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Thai Court rejects dual pricing case from expat in Hua Hin


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14 hours ago, elektrified said:

Rubbish. I know several foreigners who have prevailed in Thai courts; from family law to civil suits. One won a judgment against a Thai person for 60 million Baht. 

"Rubbish" until YOU become a victim. Then you will howl and cry and beg for mercy from those who HAVE no mercy. Kissing the backside of Thais gains you about five minutes of good will. The rest of the time, you are on THEIR turf and will be judged by THEIR rules.

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18 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

Of course The Nation only worships money if your not Thai then be prepared to pay whatever they ask. Will be interesting  to see the appeal outcome if it happens. 

I think everybody knows what the appeal outcome would be.

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I had an example of Thai justice not long after I moved to Thailand to stay. Long story short here. I was up in a Thai court, nothing criminal, the judge ruled in my favour, my lawyer did well for me, and my case was to be sorted out in two or three weeks.

About two weeks later, my lawyer phoned me and said that the Judge had now changed her mind as she did not believe my statement.

That was my introduction to Thai justice.

Confused are you?? It could not be any plainer.

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2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Confused are you?? It could not be any plainer.

My good US friend took his wife to court despite many farang telling him he would never win. He got a fair hearing, getting half his house and land, which were subsequently auctioned and he got 4 million baht for his half. A fair hearing. 

I have many other examples of fair hearings for foreigners here.

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Just now, Neeranam said:

My good US friend took his wife to court despite many farang telling him he would never win. He got a fair hearing, getting half his house and land, which were subsequently auctioned and he got 4 million baht for his half. A fair hearing. 

I have many other examples of fair hearings for foreigners here.

Yes, I believe you, but have you ever heard of anyone win their case then have the judge change her/his mind two weeks later?

Could that possibly happen in any other country?

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2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I know a country that doesn't, and we both come from it, well part of it. ????

Ironic thing is that many Brits here would welcome some kind of policy to stop so many foreigners getting in there, yet don't want Thailand to have any policy discriminating against them as foreigners; kind of a instilled Colonial attitude, like the Dutch OP. He should have health insurance or just go to the cheap hospital. Suing the Dept of Health is not something any wise guest would do. 

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19 hours ago, tomyami said:

I had an Op on my shoulder in BPH 2019 even my insurance company questioned and suggest I check the price in ireland which the same

Only difference was timing and as it was painful I would have had to wait a year in ireland.

Expats have seen price inflation over the last 10 years, somethings i have found are are even cheaper back home.

The gouging of foreigners where most still work with salaries at a fraction of my countries the rewards are going to the rich TIT.

I always had med cover so it is not a big deal but seeing this blantant discrimation has left me with an even bigger chip on my shoulder.



I don't blame you, but I take it you don't mean the Republic of Ireland.

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6 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Ironic thing is that many Brits here would welcome some kind of policy to stop so many foreigners getting in there, yet don't want Thailand to have any policy discriminating against them as foreigners; kind of a instilled Colonial attitude, like the Dutch OP. He should have health insurance or just go to the cheap hospital. Suing the Dept of Health is not something any wise guest would do. 

I agree with the poster who said that the guy obviously has no experience of Thailand, or he wouldn't waste his time going to court.

He is obviously not a sex tourist or he is very rich. He would find it very difficult scoring with a beard like that. ????

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18 hours ago, jayboy said:

To be fair that can be said of most countries.

I agree if that is this unelected government that is being referred to.

But from my experience of living here for 15 years, I do not get the impression that I am just tolerated

by the ordinary Thai people, apart from them trying to jump queues, or riding their motorbike through the market next to me, and that is nothing with me being a foreigner. I have never had any altercations with any of them.

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5 hours ago, jonclark said:

So if as you keep saying and believe that any reference to " all people, persons"  etc is explicitly directed at Thai people only..as the constitution only covers Thai people. One can assume by logical extension that where the constitution states "No person or people" it is meaning No Thai person. Correct?

Sorry, I have no idea what you are going on about now. 

The Thai Constitution is written to protect Thai Citizens, full stop. 


