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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

Kary Mullis also believed that AIDS wasn't caused by the HIV virus. He was a crank. A brilliant guy but a crank. And he died quite a while back. He would have had no idea of how sophisticated PCR testing has become.

Unfortunately he died few months before covid started. Any idea? Many great scientists who are warning people seem to be forgetten for those who lack of knowledge.

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

Kary Mullis also believed that AIDS wasn't caused by the HIV virus. He was a crank. A brilliant guy but a crank. And he died quite a while back. He would have had no idea of how sophisticated PCR testing has become.

Uhm....he conveniently died in August 2020, mere months before "covid" was seen in Wuhan. So he probably had a pretty good idea of how "sophisticated" his creation was as he used it every day.


A "brilliant (Nobel Prize-winning) crank," is an oxymoron.


He emphatically stated time and time again that his invention was not a test, rather a manufacturing technique, and could not be used to diagnose infection.



Edited by HeijoshinCool
Spell checker wrong
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19 minutes ago, cdemundo said:


But you didn't answer my question.


"Just curious, if you were to catch COVID would you be willing to forgo medical treatment to prove your point?

I think that would be quite sporting of you."

A tired argument. Should skate boarders stop skating? Should skiers stop skiing? Should red meat eaters stop eating red meat? Many things can put you into the hospital. Life is about choices AND about individual freedom to make them. At least, it used to be.


Vaxed can transmit virus. Unvaxed can transmit virus. Nothing in life is 100%; live accordingly.

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4 minutes ago, frantick said:

A tired argument. Should skate boarders stop skating? Should skiers stop skiing? Should red meat eaters stop eating red meat? Many things can put you into the hospital. Life is about choices AND about individual freedom to make them. At least, it used to be.


Vaxed can transmit virus. Unvaxed can transmit virus. Nothing in life is 100%; live accordingly.

If you deny the existence or danger of COVID or need for vaccination you should have no reason to hesitate to make this promise.

Has nothing to do with your other examples.

Which make no sense at all, you probably didn't do too well on the analogies sections of standardized test when you were in school.

Choose not to vaccinate. no problem.

Don't use limited medical resources if you get COVID.

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14 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

If you deny the existence or danger of COVID or need for vaccination you should have no reason to hesitate to make this promise.

Has nothing to do with your other examples.

Which make no sense at all, you probably didn't do too well on the analogies sections of standardized test when you were in school.

Choose not to vaccinate. no problem.

Don't use limited medical resources if you get COVID.

Actually you should read your quote first to see who needs to retake their test.


I don't deny either. My "dumb" choice should be treated the same as all other dumb choices. The healthcare system is there to treat ALL people; even those who make bad choices. You wouldn't treat a skateboarder who broke his wrist, or a heart attack victim who ate too many steaks? There are a million choices that you make that can put you into a hospital bed. Or did you want to control all of those choices also?


Edited by frantick
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Just now, frantick said:

Actually you should read your quote first to see who needs to retake their test.


I don't deny either. My "dumb" choice should be treated the same as all other dumb choices. The healthcare system is there to treat ALL people; even those who make bad choices. You wouldn't treat a skateboarder who broke his wrist, or a heart attack victim who ate too many steaks. There are a million choices that you make that can put you into a hospital bed. Or did you want to control all of those choices also?


No. I am not saying that anyone should be denied medical care.

I guess you failed the reading comprehension portion as well.

I am asking people to voluntarily decline medical care, since they are claiming it isn't needed since COVID is a hoax, or the vaccines are fake, or healthy people can't get COVID as nauseam.

Are you willing to make that promise? (By the way promises posted here are non-binding).

Cuz if the things you are saying are true, you should have no problem.




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On 8/8/2021 at 6:27 AM, cdemundo said:

If you deny the existence or danger of COVID or need for vaccination you should have no reason to hesitate to make this promise.

Has nothing to do with your other examples.

Which make no sense at all, you probably didn't do too well on the analogies sections of standardized test when you were in school.

Choose not to vaccinate. no problem.

Don't use limited medical resources if you get COVID.

If I couldn't get treated for anything by a hospital, I'd be asking for a refund of the part of my tax that went to hospitals. As a taxpayer it's my right to be treated in a public hospital.


Anyway, if resources are limited, it's IMO because governments wouldn't put the resources into public health services. During my time working in hospitals the workload constantly increased because the government wouldn't pay nurses enough to make enough people want to do it, and we had to do more ( because technology allowed more patients to be treated faster, leading to more patients and a faster turnover ) with less staff.

They still don't pay nurses enough, period.



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On 8/6/2021 at 2:08 PM, thairastawoman said:


do you at least know how many people died within 48 hours of vaccination ?

more than 10000 in Europe ! But of course, there is no evidence that they died because of vaccine...

more than 6000 in USA...




this world is amazing !



But still, virus kills more than vaccine.

Just choose how you want to die.


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On 8/7/2021 at 3:30 PM, frantick said:

No, I wouldn't voluntarily decline. I never stated vaccines are fake, nor covid is a hoax, nor healthy people can't get covid. If you think I did, show me where.


My issue is the whole "don't use up hospital resources because you made a bad choice" argument. Hospitals use their resources for mostly bad choices everyday.


I worked for one for 35 years. I expect treatment when I show up; vaxed or not. And if they're full, put me at the back of the line.


Presently no plans to be vaxed unless required for flights.

But cdemundo never contended hospitals should refuse someone treatment because they refused vaccination. Just that morally speaking, if you refuse to be vaccinated, you shouldn't use the hospital. Not legally speaking, but morally speaking.

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

But cdemundo never contended hospitals should refuse someone treatment because they refused vaccination. Just that morally speaking, if you refuse to be vaccinated, you shouldn't use the hospital. Not legally speaking, but morally speaking.


By that logic people that eat too much shouldn't use a hospital if have heart attack; people that eat sugar shouldn't use hospital if get diabetes; people that drive drunk shouldn't use hospital if have accident; etc.

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

But cdemundo never contended hospitals should refuse someone treatment because they refused vaccination. Just that morally speaking, if you refuse to be vaccinated, you shouldn't use the hospital. Not legally speaking, but morally speaking.

Morally, I pay for treatment, I get treated. I'm from the US so YMMV (Your Morals May Vary). 


There are no long-term studies for these "vaccines". I'm a long-term thinker. And now the original control group's are getting vaccinated so we may never know the true value of these vaccines. Morally, I'm in the clear.


At this point, it almost seems that with all the vaccinated breakthrough cases, vaccinated transmissions, and deaths of those vaccinated, that the vaccinated just want the unvaccinated to go down with them.

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14 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

If an anti-vaxer gives birth, explain to the mother that her beliefs are respected and notify her that her baby won't get vaccinations for Smallpox, Polio and Measles.

But those are TRUE vaccines. Apples and oranges.

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58 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

And those Covid vaccines that produce anti-bodies aren't?

Whoops! Your ignorance is showing........

Ok, to spell it out for you, those vaccines have a long tested, proven track record of providing higher efficacy from their targeted illnesses than do the current crop of COVID-19 vaccines.

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1 hour ago, frantick said:

Ok, to spell it out for you, those vaccines have a long tested, proven track record of providing higher efficacy from their targeted illnesses than do the current crop of COVID-19 vaccines.

Fact check: 6 of the most persistent misconceptions about COVID-19 vaccines




Reluctant to be vaccinated for COVID-19? Here are six myths you can put to rest


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4 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

This is the most puerile nonsense I read so far about Covid. It boggles the mind that people think this rubbish but more that a website has to publish their nonsense.

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