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Several incentives approved to attract long-staying foreign investors, wealthy foreigners


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9 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Le visa de dix ans tel que décrit pour la dernière fois dans les médias n'était pas attrayant (un visa de 5 ans que vous pouviez renouveler une fois). Le problème avec le visa thaïlandais n'est pas le voyage d'un an à l'immigration pour le prolonger, c'est le reportage de 90 ans. Le visa de 10 ans nécessite-t-il toujours un rapport de 90 jours ?





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if you reach these criteria or even half way why would u come here?its insane.you can go to many places where red tapes minimal,you can own property and businesses,have certain rights to stay ,be part of the health programme,no reporting,no racist pricing....the list goes on.more self delusional nonsense.from what im seeing and hearing many expats wanna leave as the covids shown quite clearly the future for foreigners and the govt strategy,they wish to be a china clone so they can rule indefinately and perpetuate the corrupt feudal autocracy that is thailand,many thais have had enough they wanna leave or will go at it with this form of govt which means more instability,unless u have a family,wife,business here the rest are considering a move in fairly large nos.

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16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Thats only 1 million baht per foreigner over 5 years. 

(1,000,000 foreigners x 1,000,000 baht = 1,000,000,000,000 Baht (1 trillion).

Which is a little less than 17,000 per month. Wow!!!!!! Real big spenders 

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From the linked article:  "The NESDC has also been assigned to assess this scheme every five years, including all the incentives, and consider extending any of the incentives as it thinks fit."


5 years later.  Sorry that property is no longer yours.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

a measure to attract “high potential” foreigners

"High potential" for what? Being fleeced and stripped down to their last shirt so they can "inject" up to 1 trillion baht into the local economy? As always, it only ever about 1 thing, isn't it? The big M.


It's always oh so telling that these schemes are tied to substantial financial pre-requisites. 

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For christ's sake...how many times have we seen this gimmick?

Prayut's pals are use to telling the Thai's any line of BS they can dream-up and expect them to believe in their "wet-dreams".    My wife and her family think he is next to immortal and grasp everything the Thai political clan puts out into the media.  Makes me want to puke.   


The Politicals are really saying..."we need someone else to screw-over, because our cash reserves are running short.   It's got nothing to do with developmental economics for the Country.  It's all about hoseing someone over for their own personal gain.  Then they inflate the numbers to appease the media.   Fricken criminal.   Welcome to the "land-of-fake-smiles".

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7 minutes ago, Oxx said:

Wealthy people don't like being told what to do with their money.  Being ordered to buy significant amounts of Thai government bonds (with their pathetic yield) is offensive, as is the requirement to buy insurance.  The rich don't need insurance; they can pay out of their own pockets.


This is another case of the government imposing pointless conditions, leading to a scheme that will fail - very much like the scheme for foreigners to visit Thailand under Covid.

yeah that why wealthy chinese rush to canada and australia because they hate being told how to invest their money in gov bonds or RE to get residency so much....


What u think wealthy people give af about and what they really do are two entirely different things. 


These shemes exist in most countries including the united states of america, the uk, australia and co. - and somehow there's plenty of people using them. 

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17 hours ago, Almer said:

Im lacking in all there requirements, but i spend my pension here and keep out of trouble, and help the needy in the village if that counts for anything.

It counts to your village, and that's what matters. Who gives the proverbial what this government thinks. I doubt many well heeled rich foreigners will come here. They will go to more developed countries with better infrastructure. I can just picture a guy in a safari suit falling down an open manhole or hobbling across a broken pavement, spilling his perrier everywhere ????

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In 16 years of living in Thailand I have just carried out a rough calculation and using a proper calculator I estimate that during that time I have spent some  20+ million baht in total that’s a fair amount of money and what do I get in return ! Very little !!!

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said that Thailand has set a target to attract as many as one million of these classes of foreigners in the next five years, with an expectation that their spending and investments during a five-year period will inject one trillion baht into the Thai economy


As well as billions in bribes in the pockets of.....


Well, you know.

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2 hours ago, DULEROY said:

At this level of income people do not come to settle in Thailand only to get hit ..... there are places in the world much more beautiful and more comfortable with lots of sun and very beautiful beaches than Thailand. but you have to have the income accordingly......

There are sufficiently large numbers of high net-worth individuals - the same kind that wealth managers and investment bankers target - in the world to settle in the countries that can offer them good health care, nice weather and good array of food. An estimated 200 million retirees worldwide living of pension or savings and looking for a nice country to stay. Enough high income people for the Thai government to target and attract with new incentives. Other countries are doing the same -re-jigging of investment policies. All facing decline in tourist revenues during covid and post covid and needed new policies to appeal to these wealthy folks. . 

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