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YouTuber CB Media... what's he thinking!??


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1 hour ago, tonray said:

I watched some of his channel when he first showed up but it quickly became evident that the channel had little to do with Thailand but was more him showcasing his foolish behavior in Thailand.

Not sure what about my post confused you. If you did watch the post you'll see he was offering to hand  out 1000 baht to people to destroy his bike and I gave an example where he did something similar.

I feel people here feel a sense of ownership over Thailand and when someone comes and just documents his fun they get upset. Most times he is respectful to the people he meets though he is a bit abrupt and a bit of a doofus sometimes. But I feel he is being himself and not trying to educate about Thailand but have some fun. 

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1 hour ago, utalkin2me said:

When YouTube channels get this big, I think there is a really big problem. You essentially have a foreign worker, obviously working in Thailand, with no work permit. I think if when Thais realize exactly how this works, this will end. Enforcement is so easy, there is no way to hide for these big channels. 

The odds that he'll be caught out or thrown out for working are pretty much nil unless they have another reason to go after him.  Like protesting or doing the mayor's daughter or competing with a connected local.  And since he probably wouldn't stay without an income, what's to lose being a blogger or Youtuber?  They did away with jail time for WP violations a few years back.


His biggest hurdle will probably be keeping his extensions current after Covid extensions end.  I knew tons of guys who worked illegally for years that had to leave only because their visa loophole got closed.  Monthly border runs, perpetual ED visas, etc.   Worked for decades until 2014...  Then one by one, the loopholes slammed shut.   But they never got called out for working with no WP. 


Edited by impulse
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9 hours ago, jastheace said:

He appears to be doing a low budget version of Top Gears episode with the Toyota. I don't really see what the problem is.

Could is be that just as "Top Gears episode with the Toyota" was hugely irrelevant, so is this?

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8 hours ago, Airalee said:

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Socially tone deaf


a condition of being oblivious and/or clueless regarding the existence of social cues, nuances, mores, norms, et cetera, within a given social subset, or more often than not totally and completely and all the time. This is distinct from the more estimable traits of being indifferent or irreverant, where one is aware of social expectations, cues, et cetera, but simply doesn't care or flat out mocks and/or rejects them. Socially tone deaf people are blind, deef and dumb to the normative social standards and expectations of behavior around them, and demonstrate this with regular incidences of egregious and embarassing faux~pas and party fowling. Consistent responses to the socially tone deaf include head shaking, eye rolling, clandestined warnings under one's breath, and quick-thinking, opportunistic ditching. Syn (masc): <deleted>stick, (fem): bobblehead.
-Look out, here comes everybody's favorite conversationalist; for pete's sake don't get her started you know socially tone deaf she is.

-Bob is so socially tone deaf, I can't take him anywhere with me.


I think this brilliantly captures the affliction that besets more than a few of our forum members.




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1 hour ago, papa al said:

Very amusing.

papa has a decent motor bike available free to a needy Thai person.

Have green book.

PM within 24hrs.


Did you consider telling that to local Thais in your area instead of posting it on a farang forum?

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

First time I've heard of him.

Last time I'll be watching him.

But he obviously has his audience.

If you want to pass judgement no problem. I am not a fan but some of his videos were pretty good i.e. staying in Koh Chang and on his bike to Lam Singh beach and then to Pattaya. Nothing to serious and nothing amazing but not bad. People jump on this last video, an error of judgement, and decide he's the worst thing since the last worst thing.

Just says something about peoples rush to judgement in general in my opinion. 

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35 minutes ago, TeaMonkey said:

Turns out that he has served a prison sentence for “TERRORIST THREATS & ACTS”. I’m surprised he even got in the country with a criminal record like that. 


Can anybody forward that to Thai Immigration please.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Did you consider telling that to local Thais in your area instead of posting it on a farang forum?

papa has considered numerous scenarios.

posting to this thread was spontaneous.

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59 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

"an error of judgment" Please!

