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Has Thaksin finally found a way of returning to Thailand ‘through the front door’?


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4 minutes ago, Salerno said:

If so, then that answers the question, thank you.


I am not sure its even a pardon, I mean they keep their conviction its just they get time shaved off their sentences. 


Edit looked it up its called a pardon. Sorry thought that a pardon was when your sentence was anulled or something like that and that is not the case. Just time of their sentence.

Edited by robblok
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Just now, robblok said:

Was he convicted for the coup ? I mean you can only get a pardon for a conviction. I must have missed this part. 

Do not dance around & away from reality please ..... you start sounding as Rutte ????

he got a pardon or not wherever he was...

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Just now, david555 said:

Do not dance around & away from reality please ..... you start sounding as Rutte ????

he got a pardon or not wherever he was...

He was never charged for it ? So how can he be pardoned ? Might sound like Rutte but its true. Its true the King supported it. But a pardon is a different kind of animal.



Just reading that those two rice scam guys got huge pardons. I wonder how this works I mean bit unfair to people serving shorter sentences that some get such huge pardons. 


Former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom will see his 48-year sentence reduced to 16 years, while his former deputy, Poom Sarapol, now expects his 38-year sentence to be lowered to 13 years, said Mr Aryut. They had been found guilty in cases linked to the Yingluck Shinawatra administration's rice-pledging scheme.

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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why are two convicted criminals the best chance?

Are there no competent and honest people in Thailand?

Some people pretend it must be Prayut or Thaksin. No! Those are just two of many options.

There is indeed at least one viable option, the Future Forward Party which was of course dissolved in 2020 by the Constitutional Court and I think its leader banned from politics.

The 2006 coup was a disgrace and wrecked the first real democracy the country knew. Fact is though, despite the enormous benefits he brought to people at large for the first time ever,  he tore the ring even by Thai standards of corruption.

He also did a Duterte with his 'war on drugs'.

Not much of an alternative to Uncle Tu I'm sad to say. I can also remember his attempts to muzzle the paper that shall not be named because it dared to report on the very large holes appearing on the Swampy runways during construction back then.

Edited by BusyB
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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

There was never any restriction for him to come back to Thailand. He has Thai citizenship, he could and can return anytime.

The only thing which holds him back is the fact that he thinks he is above the law. He is not. How many years does he need to understand that simple concept?

Definitely not longer than Cha Cha Cha

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Just now, robblok said:

He was never charged for it ? So how can he be pardoned ? Might sound like Rutte but its true. Its true the King supported it. But a pardon is a different kind of animal.



Just reading that those two rice scam guys got huge pardons. I wonder how this works I mean bit unfair to people serving shorter sentences that some get such huge pardons. 


Former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom will see his 48-year sentence reduced to 16 years, while his former deputy, Poom Sarapol, now expects his 38-year sentence to be lowered to 13 years, said Mr Aryut. They had been found guilty in cases linked to the Yingluck Shinawatra administration's rice-pledging scheme.

The wording Amnesty does not say anything to you ? How in heavens name you made that comparing..., a just arrived Military leader who made a coup so breaking all his oath's as a military would be  jailed or even sentenced or arrested as a successful coup leader ....With all the powers it represent ...


Even later Prayut took over a similar rice scheme ..... but i saw him never get the flowers and popularity  receiving as those so called convicted (by their opponent's ) did by the people

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1 hour ago, DirtyHarry55 said:
2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

No, not "conflict of interest", he was found guilty of abuse of power, i.e. corruption.

Well no funny enough he was cleared of "Abuse Of Power" but found guilty of "Conflict Of Interest"

Funnily enough, in that very report that you linked to it confirms what I said originally, he was convicted of corruption...

"Thailand's former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was today sentenced to two years' imprisonment in absentia over a corrupt land deal.

In a ruling that made him the first Thai politician to be convicted of corruption committed while prime minister".




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1 hour ago, Red Forever said:

Prayut let Suthep and his armed yellow shirt thugs do the dirty work...

