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Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection in Thailand: What to Know


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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Both SARS-CoV-1 and MERS were far more deadly with case fatality rates of ±10% and ±30% respectively. 

Fortunately, both viruses had lower transmission.

exactly, you need to look at the whole profile of the virus and the pandemic including transmission ability

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

How long after the 2nd jab? And is she symptomatic or simply testing positive.

we are seeing different things happening in different countries because of timings - countries that had an early vaccine rollout are now seeing the need for booster shots - it is still not clear if more booster shots will be required, this is an evolving situation 

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27 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

Who wrote this article, the WHO?, 10 times more likely to catch C19 if unvaccinated.

Israel and Singapore should be used as the guide lines for breakthrough cases as they are breaking out all over these countries.

I read it was 11 times more likely to die if unvaccinated.

The young and healthy recover from this virus without treatment.

The people that die are usually elderly and those with compromised health conditions.

Most cases in the  latest Delta outbreak in NZ recover at home.

Today 39 new cases, 32 people in Hospital 7 in ICU and one death.

Total cases approaching 1500 since the Delta outbreak and the whole country is locked down.

The health ministry just said on RNZ news, this virus is "Tracking Down" unvaccinated people.


The NZ government could be accused of blackmail, as they are now saying that you will not be able to attend a rock concert scheduled later this year unless you've been double dosed, Air NZ are saying you will not be allowed on International flights without a vaccine Passport, they are currently considering extending that to domestic flights.

And further more employers are not going to let you work without a vaccine.

Law suites have been filed against the WHO in India, I just watched the interview with a lawyer from the Indian bar on Infinity news.

Protests happening in NZ now, and some groups of people, are talking of legal action, over the use of alleged propaganda and blackmail methods being used.

Facebook whistle blower says algorithms are being used in social media. Opps! down goes Facebook for a day.

The Indian bar said in the interview with Infinity that, You Tube and other media are using algorithms to  take down articles that mention Ivermectin, a drug that has been administered over 4 billion times for treatments in Humans .

Ivermectin was originally manufactured by MERCK, now it is off patent and very cheap to manufacture.

Strangely MERCK are making a new drug that you can take for the treatment of covid, Thailand just ordered  a few hundred thousand doses and Australia also placed a large order in the last 24 hours.

Source- Asean news and RNZ news . This drug will cost about $700 US per treatment made by the same company that recommended to the WHO, that the use of Ivermectin was not safe to treat covid, even though it is being used successfully in India and other countries,  at only a few dollars per treatment. The Indian Bar are now taking the WHO to court.

You don't need an abacus to work this one out. Political manipulation and Big Pharma =Money

Infinity also mentioned that most third world countries can not afford access to vaccines and expensive medicines, and are likely to only achieve 20% vaccination by 2023, but Ivermectin could change the game, they can not afford MERCK's new one at $700 per treatment.


Given that he seemed to be including India as poor and bot being able to supply medicines to the masses for some time, then opening up Thailand to many poorer countries might only be for the richer citizens, and then only if your fully vaccinated ,but--you still can catch and spread the disease.

I think time will tell that treatment is the way to go.

If Ivermectin and its makers new version are working well the world might then change from Jabber madness to curing people with treatments.


Algorithms will/should, be banned as a tool for removing information that is helping big companies make money and ride over useful research and credible research,  doctors are being marked at present and their research and comments taken down for just mentioning the word IVERMECTIN> 


Don't worry  MERCK is bouncing back with it's new version Molnupiravir, at manufacturing cost $17.74

and is supplying it at USD $712.00 per treatment.

40 times the price, Source- the Intercept.com 2021 covid pill pricing.

No wonder the makers of Ivermectin recommended to WHO that Ivermectin was not safe to use in the treatment of Covid. 


why not watch this video and educate yourself 




here are two more just to make sure you are getting it







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2 hours ago, tandor said:

...more hype...Sars Covid 2 is regarded in scientific circles as 'a weak virus'.

I tried to find a definition for "weak virus" either from epidemiology or science in general. No luck. Can you provide a link to this term allegedly used by scientists?

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14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Agreed...  Both SARS-CoV-1 and MERS were far more deadly with case fatality rates of ±10% and ±30% respectively. 

Fortunately, both viruses had lower transmission.


This virus has killed more than other viruses in aggregate - as far as killers go, what about Malaria ? cancer ?

What about malaria and cancer, neither are viruses. You might as well mention cigarette smoking and alcoholism 

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11 hours ago, adexgh said:

You can live in fear for the rest of your life with 10 booster and 10 mask anytime. I won't

Excellent. Thoughts and prayers. I'm sure your background as an Immunologist led to your informed decision. Again, thoughts and prayers. 


3 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

The economic damage on an individual level and the hardship and stress caused by lock downs is far more dangerous. People are facing huge financial difficulties on a massive level. So forget the BS breakthrough propaganda. Its the economy causing hardship that is the issue.

Another brilliant opinion expressed by an educated virologist, obviously. Here I thought it more about death but I'm sure you're right, it's the economy. 


1 hour ago, Robsweblinks said:

To bad there isn't anything we could take to protect us from the unvacinated ????

Snickers. You think? Ye gods there are some brilliant minds out there, no?


2 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

The propaganda is becoming relentless. So do they work or don't they. Project Veritas is blowing this whole narrative wide open. Shouldn't that be the headline?

Thanks so much for reminding us about the valuable works James O'Keefe is doing. Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. I know when I and my MAGA friends need insight to what the truth is, I head over to Project Veritas. ????

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A couple of conspiracy troll posts from an unapproved  conspiracy troll website have been removed.



In addition to the guidelines posted below and those detailed in the Thaivisa forum rules and following the announcement that Thai government will invoke emergency powers in order to help deal with the COVID-19 situation in the country, Thaivisa requests members posting on the forum to abide by the following:

 Do not post news or any form of content, including video, audio, images, social media posts that contains messages that may cause people to be afraid or intentionally distort information, causing misunderstanding during the COVID-19 pandemic.   

Any posts or topics which our moderation team deems to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or has been posted to deliberately distort information will be removed without warning. You may also be subject to a posting suspension or have your profile permanently suspended from the site. 

Thank you for your co-operation.

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1 hour ago, Pinot said:

ion expressed by an educated virologist, obviously. Here I thought it more about death but I'm sure you're right, it's the economy. 

@Pinot another person who's ok for money so it doesnt affect him, im alright jack brigade.  

Edited by paulikens
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2 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Afraid of getting a jab? I don't get it. "A life lived in fear...?" What are you talking about?  


If you don't get vaccinated, you're far more likely to get very sick and possibly die after infecting everyone around you with your nonsense. You don't want to live in fear of what? Multiple vaccination and having to wear a mask? How is that living in fear? You're doing what society has deemed the way to respond to a pandemic as determined by experts. Not what some idiot high school dropout wrote on the Internet, actual trained experts.


Or you can take horse dewormer. Thoughts and prayers.  

Don’t waste your time with people like him because they’re hopeless cases, just like flat earthers and all the other conspiracy theorists! 

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