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Pfizer side effects


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How soon after the first dose did these symptoms first present?


How long did they last?



Maybe ask when you go in for your second dose? Surely those medical professionals have the experience and knowledge to help you.


Or just trust loons on the interwebs, like me.






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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

How soon after the first dose did these symptoms first present?


How long did they last?



Maybe ask when you go in for your second dose? Surely those medical professionals have the experience and knowledge to help you.


Or just trust loons on the interwebs, like me.






They started about 8 hours after, lasted through 2 nights, the first bad, by the second it was mostly over.

I get my second dose next week.

Asking there won't help me to arrange company in advance.

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First Pfizer 31st August with nothing noticeable other than slightly sore arm. Second jab on 23 September. Most I have read and heard most people have most reactions after second jab.


I did watch a video where a guy had his blood tested for antibodies after both. After first he had a small amount but rose very high after second to a level that apparently could cause issues. I think Pfizer but cant be sure.

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I'm 62 years old and reasonably fit. My 54 yo Thai wife and I both received 1st and second doses of Pfizer on the same days. We both had similar side effects. 


With the first shot a little light headed for 30 minutes after the shot. A little arm soreness for a few hours. Nothing more than that and no problem going about our business, including driving home, for the rest of the day. Next day no remaining side effects. 


After the second shot, which we received around noon, we had both lost our appetite by evening. We were also very tired. We forced down a little food and took a walk, then retired early at about 9pm and slept soundly through the night. The next day we both felt great and didn't have any more side effects. 

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i had my first shot of Pfizer last Wednesday and actually feel better since all the anxiety of trying to get vaccinated has now ceased.  just tenderness  near the injection site for 24hrs.  like a flu shot.  nothing more.  

Edited by malibukid
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18 hours ago, DefaultName said:

Question for those who have had 2 doses.


On my first dose, I had quite bad side effects for a day or so - exhausted, shivers, hot, cold, headache, muscle pain, feeling sick, the whole package really - can I expect the same from my second dose next week? 


I'm still going to get it - the side effects don't kill but Covid might - but I want to be sure that I have company that day if I'm going to be bad again.



No-one can answer that for you... take a friend just in case.

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First dose I was fine for 9 hours and then my arm became quite sore to the point that I couldn't move it much and couldn't lift it above my shoulder. After a good night's sleep I was fine and the pain had gone.


Second dose my arm was just a little sore. However, I woke up at 2 AM (I'd had the second dose the previous morning, so about 15 hours earlier) with a raging headache and a fever. I don't like to take medicine if it can be helped but this headache was really bad so I took a couple of Tylenol and an hour later felt much better, the fever was coming down and I fell back to sleep. By the time I woke up I felt fine again.

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I was in bed with fever, nausea, dizzy for 3 days after J&J then pretty sick for another 4 days. 3 weeks after and I'm still a little dizzy and have brain fog but I just went to the doctor on Monday and he found some nasal inflammation and liquid in both ears so I got some meds for that. I think the vaccine triggered something already existing but who knows.


So yeah, bad side effects and I only got it so I can travel back to Thailand via Phuket.  Everyone in my family got shots and none of them had side effects.


If you're interested there's a reddit with daily stories of bad reactions. It's all anecdotal but there are patterns and similars side effects being reported so I take it seriously. See https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/.

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Affects people in different ways.


My daughter and her husband had flu like symptoms for 3 days after their 2nd Pfizer.

I had slight stiffness of the upper arm around the jab with the 2nd Pfizer.

Nothing with the 1st Pfizer except for the normal sensation you get with an inter muscular injection.

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My left arm where I got the jab was sore for a day or two, but nothing to worry about....have jab two of the Pfizer in a few weeks and hope for the same result?  Having said the, I know several of my Thai friends got Pfizer as well and almost all of them got a high fever and chills? ????????


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