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  On 7/12/2023 at 5:34 AM, Polar Bear said:

I got a lot of useful info here, so I thought I'd post my experience. 

My husband renewed his 2 year to 5 year a few weeks ago. He used an agent because he'd only had the 2 year for 14 months, but he needed the 5 year for an IDP. I don't know if the agent was needed or not, but he was able to renew early, got the 5 year licence and an IDP. Because he did them at the same time, he didn't need a new residence certificate for the IDP (though he had one with him anyway.) His licence is nearly 6 years because it's 5 years + 10 months until his birthday.

I did my 2 year>5 year today. No agent because it was straightforward. My licence expired a couple of days ago, and I'd booked an appointment months ago at 

This was at DLT ALTO 3, Phra Khanong. As of today, the next appointment available is November 14th, but they were accepting walk-ins as well. 

When you book the appointment, you get a list of required documents, and it says the residence certificate is valid for a year. I printed that off in case there was a problem (mine was about 10 weeks old), but no one queried it.
I needed:
Original and copy of passport

Original and copy of visa 
2 year driving licence
Medical certificate (1 month)

Residence certificate (1 year)

505 THB

I also needed the QR code from my appointment booking. I'd printed it, but you could show it on your phone too I think. If I hadn't had the QR code, I would have to go and wait with the walk-ins. 

I did the online video and had the QR code for that. I'm not sure if it was needed or not. It wasn't in the list for 2>5 docs, only for 5>5, but I did it anyway, and they took it, so maybe it was needed. 

My appointment was 11am. I got there 5 minutes early. Was seen immediately at the 'foreigner' information desk window. She checked my docs, gave me another bit of paper and sent me to the licence windows. The guy there checked everything, I signed something and got sent to the testing room. 

I had to do 4 tests. Moving the sticks so they aligned. Reaction time with 'accelerator' and 'brake' pedals. Colour test with 3 horizontal lights that could be red, green or yellow at any position. You just had to say what colour it was. And a sort of box where a little white panel was shown on the left or right and you had to press a button to say which side it was on. I had to do each of them a few times each.

One of the testers spoke English and he talked me through them. The tests were easy enough, but I would have struggled to figure out what they wanted me to do without his help.

Then off to the picture desks. Paid my 505 THB, had my photo taken, waited a few minutes while my new licence was printed. 

I was done and out in less than 30 minutes. 

One thing that nearly caught me out is that when you go to the info desk, you get your number slip for the next window. You keep that number through the whole thing, and you have to show it each time. I left mine at the first counter and had to go back and find it before I could do the tests. I guess I could have gone back to the info desk and got a new number if I'd had to, but just keep hold of your number slip. 

It was all very organised and painless. 


So you never had to do the 50 questions, that was a result

  On 7/12/2023 at 6:51 AM, Seppius said:

So you never had to do the 50 questions, that was a result


I converted my UK licence originally, so I never had to do the questions. My husband had to do the whole thing, questions and driving test, and it was a bit of a nightmare. The questions weren't hard, they were just so badly translated they were incomprehensible. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi people, I need advice. I got my 2 year motorcycle license in Chiang Mai in 2020. I wanted to renew it to 5 years license, but I am not living in Thailand anymore. Is there an agent who can help to renew my license to 5 years type without a residency certificate? I can only go to Thailand for a few days as a tourist.



  • 3 months later...

My License  for car and bike is due for renewal in March 24   but I wont be in Thailand then ,, spoke with  Transport office in Pattaya and they said no problem , it can be done  up to 6 months after  expiry date ????  is this true ????

  On 11/27/2023 at 8:04 AM, liddelljohn said:

My License  for car and bike is due for renewal in March 24   but I wont be in Thailand then ,, spoke with  Transport office in Pattaya and they said no problem , it can be done  up to 6 months after  expiry date ????  is this true ????



No idea about Pattaya, but mine was about 18 months out of date due to the Covid carry on and it got renewed no problem.


Hi guys


I'm going to renew my license tomorrow.


Last 2 times i did this I was at a complete loss as to what I was supposed to do in the simulation test (?depth perception? reaction time? I am nto even sure what it tries to assess).  Can someone simply explain what the idea is? Is there a specific point I am supposed to try to drive the car up to or stop at? I had a whole group of people (staff, other applicants) yelling instructions to me in Thai, while my Thai on the whole is pretty good I could make no sense of what they were saying.


