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School Children being told they have to be jabbed

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Can't see a way around it. I am with you on worries though. All these vaccines are still under EUA's.


The only thing that you might be able to do, though very difficult I imagine, is to state your concerns to the school and see if you can get some choice in what vaccine she is given.  Personally I wouldn't want any child of mine given an mRNA vaccine.



Edited by phetphet
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1 minute ago, phetphet said:

Can't see a way around it. I am with you on worries though. All these vaccines are still under EUA's.


The only thing that you might be able to do, though very difficult I imagine, is to state your concerns to the school and see if you can get some choice in what vaccine she is given.



Sure, but we both know that's a waste of time. I think it's Pzifer.

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1 minute ago, 2long said:

I'm 100% with the OP here.

I'm not antivax, but not keen on being told my kids need to have something so new, just to be able to study.

Also the Thai wife thing is spot on!

With limited umbers of in-class students, I feel that any kids who don't get jabbed will be told to continue online studying while their classmates go into school.

Yep, we don't really have much choice do we. Just have to keep fingers crossed for the future.

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I would not give the vax to a child no way........Get creative....Say your child is allergic to the vax components...Demand a exemption....Threaten to sue them, but a simple exemption would make all the nastiness go away ......Say you are waiting a year and then another year etc........There are many options......

Edited by redwood1
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32 minutes ago, redwood1 said:

I would not give the vax to a child no way........Get creative....Say your child is allergic to the vax components...Demand a exemption....Threaten to sue them, but a simple exemption would make all the nastiness go away ......Say you are waiting a year and then another year etc........There are many options......

Try telling my missus that.


You have to remember that no vax (regardless of why) would mean she can't go back to school. Making it sound easy by typing it out on a forum and it happening in reality are two different things.

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Despite my OP and natural concerns for my own child, my overriding emotion is ''let them get on with it'' I'm worn out fighting these idiotic people, I've practically given up now and will just accept whatever happens...


On a tangent, I see that the nutjob governor of California has said that all 12 years olds up must have the vaccine.

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1 minute ago, Johnny Mac said:

Despite my OP and natural concerns for my own child, my overriding emotion is ''let them get on with it'' I'm worn out fighting these idiotic people, I've practically given up now and will just accept whatever happens...


On a tangent, I see that the nutjob governor of California has said that all 12 years olds up must have the vaccine.

Why don't you do some research.

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34 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

If it is mandatory to go back to school, how about some kind of liability letter that the school needs to sign....If they are so sure about it, let them prove it. We are talking about kids here and a vaccine that has no long term studies. Maybe give us all some confidence......back up your vaccines for kids with something I get YOU, the school to sign. Sound fair?

I thought it was the govt that is ruling the vax rules.

My Mrs is getting vaccinated because she will be allowed to serve and open up her café if she had 2 jabs. 

Edited by Kwasaki
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3 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

I thought it was the govt that is ruling the vax rules.

My Mrs is getting vaccinated because she will be allowed to serve and open up her café if she had 2 jabs. 

Lets see how the cookie crumbles. I understand your point. But if certain schools make up their own little policies........maybe they need to back up their confidence in what they are doing. Lets say the govt is wishy washy in its wording about students...as it seems to be at the moment. IF the school is taking it upon themselves to make the rules......then fine, let them back up their policies. Isnt that fair?

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Any legally minded people out there able to give a good example of such a letter to be translated into Thai? I will give it a go myself. One would need to be careful with the wording and subsequent translation. I mean, contracts are meaningless at the best of times here,  BUT if many parents started fronting up to schools with such letters......it could send a message, it would probably make some rather nervous. I wonder if any schools would sign such a letter....Ha!! 

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