for employment or.....??

Surely they are not all feeling off colour.

Could it be that they are worried and afraid? Just a guess.

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16 minutes ago, anchadian said:

There are now at least four embassies that were apparently given vaccination appointments on Sunday by the Thai government. Australia, America, Canada & New Zealand. Which begs the question, why just these citizens and not all foreigners based on their vulnerability? #Thailand



Beats me, the Americans seemed to have a problem supplying vaccine to their own and the British as well.

Nz does not argue about vaccinating people stuck here , Thai or any one , but LOS can not seem to get it together, and now the temperature is going critical.

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2 minutes ago, ABCbangkok said:

Could it be that they are worried and afraid? Just a guess.

I think worried and afraid would apply to a lot of us. 

So would you go and queue as per the many pictures of people doing that. Even overnight. Surely it's not down to just being concerned. 

Also those crowded queue areas would be last place that you would like to be.

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1 minute ago, DrJack54 said:

I think worried and afraid would apply to a lot of us. 

So would you go and queue as per the many pictures of people doing that. Even overnight. Surely it's not down to just being concerned. 

Also those crowded queue areas would be last place that you would like to be.

Abductive reasoning (inference of the best explanation). You got something better? If they understood the risk then of course they wouldn’t go. Therefore, they don’t understand the risk.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Very bad figures everywhere and getting worse by the day. You would think a competent government would be throwing every resource they had at getting vaccines in and administered, yet their performance on that front is appalling. God help us all, because aside from the French, our own countries are not going to it seems.

I have rang the Brit embassy who in turn went thru to London,  its up to others too to put pressure on our govt to help

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40 minutes ago, anchadian said:

There are now at least four embassies that were apparently given vaccination appointments on Sunday by the Thai government. Australia, America, Canada & New Zealand. Which begs the question, why just these citizens and not all foreigners based on their vulnerability? #Thailand



I didn't see anything about Aus. Mind you i wasn't looking. Didn't expect it.

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and thats the end of that.................


Feel sorry 4 Americans in #Thailand who couldn’t registered for #COVID19 vaccines provided by Thai govt for tom. Unspecified quota given to US Emb quickly taken. Well, most Thais r still waiting forlorn if that's any consolation.





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8 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

Convenient to control the protests..

The Royal Gazette website announced a ban on public assembly in all provinces with immediate effect, under the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations, to prevent the spread of Covid-19. #COVID19 #ThailandNews #TheNationThailand



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1 minute ago, anchadian said:

The Royal Gazette website announced a ban on public assembly in all provinces with immediate effect, under the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations, to prevent the spread of Covid-19. #COVID19 #ThailandNews #TheNationThailand



What exactly defines public assembly?


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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

and thats the end of that.................


Feel sorry 4 Americans in #Thailand who couldn’t registered for #COVID19 vaccines provided by Thai govt for tom. Unspecified quota given to US Emb quickly taken. Well, most Thais r still waiting forlorn if that's any consolation.





Give Med Park hospital a try:



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2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

The situation is dire and rapidly degrading.


New highs with after the horse has bolted stricter measures being discussed. The awful death stats are now starting to filter through shooting into the 3 figure range. Previous measures have been a complete failure. The nonsense sprouted previously by officials of having this under control is hitting them squarely in the face but more importantly its everyone here in Thailand that is now further in danger from their mistakes.


10,082 positive cases today with 127 of those from prisons, 141 deaths


Rolling 7 day average (up to 15th July only) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases.


data 17 july.png

data 17 july 2.png


These two graphs do not correlate do they? One show a rapid spike and the other a levelling off over the last 9 days?? What am I reading wrong?

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Just now, Whale said:


These two graphs do not correlate do they? One show a rapid spike and the other a levelling off over the last 9 days?? What am I reading wrong?

Did you pick up the explanation in the post?


Rolling 7 day average (up to 15th July only) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases

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27 minutes ago, law ling said:

Seems like quality vaccines, in any number, won't be here for a long while. So, what's Plan B?


1. Farm the discharged people's blood for their antibodies? Is this being done, and if not, why not.


2. Test for antibodies before vaxing, and only vax those without antibodies? Could make available vaxes go a bit further.


3. Supply the population with Vit C & D and zinc i.e. supplements that have shown to be useful.


4. Try out i.e. hand out now Ivermetcin, HCQ or even their local herb - anything that is showing promise.


Of course, the above are positive steps that need action and cost something ... as distinct from current measures (close this and shut down that) which cost no more than the paper they're written on, and a press release that can easily be sent out before lunch.


PS: I'm not a medical person. I may be shot down ... but it seems there is no alternative plan, other than just letting the thing run its course.

1. I believe it’s been researched early on in the pandemic and didn’t work.

2. It would take too much time to test and get results. We’re talking circa 50 million people.

3. You can provide the research to prove these supplements are an alternative to vaccines?

4. See three above, although, I know there is a lot of talk about Ivermectin but not yet proven to be beneficial beyond doubt I believe.


Plan B should be to do Plan A better, faster. What is happening now was baked in as a result of policy responses 3 months ago to the Thonglor outbreak. Anything done now impacts in 2/3 months time. Instead of band aid, knee jerk  policy responses there ought to be an overall strategy designed to get the country to a better place in 3-6 months time. That isn’t happening and so Mr Delta is on the prowl.

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4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yes if you slept in or did not get the e-mail like I did not until just now this is what the link tells you


Although it mentions 'Americans' in the header?


[Registration for government allocated free vaccine] for expatriates residing in Thailand who meet these 2 conditions - (1) have not received any COVID-19 vaccine and (2) are over the age of 60 and/or have underlying disease(s)


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7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Did you pick up the explanation in the post?


Rolling 7 day average (up to 15th July only) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases

They still don't correlate that do? I am being sincere. If the second graph shows an essentially flat curve over last 7 days up till the 15th (its essentially flat for 9 days up to the 17th) then the first should show a slowing of the curve as well on the 7 day average? I am not sure how they calculate "rolling average", maybe it (the first graph) will peak tomorrow if we have another 9-10k day?

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