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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

If you're under 60 probably 99.9% survival.

Did you see the article TV just posted? I quote:


"According to the DDC, as of 14 July there had been 2,840 deaths from COVID-19 in the present outbreak, 90%, or 2,556 of whom were patients with underlying diseases or other risk factors, such as obesity, pregnancy or senility."


So these were elderly people who are also co-morbid. 90% even. The question is, has even a single healthy person under the age of 50 died in Thailand? I know the media likes to dig up fringe cases but I'm starting to doubt it.

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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Spend an hour on TikTok and you might change your mind..

The value of young people is in their ability to reproduce.

99% of the world have always been worthless drones without that ability.


Edited by BritManToo
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Perhaps this makes them nervous - please note that this article is 3 days old. The number is from Friday. 


"Officials had laid out several factors that could cause the Sandbox to be reconsidered or even cancelled, chief among them was if weekly infections crossed over 90 people a week."






Edited by Mickeymaus
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1 hour ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

i am also staying in phuket and all looks normal. food was brought to my room yesterday.

gym works as usual.

stop spreading fear.


I'll agree with you this time. Looks like the OP's hotel has decided to implement their own rules, so now suddenly he thinks something is up.

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57 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

So these were elderly people who are also co-morbid. 90% even. The question is, has even a single healthy person under the age of 50 died in Thailand? I know the media likes to dig up fringe cases but I'm starting to doubt it.

That’s the problem.  You ask if “even a single healthy person under the age of 50 died” and then immediately claim that these cases are fringe cases.  

Perhaps you misunderstand what “even a single” means.  


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13 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

But the current vaccines aren't guaranteed to be effective against Delta as when they were engineered Delta didn't exist, the virus has mutated since then.

And the problem is that the Virus will Mutate even ore over time.

This is why it has been imperative to administer as many Vaccines as possible on a Global scale.

A fact that some Governments have not heeded at all.

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4 hours ago, tonray said:

In this case your "Sometimes" equates to a miniscule probability percentage lower than being hit by a bus when walking around Bangkok.

Tell that to the families who died of vaccination.



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13 hours ago, EricTh said:


Seems something is happing with Phuket COVID situation ? 


Most probably Delta virus is spreading in Phuket.


The USA is reporting a rise in Covid cases.





Seems to be globally the case

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14 hours ago, kekalot said:

exactly, and by the time they get 100 million doses of whichever current vaccine .. regardless of if it's effective for Delta, Delta will be something else.


chasing rainbows



What do you suggest they should do then?

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We have interesting moments, vaccines have become the new religion, they are the ones that will save us from certain death. Those who are anti-vaccines are ignorant and therefore only say nonsense. Listen to the big media to make a culture. Really interesting period but for those who use the internet to become smarter evidently because they are ignorant of medicine and vaccines and tests they discover completely different things about the vaccine religion, really interesting period, we have never had before our eyes this possibility to see where it is, how deep is the knowledge of not knowing and knowing nothing but of teaching others what we have not understood anything.

Very interesting moments.

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17 hours ago, kekalot said:

they would get 100M of Delta variant vaccine in like June next year and by that time they would have the Echo and Foxtrot variant..

epsilon and zeta


So then they would have to make boosters for everyone.


Everyone wins, people stay alive and the drug companies make loads of money!

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14 hours ago, gargamon said:

That's looking at it all wrong. In the US, with around 50% fully vaccinated,  about 99% of those in the ICU are not fully vaccinated. The pandemic there is now a pandemic only for the unvaccinated. 


So go for the Darwin award, covid edition, and don't get vaccinated. If you're too stupid to get vaccinated, you likely shouldn't procreate anyway.

 You in the good ole USA ?

or in Thailand, where you have mor enhance of dying crossing the road

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1 hour ago, digibum said:

Actually, vaccines are no more a new religion than polio vaccine was a new religion.  

It’s something that seems to be effective at preventing or mitigating the most harmful aspects of a virus.  

To me, the new religion is believing one can become an expert on a topic from a few hours or weeks of going down YouTube rabbit holes.  

