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Thailand’s first COVID Delta Plus case not same as UK, 18 others found with Alpha Plus


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I have no idea what you are talking about. I am triple vaccinated and usually wear a face mask outside. I don’t live in fear.

Lol. 10/10.


If you want to see what happens to people who bluster about manufactured Covid fear.

You know what it is tho, it's that throughout the pandemic, I never felt the need to tell a single person what to do. You want to go out? Ok. Want to stay at home? Cool. Want to travel? Go for it. Want to get vaccinated? No problem. Want to not get vaccinated? Sure.


I don't feel that others owe me anything, and think they should be free to live their lives. I'll happily handle my own business. But a ton of people seem to have a desperate need to tell me what to do, and it's genuinely the most annoying thing.

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Still no movement to procure mass amounts of mRNA vaccines. 


Always waiting until its to late.


Anyone vaccinated with Sinovac more than 4 months ago should be aware their probably as likely to get infected as an unvaccinated person.


Meanwhile the inept government does what it does best.



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12 hours ago, Trujillo said:

I am not whatever a "Covid Denier" is, or you think is. 


Covid is real. The statistics are real. 

You want to talk about risk assessments? 

Which is riskier: riding a motorcycle here or living your life where SARS-CoV-2 might (or might not) infect you? 


If you want to be in total fear all the time and wear two masks even though you are vaccinated and a face shield and gloves, more power to you; just don't please force your obsessions on everyone else. 

Ummm....your comments and posts suggest you are a covid denier.  Big time.

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28 minutes ago, The Cipher said:

Lol. 10/10.

You know what it is tho, it's that throughout the pandemic, I never felt the need to tell a single person what to do. You want to go out? Ok. Want to stay at home? Cool. Want to travel? Go for it. Want to get vaccinated? No problem. Want to not get vaccinated? Sure.


I don't feel that others owe me anything, and think they should be free to live their lives. I'll happily handle my own business. But a ton of people seem to have a desperate need to tell me what to do, and it's genuinely the most annoying thing.

Lol.  See you on the HCAs!


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9 hours ago, freedomnow said:

I'm not anti-vaxxer, sorry. Already double vaxxed.

I'm an anti-one narrative on this entire pandemic...anti-instant slapdown on reasonable alternative voices such as that guy on YT.

So you fall for the fake news stories about Covid on YT?  Perhaps you're a covid denier? 


This boggles my mind.  You'll ignore the advice of doctors and scientists, but pay attention to unvetted sources on social media.  Incredible.




Among the Covid sceptics: ‘We are being manipulated, without a shadow of a doubt’


On Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, they came across theories about the origins of coronavirus that the mainstream media weren’t talking about – that it was engineered in a lab in China, say, or that it had been artificially spliced with HIV. Some of it seemed implausible to Anna, but it was enough to convince her that the media wasn’t telling the full story. “Loads of people were saying ‘even if you die from a heart attack, they’ll put it down as a Covid death’. I was looking into that, and how many people who died had pre-existing health conditions,” she said. “It was to make me feel better, so I wouldn’t be as scared.”

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This is all going the way of the gender debate.  They need to confuse and scare you with alphabet soup acronyms.


They've concluded the original idea to use the Greek alphabet for variations on the disease was (arguably) too easy to understand.


So now it's off to the races and the 33rd variation in 2024 will be described as the Covid-19/++/Sars-delta-foxtrot-oscar 2 variation, with a half-twist and a full pike.


Bureaucrats, the second most deadliest word in the English language after Equity.

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13 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Still no movement to procure mass amounts of mRNA vaccines. 


Always waiting until its to late.


Anyone vaccinated with Sinovac more than 4 months ago should be aware their probably as likely to get infected as an unvaccinated person.


Meanwhile the inept government does what it does best.



They also deny they are involved or will get involved in the ordering or donations from countries to a specific university.  Doing everything they can to not be outdone by another entity.

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15 hours ago, Will B Good said:

Well in theory the more infectious the virus the less virulent it is likely to be....presumably based on the idea it is not killing its hosts so readily allowing it to spread more easily.

Okay, there’s some misconception here.  You need to think about the Covid infection as the first step in a process: you’re infected and start shedding virus that is intended to infect as many people as possible.  This is why the asymptomatic disease has been such a pain.


only AFTER the infectious stage has taken place, will the serious disease start to take place. 

Covid is not like Ebola which infects in the serious disease stage. Covid infects successfully BEFORE you are very sick.  If Covid had thoughts, they’d frankly wouldn’t care what happens to you when you are in the hospital - work’s already been long done by then. 

the medical approval communities (in the US, FDA and CDC) are making a mistake in looking at whether vaccines are preventing serious illness and death.  We should primarily be looking at how effective vaccines are in preventing INFECTION of a vaccinated individual.   If you stop infection, you stop everything else:  you are not sick, you do not infect other people, and you don’t end up in the hospital. 

And only as an important secondary goal, should we be looking at how successful the vaccines are in reducing the impact of breakthrough infections. 


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14 minutes ago, Gsxrnz said:

This is all going the way of the gender debate.  They need to confuse and scare you with alphabet soup acronyms.


They've concluded the original idea to use the Greek alphabet for variations on the disease was (arguably) too easy to understand.


So now it's off to the races and the 33rd variation in 2024 will be described as the Covid-19/++/Sars-delta-foxtrot-oscar 2 variation, with a half-twist and a full pike.


Bureaucrats, the second most deadliest word in the English language after Equity.

There are hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of variants now.  Not easy to track them all.


You can hardly blame this on bureaucrats.