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No surprise the Thai judicial is not an independent body they do as they are told .won’t be surprised after seeing this ruling that charges for foreigners will rocket price fixing at its best just like the park admissions and they want to attract the very wealthy to Thailand it’s like the import duty for foreign vehicles the whole thing is a scam

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35 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I agree if that is this unelected government that is being referred to.

But from my experience of living here for 15 years, I do not get the impression that I am just tolerated

by the ordinary Thai people, apart from them trying to jump queues, or riding their motorbike through the market next to me, and that is nothing with me being a foreigner. I have never had any altercations with any of them.

It's not a question of not having altercations.Thais are generally a polite people with foreigners.That does not alter the fact that, as with most countries, foreigners are tolerated rather than welcomed.Those who mix with the classes catering to farang "customers" or who live in towns associated with the "water trade" may get a different impression but it isn't representative.Over time foreigners can become assimilated but that is unusual in Thailand for Westerners.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Sorry, I have no idea what you are going on about now. 

The Thai Constitution is written to protect Thai Citizens, full stop. 


I'm afraid I'm a cynic.The 1997 Constitution, though far from perfect, was certainly drafted with the interests of Thai citizens foremost. The current constitution enshrining the present sham democracy was drafted in the interests of those who pushed it forward and of course their patrons and paymasters.

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22 hours ago, david555 said:

That is why something is total out of normal behavior in this country , is like a dog chasing / biting his own tail ....

Paradise lost now already 5 years +

the country is not bad, sunshine, warm temperatures and a layback type life it's ok for me...... but but but damn leaders are a drawback/turn off   555

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On 9/30/2021 at 1:47 PM, wadman said:

For goods and services that are subsidized by taxes (public funds), it's logical and reasonable that Thais should pay less.  Foreigners (unless they are paying tax) should pay a higher price.  I don't see a problem with that.


For goods and services that are NOT publicly subsidized it should be the same price. 

No doubt you are advocating that Foreigners pay higher tolls on the expressway and higher airfares on TG.  Or do you mean only if the subsidy is from the government to the entity ratehr than from the entity to decision makers?  

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On 9/30/2021 at 8:22 PM, MRToMRT said:

I read it myself its probably section 27 ......



Section 27. All persons are equal before the law, and shall have rights and liberties and be protected equally under the law.

Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of differences in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic and social standing, religious belief, education, or political view which is not contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, or on any other grounds shall not be permitted.

Unjust discrimination not mentioned on basis of citizenship or Nationality. 

Right there in the Constitution. A futile lawsuit. Farnag pay more. Live with or or leave.


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On 9/30/2021 at 12:40 PM, itsari said:

The court action from the man from the Netherlands concerning price for foreigners has now set a precedent.

Meaning all is ok to charge more for foreigners because it is good for the country . 

Sad decision 

Before everyone jumps on the "Thailand bad" bandwagon, perhaps they should look for comparison to the how their own countries treat others.....


In the UK, if you are not UK resident then you are not entitled to free NHS treatment.  Including British nationals who are expats. 


In the USA pretty much everyone pays through the nose.  I heard recently that in Florida, it will cost you near $1000 just to get an ambulance to take you to hospital.



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6 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

Before everyone jumps on the "Thailand bad" bandwagon, perhaps they should look for comparison to the how their own countries treat others.....


In the UK, if you are not UK resident then you are not entitled to free NHS treatment.  Including British nationals who are expats. 


In the USA pretty much everyone pays through the nose.  I heard recently that in Florida, it will cost you near $1000 just to get an ambulance to take you to hospital.



I think you will have trouble to find a country that charges different nationalities different prices for the good of the country .

Both examples you gave charge the same who ever they are .

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On 9/30/2021 at 3:52 PM, sanuk711 said:


Shame on you Thailand....


What a pathetic statement to make

Administrative Court in Phetchaburi ruled that multi-tiered “dual pricing” in Thai hospitals are not discriminatory as they benefit Thailand.


Not discriminatory as it benefits Thailand, says it all..........................:coffee1:

This is a disgusting decision. Now bar girls have been given a mandate to charge Falangs even more than Thai men. Very unfair :<(

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1 hour ago, Phulublub said:

Before everyone jumps on the "Thailand bad" bandwagon, perhaps they should look for comparison to the how their own countries treat others.....


