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Thai PM sees signs of pandemic slowing with adherence to current restrictions


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https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/thailand/  Right click in any white area to get a drop down list. Select View page source. Tick the Line Wrap box at the top left. Scroll down to line 767 for 7 day averge of Covid cases.  Yesterday 21,784 today 21,710. So a possible peak. Line 1171 for 7 day moving average of deaths. Yesterday 198, today 213. Deaths trail cases by about 15 days. image.png.09628e95680dc6842c8e45178299c5b5.png

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3 hours ago, Dene16 said:

What an absolute meaningless statement. Cases are still continuing to rise.

Just as in every other country they are finding better ways to treat the patients and therefore a faster turn around in patient stays

So when they are up to 40,000 cases per day, as has been predicted, it is okay as long as over 40,000 have left the hospitals 

You couldn't make this ##### up

No, what you have perhaps not taken into account is that "if people comply with the measures".  If it gets worse, he will blame the people for failure to comply!  Very sneaky.

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4 hours ago, timmyp said:

I think the lockdown isn't helping control the spread at all, and has long since been time to open up. 

I just don't like this claim that the lockdown here has been successful at anything except making people suffer. 


Sure would be nice if he'd just undeclare the lockdown today instead of making everyone suffer another 12 days. 


I really hope kids can go to school like they have been the whole time in Japan and Sweden.  

So you want the streets to be filled with the sick and dieing, As of now in the states the population most hit by this varant are young people and many of those have nor recieved a shot. Do you have any real fact and stats that back up your nonsense.

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5 hours ago, 2long said:

Is this the same PM who said in July 2-3 weeks, max 4. And then the next day said '4-6 weeks' before things are much better?

He also said there would be no coup, that was seven years ago and the coup is still active, that's if active is the word.

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I've said this quite a lot before but lots of fantastically dense people here still refuse to understand it.


This virus will not stop until everyone has either had it or is vaccinated, that's how it works.


There is no other way, so talk of peaks now is utter garbage, all that is happening is a slow down in infection rates because of lockdown, the second it is lifted, cases will rocket once more until everyone has been infected or is vaccinated

Edited by ourmanflint
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His crystal ball must be broken or bribed to tell the picture he wants to see.

Mine is saying that unless a good vaccine rollout supply can be speeded up the infection rate & deaths will remain constant until the end of the year, which means that our business along with thousands of others will go down the gurglur

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2 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Coz he is full of sh@t maybe ?


No he is NOT in any way shape or form.

What about his lies? Well maybe not, his lies are far worse than any western politician, he would put even them to shame.

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1 hour ago, moe666 said:

So you want the streets to be filled with the sick and dieing, As of now in the states the population most hit by this varant are young people and many of those have nor recieved a shot. Do you have any real fact and stats that back up your nonsense.

You really need to get a grip on this disease... "streets filled with sick and dying." Please go look up the statistics on this disease. 


You can use this if you like, or find your own. This image is from nature.com.   


covid mortality - from nature-dot-com.PNG

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Parts of this list are comical:

  • Going outside only when necessary
  • Keeping 1-2 metres distance from others everywhere
  • Wearing facemasks at all times, both outdoors and at home, if there are more than two people in the house and especially if you are living with elderly or vulnerable people
  • Washing your hands frequently, before a meal, after using the bathroom, after sneezing, coughing or touching common areas. Assume that everyone, including infected people have touched it
  • Avoiding direct hand contact with your facemask, your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Elders and vulnerable people should not leave the house. If unavoidable, go outside for the shortest time possible
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces
  • Separating personal items and not sharing them with others
  • Eat, but do not share, hot or fully cooked food
  • If you think you are at risk, you should use an Antigen Test Kit to test yourself for COVID-19 or get tested at the nearest hospital.

Keep 1-2 meters away from people even in your own home( i guess everyone should carry two meter poles to poke people with to make sure the distancing is proper). Basically wear masks all the time (this is actually really unhealthy for you). Old people cannot even exercise outdoors in a an area that is relatively private or get any fresh air(they must all be under house arrest). These are pretty much unrealistic expectations.

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1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

I've said this quite a lot before but lots of fantastically dense people here still refuse to understand it.


This virus will not stop until everyone has either had it or is vaccinated, that's how it works.


There is no other way, so talk of peaks now is utter garbage, all that is happening is a slow down in infection rates because of lockdown, the second it is lifted, cases will rocket once more until everyone has been infected or is vaccinated

Flattening the curve just makes the pain last longer and should only be done when hospitals are being overwhelmed. Protect the vulnerable and let it spread and the wave will last 90 days. The latest study from the UK shows that the Delta Variant while more contagious( I believe they said 60% more) is actually the weakest/least deadly. The overall mortality rate was .1% which was the weakest of all the variants.

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4 hours ago, Robert Tyrrell said:

Covid Vaccinations never offered immunity , They offer protection from Severe Illnesses, Hospitalization and Death !   

Pretty much like most other vaccines in history then?

Rocket science it is NOT!

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Even if this proved to be true there will be another wave in a few weeks or months.


Without the vaccines it will be the same catastrophic end.


Lockdowns, full hospitals, families dying.


Another problem is the short life of its primary vaccine Sinovac.


Its already low effective rate deteriorates drastically after just three months.



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"Mr. Prayut also cited the Public Health Ministry’s claim that, if the lockdown efficacy is increased, it will help reduce the number of new cases and deaths."


The Health Ministry doesn't have a pot to pee in.

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11 hours ago, Hayduke said:

Translation: “Letting people know the truth about how badly we’ve buffooned this crisis isn’t working….it’s time to go back to lying about everything.”



20000 every day ,every day ,the abacus is stuck 

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India has had to deal with the Delta variant longer than any other country.    If you take a look at the trend line for infections and deaths there has been a massive decline.  Some of this has been the number of vaccinations.  Though the level of vaccinations alone does not explain the scale of the decline in infection and death.  So perhaps there is a point at which immunity in the general population is attained.  One supposes that Prayut is hoping for the same in Thailand



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