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Falsely accused of having Covid.


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My wife would not tell me such gossip unless I had to do something about it. If it was serious, I would expect her to track down the person and confront them as it is also an insult to her (e.g. implying she probably has Covid as well). If it is not serious then there is no point bothering me with useless gossip.



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It just proves a point/opinion that many of us foreigners have about the "local population" and their level of (or lack of) intelligence. If you are a foreigner and you disagree with this opinion, you most likely fall into the afore mentioned category...

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3 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

And who do you expect these same people vote in to office? I know it is a different subject but actually the cause is the same and the end result, wel we all know.

Exactly - I remember (when living in the deep south, a democrat stronghold) in the last general election, a respected old woman in our neighborhood continually suggesting that really the current joker was the best because things had been “quiet” since he took over and despite what I had been telling my wife for the years since the coup, she still voted for him. 
They didn’t think ahead to decide if the man would have ability to deal with a national disaster. 


It swings the other way, now we are in Issan, where a vote can be bought for around 500B. 


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My gf came home after 10 weeks with me. Gossips all around. Next morning she got visit from the doctor in full hazmat suit asked her all questions. Told her to get my pcr test for flight and then told her to post in on Facebook for everyone to see. The PM has succeeded in brainwashing the Thai population 

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The 10 stages of genocide. false information from misinformed people or brainwashed people I would put a stop to this as soon as you can get a test and print a few pics of yourself with it put around the village and write on it about this person without naming. Saving face in Thailand is above everything so they will stop the gossip 

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The wife says I am rude and miserable, when I spend more than 20 minutes with her freinds and they try to engage me. I don't think I am, but she knows best....so I'm told.

I have no idea, nor do I really care, what other people think of me. I wave to others in the village, seem to have a report with the poo yai, spend time in the village 'pub' and really really don't know and don't care if anyone talks about me.


Ignorance and apathy. I love it and recommend it. Forget what others say, live your life, let the wife sort it out. 

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15 hours ago, sead said:

My gf came home after 10 weeks with me. Gossips all around. Next morning she got visit from the doctor in full hazmat suit asked her all questions. Told her to get my pcr test for flight and then told her to post in on Facebook for everyone to see. The PM has succeeded in brainwashing the Thai population 

Sadly, but true.

The Goverment ran a vicious agenda, by inoculating fear into thai people, in order to pass any laws, they wanted.Now, they see the other side of the medal....When the numbers keep going up, the paranoia is nearly impossible to contain.

My sister in law, single mom with 2 kids, received threats of eviction from her landlord after getting covid.How stupid people can be?


Edited by drenddy
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On 8/4/2021 at 4:11 PM, Cake Monster said:

If you are pretty sure who is the Monger, just stand outside their House Coughing a lot.

They will contact the Plod who will pick you up and get you tested,

It will be all very Public, for all to see, and when the results are known, they will have a load of embarrassment.

And better hope you don't , incidentally ( or not ) , test positive..... 

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20 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

It just proves a point/opinion that many of us foreigners have about the "local population" and their level of (or lack of) intelligence. If you are a foreigner and you disagree with this opinion, you most likely fall into the afore mentioned category...

Intelligence and Education are very different things.... BTW if they were ( supposedly ) so not-intelligent ,  explain to me how so many poor farang can complain so much about being ripped off.... 

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22 hours ago, vandeventer said:

Just ignore them as they say bad things about us Farang's all the time. I remember when I first came to Thailand and lived in a small village. When I visit Thai people in my area their kids used to cry all the time so I asked my wife why are they crying. She said the kids think Farang's eat small Thai's.

They said the same about German soldiers during WW2..... But I did have the same experience in the village about 20 years ago.. Now they all have grown up and enjoy a few beers with me. 55555

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1 hour ago, jomtienisgood said:

Intelligence and Education are very different things....

Thank you for proving my point as nowhere did I mention the word "Education". This thread is about "Falsely accused of having Covid" NOT "explaining to you how so many poor farang can complain so much about being ripped off". Perhaps you can start your own thread on the latter subject and see what kind of explanations you get. As reading is fundamental, the ability to comprehend and retain what you read is a pretty good indication of your level of "Education". 

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1 hour ago, BobinBKK said:

Thank you for proving my point as nowhere did I mention the word "Education". This thread is about "Falsely accused of having Covid" NOT "explaining to you how so many poor farang can complain so much about being ripped off". Perhaps you can start your own thread on the latter subject and see what kind of explanations you get. As reading is fundamental, the ability to comprehend and retain what you read is a pretty good indication of your level of "Education". 

No indeed, you used the word " Intelligence "...

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8 minutes ago, Puccini said:

What does RO mean in the context of your post?

RO: http://www.acronymfinder.com/ro.html

R-zero, aka basic reproduction number, a humorous play on the ongoing pandemic. The spread of rumors is very similar to the spread  of viruses.  A person is likely to spread a hot rumor or strong virus to more people in the chain. The number of people you pass it to determines R0.


Edited by rabas
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6 hours ago, rabas said:

R-zero, aka basic reproduction number, a humorous play on the ongoing pandemic. The spread of rumors is very similar to the spread  of viruses.  A person is likely to spread a hot rumor or strong virus to more people in the chain. The number of people you pass it to determines R0.


Thank you.

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You cannot imagine how often they said to me that I am a sexy man and I know that it is not true. It is a very blunt lie. But some people will always talk bad about you. You can try to fight against it - but is it worth it? It is how it is and not even a guy like Jesus was able to get rid of such a problem. So enjoy your life. 

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If you live near a Boots Pharmacy consider buying a Roche Covid 19 Anti-Gen Self Test Kit.  The price was 1400 and the box had 5 kits.  I did one and it came back Negative.  It is a rather simple process: Nostril Swabs and mix into a tube with a liquid and then onto a test deck.  You read the result within 15 minutes.  Nothing makes me more angry then being falsely accused of anything.  I hope this blows over for you quickly.   

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On 8/4/2021 at 10:44 PM, timkeen08 said:

OP.  My wife would only tell me something like this after she had already bitten someone's head off.  She is not afraid of confronting anyone.  Even me.  I've seen her in action a few times dealing with trash in our village. Something to think about why she did not stand up for the both of you?  If you had the virus then she also would probably have it.

Sounds like you are describing my wife!

She takes <deleted> from no one.

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