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Thailand Road Carnage: More booze bans and checkpoints needed - look at lockdown success


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A sensible system of fines and punishment plus prison sentences is the answer. Yes it will take a few tears but in the end it will reduce some  or most of the carnage. Yes at the start they will still drink, drive, not wear helmets and use the phone but slowly it would work  The other main point is  the Police have to do their job and for that they need paying properly.

                  Just need to start somewhere

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8 hours ago, seajae said:

they need a police presence on the road in patrol cars/bikes so they can catch all th drivers/riders doing the wrong thing as well as booze busses operating to catch out all the drink drivers. Problem is it would cost money to get started which they dont like to spend plus the police would not want to go out and patrol roads etc as we have all seen, a presence at night would also help, policing is supposed to be 24 hours not sun up to sun down. Paying police a decent wage would also go a long way to clearing up the need for graft and getting them more enthusiastic to do their jobs

They need to recruit some Taliban to the RTP, those guys are primo with checkpoints and they already have something against alcohol. Thailand should set up a culture exchange police program with the Afghans - trade secrets on censorship, breaking up protests, how to assassinate discreetly, etc

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32 minutes ago, Black Angus said:

A sensible system of fines and punishment plus prison sentences is the answer. Yes it will take a few tears but in the end it will reduce some  or most of the carnage. Yes at the start they will still drink, drive, not wear helmets and use the phone but slowly it would work  The other main point is  the Police have to do their job and for that they need paying properly.

                  Just need to start somewhere

It takes time, and Thailand isn't ready to start. As a child in the US, I remember everyone threw trash out the car window, nobody used seatbelts (much less child seats), everybody drove from the bar (fights broke out if keys were taken) - now these things are thinkable and barbaric (in the US anyway).

Nobody in power is ready to impose real change, so Thailand has to wait it out (I might say protest, but farang can't encourage that stuff). Maybe in another 10 years, so get comfortable and get used to us all pointing out the problem that nobody will fix

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10 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Just slap a 50,000 baht fine, and a years driving ban on all those who are caught drinking and driving.


And if you kill someone then you should be given a minimum 10 year prison sentence. 


Everybody knows drink driving is wrong, so all offenders should be heavily punished. There are no excuses! 





Then they'll whine that the poor farmer can't afford a 50,000 bhat fine and they will drop it to 500 baht and a wai 

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

The roads could be such a pleasure to drive on - largely of good quality, largely devoid of heavy traffic - if it wasn't for the locals and the way they like to drive as if they are playing a video game. Instead, as you say, you have to be on your guard the whole time.

Good quality 555 they repaved the roads where I am about 2 years ago they are already getting bad holes in them 304 going into kabin buri is so torn up it shakes your teeth to ride on them 

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First Thailand has to clean up the corruption in the Government. Then they have to clean the corruption

in the Royal Thai Police starting from the top, with all those police who have multiple cars, and houses and assets

that cannot be explained away. Then they have to kick out all of those corrupt police and  shame them.

Train and pay the police force a much better salary and kick out the corrupt police that are caught getting

tea money, (500) baht for traffic offences.  The mass exodus of those corrupt police members would truly be

astounding, wouldn't it.  Of course none of this is going to happen because this is Thailand, a developing country.

  I have seen lots of police during the day time hours, but have not seen as many during the night time, except at accidents.

     There is many changes that Thailand has to do, and it has to come from the very top, and I am not talking about

the General PM or the top of the police force.  We are all aware of the very top, but are not allowed to discuss it.


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3 hours ago, futsukayoi said:

90% of motorcyclists are probably killed by car drivers who give them no consideration at all.  

A lot of the motorcycle riders I see drive the wrong way or on the wrong side of the road don't give turn signals don't turn their lights on (these bikes should be like the ones in the US when the bike is started the lights come. I don't know how long ago this started but my first bike was a 1979 model and it was like that) and watching TV the other night I determined that some of these bikes can't turn they can only go in a straight line. 1 motorcycle pulled out in front of another the lane beside them was clear the on coming bike had plenty of time to go around but hit them instead 

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5 hours ago, mrfill said:

Treat the drunk drivers like drug peddlers. Confiscate the car and auction it with 30% going to the police who catch the perp.