That video wasn't something that just happend. It was planned and it took for sure several hours to film it. And then some more time to edit it. At any time of that process he could have though another time: Is that really a good idea? Should I do that? He obviously decided he wants to film it and publish it.


It needs a certain kind of brain to get such an idea and execute it. That wasn't a momentarily misjudgment. He shows his character. I hope Thailand deports him and I don't care for which reason. 

He spent money on filming a youtube stunt by blowing up his motorbike. A bit silly, a bit contrived  and unoriginal, and not sensitive to what is going on in Thailand. Keep in mind  it was a  second hand bike with lots of kilometres.


Past videos, as I have noted, have been OK. Showing him on the road, going to interesting places, and talking to people using their interesting cars as a discussion point. I have watched I think three 20 minute videos in total.  

I think that are a lot of people spending money on stuff when they could be helping poor people in Thailand. Me. You. Youtubers spending money on drones and cameras etc. The fact that he went to elaborate measures to blow up his own bike is not cool but my own take is I look at his body of work and say - he's not that bad and worse things happen at sea. 



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17 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

He spent money on filming a youtube stunt by blowing up his motorbike. A bit silly, a bit contrived  and unoriginal, and not sensitive to what is going on in Thailand. Keep in mind  it was a  second hand bike with lots of kilometres.


Past videos, as I have noted, have been OK. Showing him on the road, going to interesting places, and talking to people using their interesting cars as a discussion point. I have watched I think three 20 minute videos in total.  

I think that are a lot of people spending money on stuff when they could be helping poor people in Thailand. Me. You. Youtubers spending money on drones and cameras etc. The fact that he went to elaborate measures to blow up his own bike is not cool but my own take is I look at his body of work and say - he's not that bad and worse things happen at sea. 

I think my "problem" is that I just hate it when people destroy things which work alright - even if it's their property and even if they do it to make more money by filming it or whatever. I just think it's a <deleted>ty attitude. And then doing it in front of people and/or with the help of people who are in a desperate situation makes it a lot worse.



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30 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

it was a  second hand bike with lots of kilometres.

He paid 40k for it a month go ($1200 USD). Or 4 months salary for your average Thai

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His bike, his money, he can do what he want. Plenty of rich Thais who have done nothing during the pandemic. It's up to farangs to save Thailand now? Where to start on the richest monarchs in the world and their help to those in need, which has been non existent. We're not allowed to talk about that though. From videos it seems a lot of falang are helping to organise those food handouts in Pattaya most of the time. If this was in UK, Europe or America could you imagine Thais doing this to help farang?


He shouldn't have recorded it and made this video, but everyone jumping on the bandwagon it's a bit over the top. Look at the rich Thais during this time and not just focus on a foreign YouTuber.


His videos the last month have been way too clickbait, I don't care about the massage or hooters girls or prossies. I just like his travel videos and editing.


Edit: corrected some bad grammar 

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1 minute ago, hello55060 said:

His bike, his money he can do what he want. Plenty of rich Thais who have done nothing during the pandemic. It's up to one farang to save Thailand now? Where to start on the richest monarchs in the world and their help to those in need which has been non existent. Where not allowed to talk about that though. From videos it seems a lot of falang are helping to organise those food handouts in Pattaya most of the time.


He shouldn't have recorded it and made this video, but everyone jumping on the bandwagon it's a bit over the top. Look at the rich Thais during this time and not a foreign YouTube on what they're doing to help.

We are able to discuss various things , rich Thais and also stupid felangs . 

   There are other threads showing felangs helping out in various circumstances 

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41 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

He paid 40k for it a month go ($1200 USD). Or 4 months salary for your average Thai

I assumed it was the bike he'd been riding around on so I stand corrected. I don't like to see something working being blown up for no reason either.. 

I just sense the reality is he had probably planned in advance to destroy the bike at the end of the trip, got some work for some Thai demolition people, has spent a decent amount of money in Thailand, but could have seen it was a silly thing to do. 

