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Prayut walks back October reopening for the country


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8 minutes ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

Somebody call on Big Joke--If He cant fix this no one can!

Look at the state of the worlds big cities after WWII , smashed to bits by bombs.

What will it take for those that pay the piper to see that this dictator is now shooting,-- they themselves in the foot?

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4 hours ago, Why Me said:

Depends on the daily case numbers. If they drop to the hundreds - no I am not smoking anything, could  happen, it's the Delta characteristic to shoot up shoot down - no reason not to open.


Plus vaccines. At nearly million a day should be able to get 60-70% in the main pop centers jabbed by the end of the month. Which are herd numbers.


Have faith in Prayut. Man's dumb as a ham sandwich. But he likes his job.

That’s harsh…on my processed ham sandwich..

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2 hours ago, Taco said:

Yea no worries, tourists love last minute canceling their long awaited trips. Should be great for the million people+ out of work here as well. They don’t mind having nothing for the foreseeable future.

Nobody but a fool booked to go to Thailand.  

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1 hour ago, brucegoniners said:

"government implemented mandatory lockdown measures"? And what exactly were those? Closing restaurants and bars? People still moved freely about. It was the worst of everything. People lost their jobs and still contracted and died from the virus.


This is actually the first intelligent thing I've heard come out of his mouth. Reopening the country would be a disaster.


A real lockdown for 3-4 weeks is what's needed to crush the virus. Then maybe you can open November 1st and save the tourist season. Otherwise the country is screwed and many more will get sick and die.

And go bankrupt, and lose thier jobs if not already happened, and die of starvation 

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4 hours ago, Why Me said:

Depends on the daily case numbers. If they drop to the hundreds - no I am not smoking anything, could  happen, it's the Delta characteristic to shoot up shoot down - no reason not to open.


Plus vaccines. At nearly million a day should be able to get 60-70% in the main pop centers jabbed by the end of the month. Which are herd numbers.


Have faith in Prayut. Man's dumb as a ham sandwich. But he likes his job.

Herd immunity is no longer possible because of the delta  

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Breaking promises, not fulfilling his pledges, ignoring his own declarations, and not even attempting to fulfill his obligations as PM are just par for the course, for this man. He is a terrible PM, and does not have a nanogram of leadership skills, in his tiny frame. Plus, he is timid, afraid of his own shadow, and the opposite of strong, on every level. Want to know how I really feel about him?

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Thais must learn to live with Covid-19 or risk damaging the country’s economy further.

Spoken like a true politician. In spite of the current mess having been caused by the government and its various tentacles, he makes it sound like the damage to the economy is entirely the fault of the Thai people!

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Oh but they will still open up as he said sector by sector, whatever the hell that means, even though he nows better as per this statement from the article in the OP:


what does sector by sector even mean? Translation error or maybe he just means areas of the economy, which is of no use to tourists if they can't even get into the country on favorable terms. 

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forget the jab corvid is here to stay, just open the gates and carry on, the truth is many people that have had 2 shots are dying from corvid 19, mask or no mask, lies and more lies will not change that, Thais are waking up the general will need to wear his army uniform all the time soon

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18 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

what does sector by sector even mean? Translation error or maybe he just means areas of the economy, which is of no use to tourists if they can't even get into the country on favorable terms. 

Pretty sure he has no clue himself what it means, suck it and see seems to be the approach, totally out of his depth its an embarrassment.

Edited by Bkk Brian
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2 hours ago, bkk_bwana said:

Much as I dislike the PM, it's not just him or Thailand. Every country in the world has behaved exactly the same way. Flip-flop, changing policies, do this, do that. Say this, say that. Open this, close that. Nobody knows how to handle the pandemic 'properly'. Why should they?

Right in one sense.


But Thailand is among a select few of truly dumb countries that has not vaccinated according to age (and thus need).


The nations 10 million over 60's could have been protected by now and this would have afforded a huge reduction in deaths and the possibility of at least a partial reopening.


Effectively, Thailand is in no better place than it was when the rollout began.

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6 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

Flip - Flopping yet again Mr P, he doesn't know what planet he's on... 

In all fairness back when he gave the October opening date which was one of his many statements Thailand appeared to be off the Covid hook so he was probably feeling rather cocky, but he didn't have a crystal ball and got it wrong sadly for Thailand!

What he should have stated was if we continue with the few infections we currently have we could open as soon as October 1st!  You shouldn't knock the guy for being optimistic!

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5 hours ago, Why Me said:

Depends on the daily case numbers. If they drop to the hundreds - no I am not smoking anything, could  happen, it's the Delta characteristic to shoot up shoot down - no reason not to open.


Plus vaccines. At nearly million a day should be able to get 60-70% in the main pop centers jabbed by the end of the month. Which are herd numbers.


Have faith in Prayut. Man's dumb as a ham sandwich. But he likes his job.

Job pays a better grade then just a general too ????

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3 minutes ago, Tonypandy said:

And go bankrupt, and lose thier jobs if not already happened, and die of starvation 

For those that have not seen this, there is a New Variant of covid detected as coming from South Africa, a new variant described as worse than Delta.

One case of this variant was discovered at the NZ border and isolated immediately ,lucky for us.

RNZ news reported that this new variant may be resistant to all the present vaccines.

There was mention that vaccines will probably need a booster third shot and they will be looking to see what the big pharma will come up with to combat this.

Some virologists have a theory that the virus mutates more strongly from vaccinated people.

It certainly does not stop being infected or vaccinated people from spreading covid, however NZ authorities say it is preventing the seriousness of the illness and keeping the hospitals extensive care unit numbers down .

Right now NZ hospitals are under strain, with a small number of infections, if it breaks loose we are in big trouble, therefore both NZ and Australia are in a race to vaccinate, even though they know it can not prevent infection, they say that it will prevent the seriousness of infection and overloading of emergency services.

If this new variant starts to travel around and Thailand opens the doors to SA, then what will happen?>


Russia has a new drug that just went to phase 2 trials and so far has not produced side effects, it is called MIR 19 and attacks the SARS component of the virus in the lungs, it is said to be 10,000 times effective against covid, and is administered by inhaler.

You can google MIR 19, Russian drug trial-- and read it yourself, it is up on RT Today and You Tube, which is the first to take down fake news.

The world should stop squabbling, and unite against this, instead we have corruption to the length that the USA strongly advised Brazil not to buy Russian Sputnik , source RT Today, You Tube,-- so that's politics, big pharma and corruption dictating the path that countries take to buy their products.

No wonder Thailand and the rest of the world are in such a mess.  


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24 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Right in one sense.


But Thailand is among a select few of truly dumb countries that has not vaccinated according to age (and thus need).


The nations 10 million over 60's could have been protected by now and this would have afforded a huge reduction in deaths and the possibility of at least a partial reopening.



What news have you been following? It's always been over 60s first. That may not have worked in all ares, but it was certainly the intention.

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