One of my favorite posts was on Reddit just over a year ago and it was some guy describing the Covid rabbit hole he had gone down.  

He and his best friend would get together every day and read up on statistics and dig up R0 values and read scientific papers on different types of viruses.  

And then one day he had an epiphany.   

He realized he and his friend had no idea what they were talking about.   

They were getting into heated debates with scientists and they were teaching themselves about these topics on the fly via Google searches trying to refute the experts.    

He barely passed basic algebra and he was debating statisticians about statistics.  

He eventually concluded that he needed to step away from the internet for awhile because it was consuming his life.   

To me, that’s the new religion.  If you can find a YouTube video or a website that confirms your beliefs it becomes dogma.  

And you keep searching for more confirmation and because the internet is an endless black hole, you’ll eventually find it.   

You will push away friends, family, and anyone that you care about who won’t accept your new religion.  

Next thing you know, you’re storming a capitol building or punching some Asian guy in the face or trying some ridiculous concoction of chemicals you think will make you immune.   

Thinking that a vaccine is effective or might cause unintended consequences isn’t religion.  That’s a byproduct of the religion.  

I do not agree a religion exists because we cannot explain the unexplained as in this case of this epidemic and everyone is convinced to affirm the truth, in fact we have two religions that are opposed and the mechanism is the same.


Divided and Rule, an ancient Roman maxim from thousands of years ago, nothing has changed.


  Who benefit the crime here?



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5 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Yes that's true of course but any society that prioritizes the old over the young is terminally ill and destined to fail. I would say this entire COVID fiasco has really exposed the Boomer generation as being some of the worst blood sucking cowards. In a different timeline you could imagine another generation being selfless and deciding to sacrifice for the good the next generation, but that's not what I saw coming from the Boomers. I hope to do better myself when I reach that age but the Millennials are pretty pathetic also so we'll see...

At this point it is not even much of a risk either, but yeah they’d have to sacrifice, but it would be beneficial to them so I hardly see it as a sacrifice. I agree with your sentiments. If you are holding the entire world up, take the bull by the horns and man up. That does not mean sacrifice, it just means isolate and keep yourself safe. Stop blaming others for your problems. 

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1 hour ago, BE88 said:

I do not agree a religion exists because we cannot explain the unexplained as in this case of this epidemic and everyone is convinced to affirm the truth, in fact we have two religions that are opposed and the mechanism is the same.


Divided and Rule, an ancient Roman maxim from thousands of years ago, nothing has changed.


  Who benefit the crime here?



I know you’re trying to sound smart by being obtuse but you’re not making any real point.  

Anyone can say “follow the money” or “who benefit from the crime” and seem like they’re privy to some sort of knowledge.


But, I do applaud the effort to steal this tactic from QAnon.  

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19 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

But the current vaccines aren't guaranteed to be effective against Delta as when they were engineered Delta didn't exist, the virus has mutated since then.

But Thailand hasn't evolved with it.

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7 hours ago, watthong said:

Agree. Sometimes you find a needle in a haystack.

Yes. A young lady in the UK. Her husband who handled himself well was interviewed on the BBC. She had had one dose of I think AZ. Tragic and traumatic for her family as the doctors fought to save her. But that's 1 death in around 30 million vaccinated there. Her husband was not anti vax but said people need to be informed and given a choice of vaccine.


I'm double vaccinated with Pfizer, the second jab in May. No consequences so far.


Meanwhile here in Europe and especially the UK the highly transmissible Delta variant is now on the rampage but governments some with less caution ( especially the UK) than others have been opening up and ramping up vaccination hoping enough have been vaccinated by the autumn to avoid huge numbers of hospitalisations.  We'll see how that turns out in a few more weeks...after the summer holidays.

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7 hours ago, digibum said:

I think they’re following the Greek alphabet, not military alphabet. ???? 

Yep, The Lambda variant has be identified in the US Houston Hospital but they say that it is less virulent than Delta so the latter remains priority.

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