Watch them move then!!

The money needs to go to the police department so they can hire officers and put them on the roads in cars equipped with radar. Think how many cars could have been put on the road with all that money from Joe farari 

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 the high death rate is from the majority of people driving scooters/motorcycles.  


If you get in accident on a scooter your more likely to die than in a car.


Most Thais have to drive scooters because cars are to expensive.





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14 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

So the poor would not be able to pay and go to prison but the rich hisos can risk it. Confiscation of the vehicle and at least a 1 year ban for a first offence would be a lot better.

Crikey... don't the police have a big enough collection of vehicles already?

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37 minutes ago, El Guap said:

Drinking is not the real cause of road accidents in Thailand. The real cause is that most Thais do not know how to drive. I drive better drunk than they can sober.

I agree with your post.

But they do know how to drive and ride, but don't care what they do on the roads.

and know one is there to stop them.

just like wild kids in the school play ground, with no teachers looking on.

will Thailand ever grow up, probably not



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8 hours ago, Mike k said:
12 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

The roads could be such a pleasure to drive on - largely of good quality, largely devoid of heavy traffic - if it wasn't for the locals and the way they like to drive as if they are playing a video game. Instead, as you say, you have to be on your guard the whole time.

Good quality 555 they repaved the roads where I am about 2 years ago they are already getting bad holes in them 304 going into kabin buri is so torn up it shakes your teeth to ride on them 

I wrote largely of good quality, not universally. Most of the roads in my area, in Kalasin province, are of excellent quality, and a very far cry from the single lane each way dirt track that existed when I first came here 25 or so years ago. Now it's a dual carriageway.

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19 hours ago, edwinchester said:

I asked a couple of wifeys police friends why the law wasn't enforced......'not easy, too difficult' was the reply. Before anything actually changes the Royal Thai Police Force needs to be staffed by officers who actually care about the job they're supposed to be doing.

Some time ago I asked a local senior police officer who spoke pretty good English, why after issuing a fine for not having a licence, no insurance, not wearing a hemet etc etc. they allow the offender to drive off and continue committing the same offense or why as in many countries the vehicle isn’t seized.

His explanation was that they can only book the offender once in each twenty four hour period for the same offense.

He couldn’t seem to get his head around the difference between fining and preventing an ongoing offense.

I gave up in the end.

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6 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Some time ago I asked a local senior police officer who spoke pretty good English, why after issuing a fine for not having a licence, no insurance, not wearing a hemet etc etc. they allow the offender to drive off and continue committing the same offense or why as in many countries the vehicle isn’t seized.

His explanation was that they can only book the offender once in each twenty four hour period for the same offense.

He couldn’t seem to get his head around the difference between fining and preventing an ongoing offense.

I gave up in the end.

Yeah, if you get done for speeding on a road trip you can put your foot down even more. If you get stopped again just show them the 'ticket' you received earlier.

A friend was stopped a while ago for speeding and paid a 200 bht backhander. The cop wrote a short note that he'd already been done for speeding that day and to be let off if caught speeding again.

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Of course many of us foreigners have great suggestions because we come from parts that actually educate and enforce the driving laws and that is really the key. Living here all these years and having training back home in the transportation industry I know the importance of enforcement.


When I came here I felt the same drinking I would scream inside " stupid MF "  then through several incidents I realize I could get in a fight everyday I was really wasting my time and energy because they just haven't been educated properly they have taken everything the object, rules and turn them upside down to the point everyone is desensitized to what they are doing.  I been in situation with driver even the police as a witness to accidents explaining what went wrong and who was a fault based on their own driving rules and laws. You will find out in general they don't have a clue or the proper execution which is why the accidents happens.