In the UK, if you are not UK resident then you are not entitled to free NHS treatment.  Including British nationals who are expats. 


In the USA pretty much everyone pays through the nose.  I heard recently that in Florida, it will cost you near $1000 just to get an ambulance to take you to hospital.



You have used a completely unbalanced comparison. 


IF living in the UK my wife would have to pay an Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) - which is cheaper than the cost of Health Insurance in Thailand (for myself). But, once indefinite leave to remain has been granted my wife (or foreigner of any nationality) does receives free health care.


In Thailand I am unable to achieve such status because I do not work here and am unable to secure PR status. 


Even then, Dual-Charging is based on nationality, so, PR status does not handle the Dual-Pricing issue. 


I am unable to secure Thai Nationality, so I am stuck with dual pricing for as long as I live in Thailand. 




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On 10/1/2021 at 8:02 AM, 4MyEgo said:

I avoid any place/s that charges more than what a Thai pays, I can live without that BS.


As for insurance, we all have to accept that we are not on their system, like they wouldn't be on our system back home and would have to pay, regardless is they are such imbeciles that they cannot see charging more than Thai's is wrong, might have to do with them not having been outside their country ? 

Not quite correct: IF a Thai spends the same amount of time in many of our home nations that we have here they would have / could have secured Nationality already and secured equal rights. 


Additionally, ALL the Thai’s in positions of decision making power are travelled - it is only the poor Thai’s who do not travel internationally. 



On 10/1/2021 at 8:02 AM, 4MyEgo said:


That said, if one goes to a private hospital, one pays private hospital prices, which would basically be the same as going to a private hospital back home, public charge less, it's a business and the government back home only pays what it deems is the norm and you have to pay the difference.


I have been to public hospitals here, I have paid more than Thai's, but it still is cheaper, much much cheaper than it would be back home, private on the other hand are expensive, but still much cheaper than back home, i.e. I pay for outpatient, casual visit to see a Dr, or a specialist, drugs, x-rays and the like are also more expensive than in a public hospital here, you want 5 star then you pay for it, you want 2 star, then you pay for it, there is a clear difference.

Irrelevant argument to Dual-Pricing... Petrol / Gas is also cheaper here than it is back home, does that mean its ok that non-Thai’s pay more to fill up their car ? 




On 10/1/2021 at 8:02 AM, 4MyEgo said:

Private emergency insurance is not cheap, mine also covers me for elective surgery and overseas in my home country for 90 days and 4 neighbouring countries (zone 4) for example, you can increase the zones (countries) you are covered in, but naturally your cost of the policy goes up.


I am 61 and pay around 10,000 baht a month, no deductible's or excess to be paid if I have a claim and my cover is for 1.2 mil USD or 40,000,000 baht.  

Are you charged more than a 61 year old Thai would be for exactly the same policy ?


On 10/1/2021 at 8:02 AM, 4MyEgo said:

It's not cheap if you are on a pension, but I wouldn't live here on a pension, as I wouldn't be able to afford private cover, like I said, you get what you pay for and I have seen a couple of blokes pay out over 2 million for emergencies, fortunately for them, they had insurance, alternatively they would go to a public hospital and pay less, probably half ?


AA Insurance brokers here in Thailand can give you an XLS spread sheet with all the different insurers and their costs and covers and also recommend one for you.


No insurance, no cover = potential huge dip in your savings, i.e. if you have any.

You are not discussing Dual-Pricing.. you are simply mentioning that you have health insurance and that medical costs in Thailand are cheaper than other countries. 

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On 10/1/2021 at 10:22 AM, MRToMRT said:

I read it myself its probably section 27 ......



Section 27. All persons are equal before the law, and shall have rights and liberties and be protected equally under the law.

Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of differences in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic and social standing, religious belief, education, or political view which is not contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, or on any other grounds shall not be permitted.

Is there something missing ?


Section 27. All persons are equal before the law, and shall have rights and liberties and be protected equally under the law.

Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of differences in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic and social standing, religious belief, education, or political view which is not contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, or on any other grounds shall not be permitted. Unless not Thai.


Actually there is wiggle room - Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of differences in Nationality is not mentioned. 

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