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Anamai Poll finds most Thais are concerned about November 1 reopening


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The big majority of those 94% people who "has concerns" dose not realist how important tourism is to Thailand and without tourist's dollars millions are out of work, foreign earning are not coming in and the government's coffers are running on empty...

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They should be concerned if not fully vaccinated and feel somewhat cautious otherwise. It's going to cut up fairly rough for a few months.  But there is no other way imo, although waiting a couple more months to reach 80% vaccination would have been better from a public health perspective.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

A survey by the Department of Health has found that Thais are worried about the November 1 reopening to international travelers, and wanted to see more effective prevention of illegal border crossings.

They should be more worried about domestic vaccination rates.

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The borders not being policed pose a much, much bigger threat to Thailand in regards to infections than letting in fully-vaccinated travelers who are tested twice.


On a related note, if only about 40% of the 70 million people in Thailand are vaccinated and they could get around 65 million vaccinated tourists to arrive all at once, then 70% of the people in Thailand at that time would be vaccinated even without giving any more vaccines to Thais. 

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The figures mean nothing. What was the sample size ( 200, 2000, 200000) and what area was the survey taken. results of 94% are meaning less if only 100 people responded and they were Burmese workers in the far north west..  You would have a different result from Phuket and Pattaya or Bangkok..

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

They have been scared into submission! 

That's for sure. I can't help think that by blaming foreigners for the virus and Anutin's infamous comments last year, it's all part of the plan to distract Thais from criticising their government for all it's failings. More talk and fear of foreigners will maintain controls on everyone and divert attention from the Thai government. It will be interesting to see the poll attitudes to foreigners once the pandemic is well and truly over.


I'm reminded of a situation in June 2020 while travelling near Khao Sok in Surat Thani. I stopped at a roadside coffee shop and was greeted by the owner's husband outside in the garden, he spoke great English and was a nice chap. On trying to enter the shop to place my order, his wife said I must leave as "foreigners have Covid". She was adamant that I could not enter the shop. Her husband persuaded her to serve me coffee at the table outside which she did. Cleary she was <deleted> scared of foreigners and covid. 



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5 hours ago, bkk_bwana said:

The 85% of Thais who have nothing to do with working in tourism or its related industries have a right to be worried. The country will do far better if efforts are concentrated on keeping the virus out of the manufacturing and food supply chain, focusing on exports which are a far greater revenue generator than tourism.

Tourism will come back. When the world is ready to travel again. Not just because they hang a 'now open' sign up.


They have a right to be worried IF there is something to worry about. 

However, ignorance and hearsay do not an educated pollee make. 


i.e. ask the same questions in similar ways and you’ll get different answers: 


A) Are you concerned that foreigners will bring in Covid-19 when Thailand opens in Nov 1st ?

B) What is the risk foreigners present to Covid-19 numbers ?


Everyone will answer - Yes, to question A. The vast majority will have no idea how to answer question B proving they are ultimately unknowledgeable to provide an educated answer. 




That said 20% of Thailands GDP comes from Tourism which has been devastated impacting millions who now have no income. 

As you mention [bkk_bwana] the remainder of Thai industry and business needs to be protected. 


The Phuket Sandbox has proven that opening up of Thailand to foreign tourists does not present any significant increase in risk to the spread of Covid-19 especially with the 1st Nov requirements to isolate (hotel quarantine) for 1 night until a locally administer PCR test is proven negative. 


But, elevated risk may exist if the increased population density within tourist areas leads to further domestic transmission. But, will the increase in tourism (from Nov 1st) really lead to an increase in population density in tourist areas, it may in some, but I just do not see major increase in tourist numbers the TAT are proposing, thus I do not envisage elevated risk. 


Additionally, how is the risk of increase tourism through opening up of bars and restaurants in tourist areas otherwise measured against shopping malls, restaurants, massage, sports facilities, offices etc


The point I wish to make here is that if ‘everything else’ is open, how much greater is the risk presented by opening the tourist areas populated by international tourists ?


There are also many tourist areas popular with domestic (Such as Khao Yai) which are very busy at the weekends - tourism is not only dependant on foreign visitors. 


Thus, to conclude: Anyone who considers vaccinated and PCR tested foreign arrivals as presenting a major elevated risk to the spread of Covid-19 in Thailand has not really considered the various facets to present a balanced response. 






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16 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

That's for sure. I can't help think that by blaming foreigners for the virus and Anutin's infamous comments last year, it's all part of the plan to distract Thais from criticising their government for all it's failings. More talk and fear of foreigners will maintain controls on everyone and divert attention from the Thai government. It will be interesting to see the poll attitudes to foreigners once the pandemic is well and truly over.


I'm reminded of a situation in June 2020 while travelling near Khao Sok in Surat Thani. I stopped at a roadside coffee shop and was greeted by the owner's husband outside in the garden, he spoke great English and was a nice chap. On trying to enter the shop to place my order, his wife said I must leave as "foreigners have Covid". She was adamant that I could not enter the shop. Her husband persuaded her to serve me coffee at the table outside which she did. Cleary she was <deleted> scared of foreigners and covid. 



Such stunning ignorance. What can one even say? 

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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Such stunning ignorance. What can one even say? 

I very nearly turned away and left but the husband was genuinly nice and chatty (he had worked in Phuket until the pandemic). I was <deleted> off at first but I really wanted that coffee!

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5 hours ago, mommysboy said:

They should be concerned if not fully vaccinated and feel somewhat cautious otherwise. It's going to cut up fairly rough for a few months.  But there is no other way imo, although waiting a couple more months to reach 80% vaccination would have been better from a public health perspective.

If your vaccinated you can catch and transmit, if your not vaccinated you can catch and transmit. 

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