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14 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

It's hard to compare the effectiveness of the different vaccines as they were done at different times, with different groups, and different variants.  This is BS anti-vaxxers bring up.  We get annual flu shots.  Why not annual covid shots?  Amazing, eh? LOL.


Effectiveness does wane after some months.  Boosters are needed.  And variants keep cropping up due to so many unvaccinated.  Many of whom are in the more poor countries.

Some companies worldwide are trying to work on COVID vaccines that last a lifetime  after 1 or 2 shots and hopefully they succeed.


If they can make some that last 5 to 10 years it's a huge step forward.

It should be possible, but the techniques are more expensive.


For now i just settle with a yearly shot, and just hope a lot of the sceptical people, will change their mind and get the shot after they see vaccines are safe in the long run.


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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

I guess we now know why it's taking so long to come up with effective treatments for COVID as all the real Doctors are so busy on the wards with their patients ????


Hopefully one day they can get back to inventing new medicines in their spare time when there's less patients....

Actually, generally speaking its not "doctors" or "GP's" who work on treatments its medical researchers who work in large drug companies or medical professors who work in some universities.
Also most GP's don't have a lot of spare time that's why they are paid huge salaries.

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46 minutes ago, The Cipher said:

This comment is going to go over everyone's head, but sure. I'll write it.


Are you implying that I'll die? That's fine. I've got no fear of death. Very few of us get to choose the time and cause of our passing. Could be tomorrow, could be in 70 years (well, for me anyway heh), could be before I've hit send on this comment. Death is, in general, a certain but random exogenous event. You can take steps to alter the probabilities, but no methodology, at least as far as I'm aware, eliminates the event. That's the nature of the game we play.


Part of what makes life so interesting and challenging, is the need to balance the tradeoffs that necessarily come along with death's uncertain timing. I can't keep writing because I've realized that this post would get absurdly long and philosophical (it actually did, and I cut it back to this point lol).


Quick summary of what I would've written at length: Basically I chose to get vaccinated because it made sense to me to do so. But I don't feel the need to tell others what to do or not do, although I do recommend vaccination. But I don't believe that their lives (or my own) are particularly sacred or valuable in general - so really don't care what happens to any given individual, and I also respect individual agency enough not to feel the need to attempt to coerce or restrain others. Because of my view on the nature of life (subtly key to my entire worldview), the data strongly suggest that continued restrictions at this point are wildly disproportionate to the Covid threat.

You'll need to post a credible link proving restrictions don't work. Credible links only or it will be removed.

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2 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

You'll need to post a credible link proving restrictions don't work. Credible links only or it will be removed.

Have all the restrictions worked ?

They may have partially worked , but there have still been millions of deaths and many more infections . 

   Yes, they may have decreased the amount of infections , but they haven't completely worked otherwise the World would be Covid free by now

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17 hours ago, Will B Good said:

Well in theory the more infectious the virus the less virulent it is likely to be....presumably based on the idea it is not killing its hosts so readily allowing it to spread more easily.

Unfortunately, this is often not the case. The so-called "Black Death" had a high mortality AND was very infectious. Generally speaking, Covid-19 has a very low mortality (although mortality is much higher in the high risk groups, of course) but the morbidity (long term effects - including what some people call "long covid") are not yet completely quantified, especially with respect to variants. 


The key feature is the infectious stage which in covid-19 appears to be sufficiently long to allow it to be very infectious no matter what the outcomes. 



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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

They also deny they are involved or will get involved in the ordering or donations from countries to a specific university.  Doing everything they can to not be outdone by another entity.

3 million doses from Poland.

One can only imagine how many that could have helped.

Disgusting government.

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The really big question here, is why has it taken Thailand over 1 Month to make the new variants present in the Country public knowledge.

It appears on the surface to be a deceptive ploy to get off some Red Lists.

Or maybe, the WHO Etc were already informed over the new Variants present, but nothing has been stated to this effect

Testing for new Variants was a Major Issue when Thailand were initially placed on the UK Red List, and being so close to the Countries opening on November 1 st, its a tad late to do anything about it now. .

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18 hours ago, ukrules said:

I guess we now know why it's taking so long to come up with effective treatments for COVID as all the real Doctors are so busy on the wards with their patients ????


Hopefully one day they can get back to inventing new medicines in their spare time when there's less patients....

It’s not doctors who * invent* new medicines or treatments, that’s the job of dedicated scientific research . They have been at their studies 24/7 since the very start of Covid. I think the medical and scientific world are doing their damned best on this, and many other subjects. 

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2 hours ago, geisha said:

It’s not doctors who * invent* new medicines or treatments, that’s the job of dedicated scientific research . They have been at their studies 24/7 since the very start of Covid. I think the medical and scientific world are doing their damned best on this, and many other subjects. 

Of course I'm aware of that, I was being a little sarcastic as when one of these researchers speaks out in public the first thing 1000's of internet morons shout is that he's 'not a proper doctor'.....


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 -I have read online through thai embassy post, thai nationals returning to thailand are accepted entry without proof of clear pcr test, so for all others we have to have a clear pcr test 72 hours before boarding a flight to thailand, so these thai nationals do not-if positive with covid test on arrival could cause the whole flight to undergo 14 day quarantine,+ be bringing a new variant to thailand


Edited by bill hill
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5 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Have all the restrictions worked ?

They may have partially worked , but there have still been millions of deaths and many more infections . 

   Yes, they may have decreased the amount of infections , but they haven't completely worked otherwise the World would be Covid free by now

Restrictions work. Keeps people at home and the virus from spreading. That's pretty easy to understand.


Sure, it has an economic impact. But so does all the deaths and hospitalizations that come with doing nothing.


Many more would have died without the Restrictions. No easy answers here.

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