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Yellow book requirements

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I have recently bought a condo and would like to obtain a yellow book (tambien bahn for foreigner).  I was not offered one with the chanot as I had expected.  Can anyone tell me if this is usual and what I need to do to obtain one.  If it makes a difference the condo is in Nonthaburi and I am planning to return to Thailand on 8th November.  Thank you. 

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Will: got mine earlier this year.  Interview with Muni Civil Boss, with Thai Interpreter, then Full YB List. Step 2 first, direct with UK Embassy via Online Form & EMS Mail. Then a top Translation Agency will use Step 2 doc to get, required in my case,  Step 1 doc from MFA Bangkok ( Ministry Foreign Affairs) or, as you say, just produce a Passport Translation. 

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Enquire at your local Amphur Office - they may say ‘cannot’ which seems to be a go-to response for some as the processing of the Yellow Tabien Baan involves quite a lot of leg work by the Amphur officer. 

That said, others have been dealt with quickly - its just luck of the draw.

If you face the ‘cannot’ just push it a little, they can, they all can (just make sure you are at the correct Amphur Office for your Condo). 


Requirements vary but usually involve: 


1) Embassy Certified copy of your passport

2) Translation of the Embassy Certified copy of your passport

3) MFA Verified Translation of the Embassy Certified copy of your passport

4) Ownership titles (Blue book) and other proof of ownership

5) 2x Thai Witnesses

6) Proof of Visa status 



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thank you for all your replies which are helpful.  Just a simple follow on question - is the certified copy of th epassport to be translated simply the bio page or is it the whole document.  Irrelevant to this but when I was applying for my US O visa I had to supply a copy of every page of every passport my wife and I had ever had.

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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

From a personal perspective I have found the Yellow Tabien Baan and carrying the Pink ID to be useful but not essential. 

Can honestly state that I don't recall ever using the Yellow Book in all the years I've had it. I only got it because it was a condition of obtaining the free medical arrangement for foreigners. So yes I used it once to sign up for that but the government cancelled the medical arrangement in the first year of operation. Never used it again. I also have a pink ID card. Never use that also as I recall.

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richard: yes plus for myself, from memory:-

7) Police Clearance from Fingerprinting

8)Thai Witness Statements

9) TWS Translations


Fortunately no “ Birth Certificate with Both Parents Names”, a popular “ hurdle” and “deal breaker” for myself as being Adopted I have Different Names all over the place and would never begin to explain that here.Too complex and not their damn business either.

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2 hours ago, thaibook said:

thank you for all your replies which are helpful.  Just a simple follow on question - is the certified copy of th epassport to be translated simply the bio page or is it the whole document.  Irrelevant to this but when I was applying for my US O visa I had to supply a copy of every page of every passport my wife and I had ever had.

It's a translation of the data page, to obtain an MFA official translation of your name into Thai. (Yellow book and pink ID name is in Thai).

If you are married in Thailand, you already have an MFA translation of your name, and can be used in lieu at some amphers

Edited by Peterw42
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2 hours ago, thaibook said:

thank you for all your replies which are helpful.  Just a simple follow on question - is the certified copy of th epassport to be translated simply the bio page or is it the whole document.  Irrelevant to this but when I was applying for my US O visa I had to supply a copy of every page of every passport my wife and I had ever had.

It's only a copy of the bio page (photo ID).  To give you some insight into why this translation is important.  It gets your full name transliterated into Thai which is necessary because the yellow house registration book is entirely in Thai.  There are Royal Thai guidelines for transliterating English into Thai that are followed by the translator.  This may be the first time your name is officially transliterated into Thai and it's important to get this right because it will probably be used going forward for all your documentation when your name in Thai is required.

Interestingly, because it's commonly needed by most offices issuing the yellow book, I did not have to get my passport translated or certified by the MFA.  My tessaban office (also unusual as it's typically the amphur office that issues the yellow book and pink card) where I applied for the yellow  book even had a nice booklet made up in English about the requirements for getting a yellow book.  In my case the office used the transliteration of my name that had been done on the Sales and Purchase agreement I signed to buy my condo.  You will also need the transliteration into Thai of your parents full names.  In my case their names in English are very common and the transliteration into Thai well-known.

Edited by skatewash
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2 hours ago, transam said:

I never had any real hassle, and it has been very handy....

Same. A translation of my passport was required and that was all. Pink card easy too.


Used the yellow book once for proof of address when getting my second 5 year driving license. That was good because for the first one I had to have an embassy letter which was not cheap. Use it when getting yearly visa extension but it's not really necessary although they do take a copy of it.

Got the pink card recently as I thought it might help getting a vaccine. In my case it didn't as went through expat vac.

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18 hours ago, thaibook said:

I have recently bought a condo and would like to obtain a yellow book (tambien bahn for foreigner).

the documentation requirement varies.

But most amphurs requires an interpreter (Thai to your language) & 2 thai witnesses.


Some of the docs required

- residence cert from immigration

- 4 photographs

- sale agreement issued by land office

- blue book for the room

- juristic manager & thai ID

- interpretor & Thai ID

- 2 witness & thai ID


last 3 need not be mutually exclusive.

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3 minutes ago, mjakob007 said:

the documentation requirement varies.

But most amphurs requires an interpreter (Thai to your language) & 2 thai witnesses.


Some of the docs required

- residence cert from immigration

- 4 photographs

- sale agreement issued by land office

- blue book for the room

- juristic manager & thai ID

- interpretor & Thai ID

- 2 witness & thai ID


last 3 need not be mutually exclusive.

When i got mine, they verified if my visa at the time of application for yellow book was valid for 6+ months

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17 hours ago, Will B Good said:

Just started to do mine.....first two hoops.....

1. passport translated by authorized body and

2. passport verified by embassy. 

OMG I never had to go through all that mine took 20 minutes to do .My Thai neighbour came with me confirmed that he had known me for ex amount of time all they wanted was the names and birthdates of my parents who had both passed some 30 years prior signed a couple of forms had my picture taken paid 200 bight was handed my yellow book and pink ID Card and was told due to my age there would be no requirement to renew either the yellow book or ID card all this happened some 4/5 years ago . I suppose it comes down to different offices have different requirements by the sounds of it I was lucky as the process was straightforward

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Each amphur is a rule unto themselves.. 

A prior place I lived was super easy.. Rental contract, owners tabien baan / ID, a Thai with you, and copies of a bunch of things (visa passport etc) and all smiles. 

Just down the road they seem to treat them like gold dust.. Phu Yai baan and multiple witnesses must come and vouch for you, etc etc.. Still possible but way more work. 

I have heard of some amphurs simply making up rules until people gave up.. "Go to bangkok and have this legally translated and attested by the Min of Foreign affairs" or similar.. With each new hurdle laid on top of accomplishing the prior problem moving goalposts. 

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19 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Yellow book comes from local ampher not land office.

Requirements vary depending on ampher.


I'm in Kalasin Province and they wanted every page of my passport photocopied and signed, and every page in it translated to Thai. And it had to be done at a place in Bangkok that they know of. I decided that not having the yellow book was easier than trying to get one (and saved me paying an 'incentive' for them to 'review their requirements'). 

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