We all come from the same seed we are human we are in general born the same what separate us is our culture. Thailand today is part of the world and they have ask for it when you reach out for money like they do year in year out with the W.H.O. for money to improve the system ( 15 million USD ) yet the numbers continue to rise their solution is to put up more poster to wear helmets foreigners like myself have a right to criticize!  Are Thais stupid NO!  in the model world lets take the sports of MMA, many of their boxers are now entering into the sports the sport has different rules yet they aren't being single out for infraction why?  they are educated to exactly the rules, infraction and penalty within the match is a referee ( to enforce ) who is also taught those rules everyone is on the same page. Unlike the BIB here isn't judge and jury the referee applies the rules to the oath he or she has taken. It is really simple as Thai excel in many world sports event it is all about EDUCATION AND ENFORCEMENT by knowing you will follow because if you don't there is a Lost, THE LOST HAS TO BE GREAT ENOUGH THE HUMAN DON'T WANT TO LOSE. 


How important is enforcement as I visit and drive back in the States with different priority for police even before the call of defunding I see with less enforcement more road rage incidents and accident when people know they can get away with system human nature that is what they will do!


That being said as long as the police don't have a clue as to how, what or when to enforce I wouldn't be giving them a baht why would anyone give a TOOL to someone who doesn't have a clue as to what to do with it that includes the person at the very top! I stand by my earlier comment the whole system needs to be taken away from the country leaders but reality we foreigners know that isn't going to happen and that is the reason nothing is going to change.????

Edited by thailand49
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21 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Just slap a 50,000 baht fine, and a years driving ban on all those who are caught drinking and driving.


And if you kill someone then you should be given a minimum 10 year prison sentence. 


Everybody knows drink driving is wrong, so all offenders should be heavily punished. There are no excuses! 





I agree.  The system is such that repeat offenders never get taken off the road because most of the fines are handled by the roadside.  Driving records....assuming Thailand even has a tracking system..are never affected, punishment is never heightened, vehicles are never impounded, and repeat offending drivers are never held accountable.  They just pay a reduced fine along the road and are on their way.

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22 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Just slap a 50,000 baht fine, and a years driving ban on all those who are caught drinking and driving.


And if you kill someone then you should be given a minimum 10 year prison sentence. 


Everybody knows drink driving is wrong, so all offenders should be heavily punished. There are no excuses! 





Elementary - but first you need a police force. Thai police cannot even enforce something as visible as helmets on motorbike drivers.

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22 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

It is not the alcohol.. it is the bad driving education or lack of education of it.....

I agree! It's chronic speeding from red light to red light, STUPIDITY. It's Thai impatience with cars/bikes pulling out in front of ongoing traffic, with a BULLYBOY mentality, of "I will make you stop because I want to"! The Police need to stop and charge these idiots, fine them! 



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23 hours ago, grego49 said:

The greatest thing they can do to bring down the road toll is enforce the wearing of helmets,,

Wrong! Wearing helmets only affects those who don't wear them, automatic bans as well as jail sentences and heavy fines is the greatest thing they could do to bring down the road toll.

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Just now, possum1931 said:

Wrong! Wearing helmets only affects those who don't wear them, automatic bans as well as jail sentences and heavy fines is the greatest thing they could do to bring down the road toll.



That + a decent standard of training and testing before they even get a licence.

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18 hours ago, Ginner said:

Nothing will change until they start dishing out much stronger sentences' Not point banning them for 2/3 years as most drive with no licenses and insurance  already. They have to introduce jail time minimum 1 year for your first offence up to 10 years for 2nd,3rd exct . But know this government it will bring in prohibition. The PM hates the breweries anyway.


So the breweries don't pass on thick enough brown envelopes to the unelected PM. ????

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was  watching the cops on parade last week from KFC best part of a 100, while sailing merrily down beach road were , hundreds of thais on scooters with no helmets , just about sums it up, never seen so much braid ha ha. *PEP TALK  TIME*, now boys you must go out and catch a few more, our christmas fund pot is running low, sorry boss, there are no tourists here to fleece. (and yes i have proof)

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Personally i don't have a drivers license because of the same reason.

I knew from i was 16 or 17 when I was in the middle of my cooking education, that I wouldn't be able to control myself if I went out drinking and if I had a car nearby I would most likely think i was able to drive.


Because of that i never tried to get my drivers license.

I love my beers to much.


So it's maybe a cheap shot from me when i suggest that all cars worldwide should be equipped with an alco lock.....

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