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Another Classic Crazy Thai Wife Moment


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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Topic is crazy Thai wife,

Section 277 of Thai law says a 13 year old can marry.

I didn't write the laws, don't call me names, if you don't like the law petition the government for a change.


Thailand criminal law text (translation) | Laws in Thailand (thailandlawonline.com)


Section 277 Whoever, has sexual intercourse with a girl not yet over fifteen years of age and not being his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or not, shall be punished ........

..... if the offender being the man commits against the girl over thirteen years but not yet over fifteen years of age with her consent and the Court grants such man and girl to marry together afterwards, the offender shall not be punished for such offence. If the Court grants them to marry together during the offender be still inflicted with the punishment, the Court shall release such offender.

I thought I was right. I just didn't remember where to find the info. Google isn't any help on it.

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On 8/13/2021 at 10:42 PM, Dale59 said:

Don’t worry. Nothing is in her name. All properties are in my Trust and she always signs a disclaimer deed waiving any rights. We don’t even have joint bank accounts. 

In the U.S. a good divorce lawyer making a claim that she didn't know what she was signing will make all those documents not worth the paper they are written on.  If you don't believe that you're living in a fantasy world.  

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“ protect yourself at all times” ; retro. rules…

never marry one; never export one; never buy property in name of one.

long term maintenance lease option ( if you must) if truly special or have a kid together……do not purchase ( marry)  !

“ Wife” Title gives her too much Power ! Both real & imagined. 

Culturally the wife “owns” the husband here…….very dangerous……

consider sleeping separately in locked room……..yes, seriously …….

zero tolerance policy …..slightest trouble, return where found……..

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and “being fine 95%” is like saying most muslims are “peace loving” ; completely irrelevant; other 5% does all the damage…….or the delicious omelette with “only”5% <deleted> in it …..still toxic, aint it ? and forget “analyzing”that behaviour….. dump it at first sign…….

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10 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

“ protect yourself at all times” ; retro. rules…

never marry one; never export one; never buy property in name of one.

long term maintenance lease option ( if you must) if truly special or have a kid together……do not purchase ( marry)  !

“ Wife” Title gives her too much Power ! Both real & imagined. 

Culturally the wife “owns” the husband here…….very dangerous……

consider sleeping separately in locked room……..yes, seriously …….

zero tolerance policy …..slightest trouble, return where found……..

Broken 3 rules

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1 hour ago, DBath said:

Reminds me of a guy a few months ago who OP'd his body odor problem and couldn't figure out why his wife was always on him about it. He expected the problem to go away sans showering regularly and he didn't want to use deodorant, because he thought it used harmful chemicals (regardless, if I thought my smell offended everyone who got near me, I'd be piling on the deodorant; harmful chemicals or not).


Boy, did that guy get "torn a new one" - over 10 pages worth! I think he responded to the 3rd or 4th reply and then ghosted everybody. ????

Normal isnt for some Europeans

1 shower a week

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2 hours ago, DBath said:

Reminds me of a guy a few months ago who OP'd his body odor problem and couldn't figure out why his wife was always on him about it. He expected the problem to go away sans showering regularly and he didn't want to use deodorant, because he thought it used harmful chemicals (regardless, if I thought my smell offended everyone who got near me, I'd be piling on the deodorant; harmful chemicals or not).


Boy, did that guy get "torn a new one" - over 10 pages worth! I think he responded to the 3rd or 4th reply and then ghosted everybody. ????

Yeah it happens a lot on here and sometimes wonder why they don't think before posting. 

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4 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

“ protect yourself at all times” ; retro. rules…

never marry one; never export one; never buy property in name of one.

long term maintenance lease option ( if you must) if truly special or have a kid together……do not purchase ( marry)  !

“ Wife” Title gives her too much Power ! Both real & imagined. 

Culturally the wife “owns” the husband here…….very dangerous……

consider sleeping separately in locked room……..yes, seriously …….

zero tolerance policy …..slightest trouble, return where found……..

Some find out much too late and are equally non-observant that Thailand - and most other Asian cultures - are deeply rooted matriarchal and matrilineal, even though the surface societal level might not expose these realities. 

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1 minute ago, zzaa09 said:

Some find out much too late and are equally non-observant that Thailand - and most other Asian cultures - are deeply rooted matriarchal and matrilineal, even though the surface societal level might not expose these realities. 

