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You know you're old when..............

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16 minutes ago, PJPom said:

When a light bulb goes out in the ceiling light and you get a table and a chair on top, look at it and seriously wonder if you should. I have considered myself super fit for years but all of a sudden I have started considering the risks, I must be getting old !.

No, you're getting sensible.

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45 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

I went to get some new photos for immigration. I was so shocked at what I received I dumped them and found some old ones in my rummage drawer.


The IO never noticed. (well he wouldn't would he. I was wearing a mask, he he)

I keep using up my years-old photos for Immigration not because I'm getting older but because I hate to waste anything. Which is probably a sign of someone born before about 1970.

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When you hunt high and low for your specs , only to find them sometime later perched on top of your head , or worse still , that you are wearing them.

I used to ask the mrs. , have you seen my specs?  and she would just say no or do the hot/cold thing and have me spinning round in circles.

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When you start telling everybody that things were better 50 years ago. Only to realise (to your own astonishement) that most things of importance were actually better 50 years ago.

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8 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

When you write a shopping list for just three items (bad memory) and then you get to the shop and cannot read the craapppy writing.

Or worse. . . . .you've left the note on the kitchen table at home.

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7 hours ago, nikmar said:

When you begin a sentence with "When i was your age ................."

Or 'I remember when. . . . . (usually about something pre-decimalisation).


6 hours ago, Daffy D said:

If you really want to know how old you appear to the outside world watch yourself on film 

I made some home-made porn when I was around 40 and looking back on them at 62 and seeing myself from a different perspective. . . . . it made me look better hung than I actually was or now am. ????

4 hours ago, PJPom said:

When a light bulb goes out in the ceiling light and you get a table and a chair on top, look at it and seriously wonder if you should. I have considered myself super fit for years but all of a sudden I have started considering the risks, I must be getting old !.

When consider you're too old to be doing household chores but you always consider yourself still young enough for a bit of 'rumpy-pumpy'. ???? 

6 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Maybe so fat and drunk impotent and out of shape people feel old at 63.

Jeez, 63 is not old.  I am older and in maybe the best shape of my life.  Frequent golf and girls and other activities.

A lot of it is in a persons mind.  Hoping for some sympathy I guess saying or thinking they are old.

Maybe turn on the light and change your attitude.

Delusional. Stallone is probably one of the fittest men for his age. But he is old and so are you.  If  your within x number of years or OLDER than the average life expectancy of course your old. What do you consider yourself to be? Young? ????????????????????.

   I remember my pop telling me the problem is your mind never really ages and for some it gets stuck in some place in your life when you were killing it. Ask a 20 or 30 or even a fixing 40 year old f f s if 63 is old, that's if you can accept the truth. Your confusing reality with perception of course you can feel good and be a fully functional near athlete at 63 but your still old.

  Im creeping up on 50 champ and I'm super fit super active and still work 12 hour days in heavy industry I do however have no delusions about being young.

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