Well you forum name tells lots about your thinking, plus I recall the red rabble firing lots of guns and thowing explosives. Guess being red forever your aren't aware of such things. 

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2 hours ago, JensenZ said:

 If the last election is anything to go by, there are no other options other than the current PM. He yields his power very skillfully.

I wish he would yield it ????


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14 hours ago, CALSinCM said:

Tony will never return through the front door unless the US wants him to return through the front door.

That would make Xi <deleted> .....????

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24 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Well you forum name tells lots about your thinking, plus I recall the red rabble firing lots of guns and thowing explosives. Guess being red forever your aren't aware of such things. 

I remember Charlem saying to the protesters they should go home because he could not control the violence (he did not want to as it were his own men). Anyway both sides used violence but the reds seem to want to forget that. 


The country is so divided though right now they are mainly against Prayut but that does not make them support Thaksin. Or at least not all of them. 


Both sides are not the anwser something new is, why do you think they both fear future forward. 

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8 hours ago, pegman said:

At this point he or Yingluck are Thailand's best chance of getting out of this mess. 

Oh dear.

Keeping our perspectives rather limited, aren't we. 

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54 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Funnily enough, in that very report that you linked to it confirms what I said originally, he was convicted of corruption...

"Thailand's former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was today sentenced to two years' imprisonment in absentia over a corrupt land deal.

In a ruling that made him the first Thai politician to be convicted of corruption committed while prime minister".




And according to the same source (and others). What was the exact reason for being convicted ? For allowing his wife to take part in the bidding. Not for having rigged the biding process (which would have been corruption). Corruption laws forbid conflict of interest in order to prevent possible opportunities of corruption, but conflict of interest in itself is not corruption. 


"The judges said that Thaksin had violated Thailand's corruption laws by allowing his wife to take part in the bidding process for the land."

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1 minute ago, david555 said:

now  you are  word nitpicking ...


BTW i am not attacking you , just replying , ????


any government risk to get to taken to court after a coup by the victors ,...... call it a hanging judge & jury to settle matters for once and all time  ( they hope ) 

Sorry disagree if that means you think Thaksin was not corrupt. 

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25 minutes ago, jcmj said:

I wish they would bring him back. Yeah we all know if his corruptions, but he was for the people and especially the foreigners. This bunch of monkeys we have now aren’t helping anyone but themselves and they don’t know the first bit about running a country. 

"...he was for the people and especially the foreigners."


Please share your full thoughts on that gem. 

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3 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Funnily enough, in that very report that you linked to it confirms what I said originally, he was convicted of corruption...

"Thailand's former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was today sentenced to two years' imprisonment in absentia over a corrupt land deal.

In a ruling that made him the first Thai politician to be convicted of corruption committed while prime minister".




Yes well the Press call it corruption and I guess that's open to interpretation and sounds better for the Press but the fact is he was found guilty and convicted for "Conflict Of Interest" he was not found guilty of Corruption! there were never any charges of Corruption! it was either "Conflict Of Interest" or "Abuse Of Power"

Edited by DirtyHarry55
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2 hours ago, david555 said:

He could do better than the BKK hiso elite ,so they started be scared of him , as he used his means to help the low classes and rural people , and so undermined their powers .


Whiteout money ..., big money ,  some can not fight a wealthy group , money is a tool  a weapon in such case ..

He is too smart for them , so they needed to demonize him 


i am sure we keep disagree on this , only one question ..., did you not remember the Shinawatra era ...? Was the Thai people  & farangs not feeling  better than now since P. 7 years back  , the Thai smiles looked no grins as of now that time... 

Yet, the slighted irony being that the Shinawatras were of the elite/establishment make up - always were. A different membership, sort to speak.

Though, both found themselves in a curious position of having to cow tow to the traditional influence, all the while presenting themselves as surface progressive [whatever that is] and "alternative" - but in the end either weren't really that. 

Edited by zzaa09
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