Western chicks are worse

Cant cook

Dont like sex

Want more $$$


Asian chicks cute, cook and like sex more. If you lose $ at least you got something for yr efforts.


They are so yummy

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2 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Normal isnt for some Europeans

1 shower a week

I've heard that and on a couple occasions I got stuck in coach class with a bunch of middle-easterners it became obvious that they may shower even less.

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2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Yeah it happens a lot on here and sometimes wonder why they don't think before posting. 

True, that said, it can be a very tough crowd. I'm sure we've all had to learn the hard way on that once or twice (I know I have).

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On 8/13/2021 at 9:54 PM, Dale59 said:

we were going to buy a house in San Antonio.

I'm not familiar.. what part of Isaan is that?


my wife can get crazy but it usually passes in 10 minutes... and I don't fight or try and be logical... that would be crazy... 


but my USA wife was the same.. when the poison was inside, she needed to bite.

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54 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Western chicks are worse

Cant cook

Dont like sex

Want more $$$


Asian chicks cute, cook and like sex more. If you lose $ at least you got something for yr efforts.


They are so yummy

So...I know we don't agree on everything, but I'm with you on this.

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4 hours ago, DBath said:

Reminds me of a guy a few months ago who OP'd his body odor problem and couldn't figure out why his wife was always on him about it. He expected the problem to go away sans showering regularly and he didn't want to use deodorant, because he thought it used harmful chemicals (regardless, if I thought my smell offended everyone who got near me, I'd be piling on the deodorant; harmful chemicals or not).


Boy, did that guy get "torn a new one" - over 10 pages worth! I think he responded to the 3rd or 4th reply and then ghosted everybody. ????

I was concerned that, at my age, nobody would have heard that joke before. So, thank you: @1FinickyOne and @Kwasaki for your validation and props!

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've always understood that the parents can consent to a lower age, but that's just something I read a long time ago and I wouldn't be able to quote it.

Regardless, a farang would be wise to restrict themselves to over 20, to be safe. It's apparently been known for young girls to use their older sister's ID.

The lower age parents can legally consent to is 15, anyone wanting sex with 13 year olds wants locking up, or moving to another country. ID cards have photos on them..

Edited by clivebaxter
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23 hours ago, BritManToo said:

As a Brit you can marry a 16 year old woman.

As a Thai you can marry a 13 year old.


Just saying!

Completely wrong nobody can legally marry a 13 year old girl in Thailand, or have sex with them- that's a dangerous falsehood to spread about.

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On 8/14/2021 at 2:09 AM, BritManToo said:

Never reward bad behaviour! Never chase, plead, phone or apologise.

It's thanks to guys like him, that more and more women are acting exactly like that, including the mental gymnastics that whatever they did, it's your fault, the switching on the "little girl" voice when you do get mad, throwing temper tantrums and being completely illogical, to get their way (as people tend to get tired of arguing with someone like that, and then just submit, instead of telling them to straighten out or I'll leave)...


They have it so easy manipulating those guys, and more and more guys are becoming like that (I'm thinking it has to do with this whole pushing for "don't be toxic-masculine", and such), in turn creating more princess-syndrome women.


I stopped feeling sorry for guys like that, but I'm starting to despise them, because they make it that much harder for everyone else, who doesn't want to put up with this craziness. If man act anything like this, then it's "he's bat <deleted> crazy" and what not. Or if he does something typically male (well what used to mean "manly" anyway) "boys will be boys" doesn't count, if she does it's "well girls will be girls teeheee". And they enable it.


I suggest these people should read "the manipulated man" by Esther Vilar, it should be a huge eye opener for many of these simping fools... Not that they will, but then he shouldn't come crying on here, when she divorces him and takes that new house and then some.


The fact alone, that the deposit "wasn't a big deal", speaks volumes. Almost all women want the man to take charge, no matter what they say. Just like they don't REALLY want you to be "more in touch with your emotions", and what not. This is even more true for those Thai girls, who don't have that whole torn mentality between 3rd+ wave feminism and their actual nature. All he's doing is proclaiming to her how weak he is, that she has all the control, etc.

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1 hour ago, clivebaxter said:

Completely wrong nobody can legally marry a 13 year old girl in Thailand, or have sex with them- that's a dangerous falsehood to spread about.

