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PM reflects on Covid crisis: It looked so beautiful now it's come to this - blames rule breakers


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

This after he took aim at those very people for getting Thailand into this mess, infecting each other and dragging the country down despite his own sterling efforts, reported

Blind, ignorant; delusional or all three... ?

Edited by hotchilli
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

We beat the first wave, he claimed, thanks to the medical services and everyone in the country pulling together. 

You beat the first wave by not testing people ... no tests, no cases, problem solved

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

We brought infections down to zero and the world looked on and said what a marvellous job Thailand had done. 

This sentence should be reformulated as follows: We told each others that we brought the infection to zero and the rest of the world said: "mmmmm, do we trust in the numbers that Thailand is declaring? ... nope!!!" and in fact, on august 2020, when I went to Italy, since I was coming from Thailand I was forced to stay home for 14 days quarantine


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Pathetic, blaming rule-breakers.  He should have introduced restrictions months earlier than he did and far more importantly, should have acquired sufficient reliable vaccines to get the population jabbed before the situation got out of control.   No-one is to blame other than the Covid Czar and his pathetic puppets who call themselves the Government.   


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

This after he took aim at those very people for getting Thailand into this mess, infecting each other and dragging the country down despite his own sterling efforts, reported Daily News

1984   Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. 

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7 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Absolutly discraceful and will not wash with the public. Everyone knows where the blame lies. Alcohol in the cross hairs. I'm a bit suprised there hasn't already been a blanket ban. Maybe it's coming.

I fail to understand why they should be banning blankets. Are blankets dangerous these days/nights?!?

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1 hour ago, Spock said:

What nonsense. You are as bad as Prayut offloading the government's incompetence onto ordinary people. A lockdown and restrictions were needed months ago, certainly prior to Songkran. 

Nah! he must be a loner 

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7 hours ago, keith101 said:

There was very little testing being done and thats why the numbers were low but not zero .

of course they charge 800tb for the test my wife and my son 1600tb ok for me but not for most thai people...

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The Covid Czar opened the gates up and allowed infected people to travel from red zones across the country to infect most of the rest of the country which had no infections.  The government chose not to stop the infection.  The facilitated it.  The government is 100% at fault.  And the satang stops with the Czar.

So Prayut blames the plebs.  What a class act.  But everyone has known that since 2014.  I listen to Thais.  Outside of Bangkok the natives, most that I know, are not happy.
Now Prayut - "It's your fault Thai people!"  Class act.  Now keep telling the people how you have vaccines of every type for everyone. 

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24 minutes ago, JulesMad said:

I fail to understand why they should be banning blankets. Are blankets dangerous these days/nights?!?

Banning alcohol is no laughing matter. As I said last year how can I make my beer battered fish with no beer. 

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7 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

It may be, and likely is true that the spread is coming from those who don't care about anyone else and put their own entertainment at the top priority, much higher than the right of others to live.

But the man is Thai. He's old enough to know that in Thai culture, there is little or no planning for tomorrow, that most people live by the day and do not care about the consequences of their actions tomorrow.

As such, this should have been expected, considered and included into the planning. It wasn't. And that is a huge failure on his, and government's part.


Then again, when I see what's going on in the West, I don't think they are faring that much better. They have done what is demanded here from government - got hold of vaccines, for instance, available anywhere and immediately, where people have choice which they want. But... People refuse to take them and instead go for holiday to Spain.


Should that have been expected? Yes, actually it should but it wasn't there either.


So from a helicopter view, this pandemic has only confirmed that no matter how big the problem, unlike in the movies, the World will NOT come together as one to fight it. Instead people will become even more self-centered, claim anything that restricts their freedoms is a conspiracy, call anyone who disagrees with them "blind sheep" and blame the government for outcome. And this is in pretty much every country on this planet.

This thread's about Thailand and what Prayut said.

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8 hours ago, pokerface1 said:

Government people gambling with the lives of it's people in oh so many ways I just can't count

This sounds like a replay from Trumps playbook. I have not heard the PM say anything about injecting with bleach however, maybe he missed that one. Trump is responsible for his <deleted> job as well as the PM here in Thailand. Maybe they are friends.

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

lets get this out of the way first - this should read "sterling failures"


This man has a right cheek on him trying to blame the people for his and his DPM Anutins massive failures - he is now more interested in a blame game than putting effort into vacine procurement - he and his whole government need to go now.


If I was a Thai I would be enraged by this baffoon trying to blame them for his and Anutins failures - enraged and mad 

Good to see this 100% reversal on your part about this "govt".  Don't see any fan mail from your mates these days.

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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Prayut said he would take control. Prayut failed to lockdown after Thong Lor. Prayut said that risks have to be taken for 180 day openning. Prayut signalled foreign workers would be locked into C19 prisons. Gamble failed. Prayut deflects responsibility to his own people instead of accepting responsibity. Prayut is a lying two faced coward who needs to be brought to account. The buck stops at the top.

So no blame to the people ??? They are just innocent stupid Thais and farang people that didn’t know any better? Ah ok. Gotcha. If someone murders another person blame the cops but put no blame on the murderer. Now I understand. Thanks for clearing that up.

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9 hours ago, smedly said:

If I was a Thai I would be enraged by this baffoon trying to blame them for his and Anutins failures - enraged and mad 

Believe you me, I know exactly what your talking about, my wife every morning sits with me at breakfast and goes through the news on her mobile while I just chill watching the squirrels run along the electricity wires or the local villages riding by on the motorbikes etc, then all of a sudden this very tame and beautiful creature turns into something else, cursing and yelling in Thai, with me saying, " honey, it is what it is, now put your mobile down, coffee's getting cold".


I so look forward to her growing old with me, without the mobile of course.




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I think besides the obvious of saving face, that if he admitted his actions were part of the fault of a infinite rise in the covid curb,  he would have to resign !

The security guard is strong minded and committed to himself !


"When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself". 

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Thailand did a good job controlling the first two waves. Well done!


But the government should have locked down Bangkok before Songkran (third wave) on Apr 2021 and after the first Delta variant was found (fourth wave) 1 July 2021.


Thailand became too lax and we are now all suffering. The same goes for India.



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Such a cliche! Shifting responsibility to others. There is an inherent failure within Thai government to understand and therefore effectively address the disease - many have been saying this since 2020.

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