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Killed 55 years ago, Thailand’s Che Guevara finally honored by his university


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Jit Poumisak has been described as a Marxist historian, activist, author, philologist, poet, songwriter, and communist revolutionary.


A shocking act of violence shattered the atmosphere in Chulalongkorn University’s auditorium 68 years ago.


Jit Poumisak, then a third-year Arts student and editor of CU’s “University” periodical, was addressing a crowd of 3,000 students when he was grabbed by three angry Engineering seniors and flung to the ground two meters below.


Jit was on stage defending himself after the periodical’s edition marking Chulalongkorn Day on Oct 23, 1953, was suspended over articles perceived by some as Marxist.


A form of punishment


The three senior students who attacked Jit were apparently following a practice of punishment used among CU students called “yoan naam” or throwing into the water. Except in Jit’s case, they threw him on the hard ground. The injuries suffered in the attack left Jit in hospital for many days.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/killed-55-years-ago-thailands-che-guevara-finally-honored-by-his-university/


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8 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Oh, I get it. People are reacting to the headline with Che. Unfortunate that the headline means people won't bother looking into an interesting Thai figure whose influence may still be felt in the current pro-democracy movement. 


... indeed, Pavlovian reflex apparently, 555.


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15 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Oh, I get it. People are reacting to the headline with Che. Unfortunate that the headline means people won't bother looking into an interesting Thai figure whose influence may still be felt in the current pro-democracy movement. 

Ergo, why my comment on the OP title being not truly correct and others read it as fact.

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1 hour ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Oh, I get it. People are reacting to the headline with Che. Unfortunate that the headline means people won't bother looking into an interesting Thai figure whose influence may still be felt in the current pro-democracy movement. 

Guilty as charge .... my bad.  Apologies if any family, friends, fans saw my post, which I've asked to be deleted.

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2 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Oh, I get it. People are reacting to the headline with Che. Unfortunate that the headline means people won't bother looking into an interesting Thai figure whose influence may still be felt in the current pro-democracy movement. 

Blame the author, not the reader.  If someone sees the headline "Killed 55 years ago, Thailand’s [murderous tyrannical terrorist figure] finally honored by his university", it's not entirely their fault if they believe it.

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47 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

One needs money to be a Marxist or even a socialist.

Typical limousine liberal. Fancy upbringing, professional parents of European stock. Himself a fake doctor of sorts and Rolex enthusiast.


Che died for his own sins not mine.


Edited by onthedarkside
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4 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Oh, I get it. People are reacting to the headline with Che. Unfortunate that the headline means people won't bother looking into an interesting Thai figure whose influence may still be felt in the current pro-democracy movement. 

You didn't notice that there's a link with a substantial bio of the Marxist/communist?

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