Far be it from me to judge, but anyone who thinks it’s cool or okay to have sex with a 13 year-old is one messed up <deleted>.

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On 8/14/2021 at 3:29 AM, wmlc said:

The way you told the story is you just mentioned you had been there before looking at houses. I doubt that’s all you said. You must have brought up the fact that you lost the deposit and spoke about a lot more specifics. Just mentioning you were in that area before looking at houses would not have created that reaction from her. The fact that you changed the story and posted it here just shows me you don’t respect  her and you post on a forum in a country you don’t even live in now to get moral support for something that was obviously your fault. It was water under the bridge and you should have known it would be a sensitive topic. Sorry but you are the one in the wrong with all due respect. You had forgiven her already right ?

oh, you're her other boyfriend and she told you her side of the story. ok...Thanks for the info!

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22 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

There's plenty of 15 year old boys that would disagree with you.

Yeah, well point taken and I may have been one of those 15 year old boys back in the day, but I was talking about those out of touch 60+ers who have the delusion that a 13 year old girl enjoys being ridden by one of them. 

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4 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Bargirls arent all bad. 

Probably not, though why even take the chance? I'd imagine (although this is mere speculation), that you'd be better of if you get one that only just entered the trade, and isn't totally jaded, man hating and most importantly meth addicted yet...


You do realize, that this sort of work does have an impact not only on their psyche in generally, but also on their bonding ability etc?


EDIT: I know some girls in the sex trade here (Europe). Some of them are looking for husbands, but what they want exceeds even the most wishful thinking of the "normal" women here. But that's because they're from the higher end brothels, and make a lot more money than plenty of the clients coming in there...

And sometimes they get it too, usually with a large age difference. Thing is it's never based on actual love, respect, etc. They're just getting to that age, where they're getting too old (and thus not attractive enough anymore, even with the dimmed lighting + excessive make up) to do their work, and so they'll take the closest thing to what they want (or sometimes even the actual thing).


You're right, a lot of them aren't "bad people", but they're still looking out for their own interest first, and often in a far more cynical way than you or I. I like some of them, but I would never get involved with them, whether they'd have me or not.


I've also known a few people, who married bar girls from Thailand. One ended up finding out a thing or two, by the time his kids were already in their mid-late teens... ie that her "little sister" was actually her kid, that one of her "cousins", was actually her former pimp/still current boyfriend. And so on. Just because some guys don't see things happening, or don't want to see them, doesn't mean they don't... On the other hand they might be loyal.


Each their own, but personally I would not tempt fate like that. There are PLENTY of other options out there. Last time I was in Thailand, I went on a bunch of tinder dates. I didn't sleep with all of them, but most went well. You just have to sort through the bio-males and the freelancers, before meeting up.... Met some really nice ladies, had some real fun times.


And I'm neither wealthy, nor particularly good looking. Not ugly and shabby either though... And while I have to work a little bit harder, to get them to put out, than someone who is 6 ft+, wears luxury designers only and has wads of cash + nice jewelry on them, it's still doable... just don't act like an emasculated bitch, take the lead, make them laugh (but don't be a clown).


Cheaper, safer (both long term financially and STD wise) and much more enjoyable, than being with a bar girl, where you can never be sure if she likes you or your money. And no, her offering to let you smash with no condom, being aggressive about that, and even initiating sex herself, doesn't mean she's into you either. Not by a long shot. Women are much more cunning and manipulative than most of you realize.

Edited by FarangULong
added a few paragraphs
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6 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

The lower age parents can legally consent to is 15, anyone wanting sex with 13 year olds wants locking up, or moving to another country. ID cards have photos on them..

Are you sure?


"Either of them should not be less than 17 years of age or should be in marriageable age in accordance to the law enforced from your home country. The Court may, in case of having appropriate reason, allow them to marry before attaining such age."


So in theory, at least, it should be possible.


Not that I would want to marry a 13 year old, let alone sleep with one (not 15 anymore physically, only mentally)...


Maybe if she gets pregnant by another 14-15 year old, but who knows...


Not that it matters in regards to Thailand, but there are far worse places, regarding this stuff.. ie in Iran a girl can be legally married off not based on age, but rather on having her first period.

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