In practical terms though he blew up his own cheap bike and not a rice factory or something. 

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Who gives a flying one about the bike, a tad insensitive I admit - he’s just plain <deleted> annoying, his voice just drones on, and the presentation style is always the same .. simple as.


I suspect he’s not really friends with all these guys, he’s giving it large, after the shoots, after he paid for his ride in the car park or paid off the bikini girl, locals say “who was that?” “<deleted> knows, some farang” .. but that’s YouTube, he’s making $ but still annoying.


He certainly shouldn’t be advertising his paid service as a visa consultant, especially when people can come here for free and saint UJ is only willing to help with legal methods for free. 

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6 hours ago, recom273 said:

Who gives a flying one about the bike, a tad insensitive I admit - he’s just plain <deleted> annoying, his voice just drones on, and the presentation style is always the same .. simple as.


I suspect he’s not really friends with all these guys, he’s giving it large, after the shoots, after he paid for his ride in the car park or paid off the bikini girl, locals say “who was that?” “<deleted> knows, some farang” .. but that’s YouTube, he’s making $ but still annoying.


He certainly shouldn’t be advertising his paid service as a visa consultant, especially when people can come here for free and saint UJ is only willing to help with legal methods for free. 

How many people on YouTube change their presentation style after they've made 100+ vids. You sound a bit salty to be honest. No YouTuber makes "original" content anymore. Please share one farang vlogger in Thai who changes their presentation after every other video. It beats all the live streams talking with guys how they wish they could come back to Thailand. Or if they're in Thailand talking about all the bars that have been closed etc. 


My favourite YouTuber(s) are rides4kickz or retiredworking4u, because they seems very nice guys and are humble and informative. Even still, their videos have the "same presentation style". This, I just think it's literally the worst thing to criticize a person over on YouTube as everyone on the platform is the same. They already build up and have an audience using one style, in Chad's case he got 365k or whatever subs doing what he does. Why fix it if it's broke. It can't be that bad, if he has so many right subs. Why did so many stupid people subscribe to this stupid redneck with his boring voice and presentation? 


You just sound like a really bitter old man, probably a sexpat who likes those 3 hours lives streams with other sexpats. Deep down wishing Chad gave the motorbike to some "poor" massage girl in Pattaya. Instead of some actual families in need. 

Edited by hello55060
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8 hours ago, hello55060 said:

How many people on YouTube change their presentation style after they've made 100+ vids. You sound a bit salty to be honest. No YouTuber makes "original" content anymore. Please share one farang vlogger in Thai who changes their presentation after every other video. It beats all the live streams talking with guys how they wish they could come back to Thailand. Or if they're in Thailand talking about all the bars that have been closed etc. 


My favourite YouTuber(s) are rides4kickz or retiredworking4u, because they seems very nice guys and are humble and informative. Even still, their videos have the "same presentation style". This, I just think it's literally the worst thing to criticize a person over on YouTube as everyone on the platform is the same. They already build up and have an audience using one style, in Chad's case he got 365k or whatever subs doing what he does. Why fix it if it's broke. It can't be that bad, if he has so many right subs. Why did so many stupid people subscribe to this stupid redneck with his boring voice and presentation? 


You just sound like a really bitter old man, probably a sexpat who likes those 3 hours lives streams with other sexpats. Deep down wishing Chad gave the motorbike to some "poor" massage girl in Pattaya. Instead of some actual families in need. 

Hahaha - I think you take life a little too seriously mate.


I hope your and Chads relationship continues to blossom in the future. 

Lol - I’m still chuckling, what are these livestream you talk about? I prefer to avoid Thailand expat vloggers, especially the ones that just got off the boat, know nothing and are living the dream. Why? When I can just go and see or do the things myself. 
Sexpat, no mate, happily married for over 15 years. Like I said, I don’t care about the bike, he’s just a boring <deleted>. 

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