Appreciate any help. Last 2 times they just waved me through but would be noce to not need to rely o nthat happening.



  On 11/28/2023 at 6:24 AM, richard_smith237 said:


Happy to help (as you so often help so many others with your medical knowledge and advice)...


There are 4 main 'class room tests'....


1) Colour Blindness (just the usual colour blindness book).

2) Peripheral Colour checks (place your face in a jig - and call out the colour of the light shown in your peripheral vision)

3) Proximity test (more on this below)

4) Reaction test (more on this below)



3) Proximity test: 

There are two sticks - one closer and one further away from you. 

When the examiner initiates the test...

- the stick nearest to you, moves away from you. 

- the stick furthest from you, moves towards you.

- You have a hand held 'stop button' which you are supposed to press when the sticks are 'adjacent' (next to) each other. 

(i.e. as the sticks move towards each other you are supposed to hit the 'stop button' when you see the sticks have closed towards each other and are next to each other)

....  The purpose of this test is to evaluate your depth perception. You are supposed to be able to 'stop the sticks' when they are next to each other (within a certain threshold).


4) Reaction test: 

You sit on a chair and have box which has a 'simulated brake pedal' near your feet.

- Sit there with your foot ready to hit the 'brake pedal'

- There is a light in front of you (next to the examiner).

- When the light turns red, step on this 'brake pedal'

....  The purpose of this test is to evaluate your reaction speed. You are supposed to be able to 'hit the brake pedal' when the light turns red (within a certain reaction time).



As you are a little unsure, it would be advantageous to watch others do these test before you and you'll be able to see for yourself. 


Best of luck.





Just what I needed, thanks so much!


I think it was the "proximity test" that had me stumped, I had no idea what I was supposed to aim for.




I couldn't do the proximity test either, but the DLT guy who was taking me around the tests gave me hints. 

Also, the colour blind test at the center I used was lights, and I had to say the colour of the light.

  • Thanks 1
  On 11/28/2023 at 7:42 AM, Polar Bear said:

Also, the colour blind test at the center I used was lights, and I had to say the colour of the light.



In my experience there are two colour blindness tests at the centre (the book & the lights) - this is carried out at the same station. 

The lights are used to test colour blindness at the periphery (sides) of your vision. 


I recall having a ridiculous issue with this....   I was naming the colours in Thai. 

The 'examiner' (term used very loosely) kept saying no....  when I said yellow...   (Si Leung, in Thai)... after seeing the yellow light in the side of my vision... 

... apparently, its not yellow, its 'gold' !!!... (Si Thong).....     (thats what he wanted to hear anyway).

So...I just stated the colours in English (Red, Yellow, or Green) and that apparently was fine !!!



Sometimes they can be jobsworths when they want...  I think I was being treated a little harshly after upsetting the 'lady officer' who told me I cannot wear shorts and I have to leave... my reply... no Problem, will you be telling those other three (Thai guys) to leave also ???''.....  OK OK, stay, but next time wear trousers...    I had trousers in my bag so went out and changed quickly.... That was an unpopular move and seemed to make her more angry !!!... 

[sometimes people just get like that and I know its nothing to do with me, they just have their own issues....  most of the time in Thailand its the opposite and I'm treated a lot more favourably than the average degree of indifference - so when a negative encounter is experienced its mildly amusing].


















  • Thanks 1
  On 11/28/2023 at 6:37 AM, Denim said:


When I last renewed my five year licence , there were 7 of us who failed the proximity test  ! We were close but no ciger. The woman in charge of the test was insistant the sticks must line up exactly. I had previously passed this test 3 times but for some reason , I was now just a little out.


Fortunately she was called away for 5 minutes and one genius in our group suggested we run the test and time exactly how long it too before the sticks lined up. I think it was about 7 seconds.  Anyway , when the woman returned we all passed the test by silently counting to 7 . She looked a bit surprised but shrugged her shoulders and let us go.



Its not easy to get it exact when sitting down and the distances are foreshortened... (thats the proximity part)... 


I recall standing up and being surprised that the sticks were about 6" apart - which was good enough for a pass at the time... 


I didn't have to do a colourblind book, but I was the only person being tested at the time, and the guy who was taking me round seemed entirely bored by the whole thing, so maybe he just couldn't be bothered.

  On 11/28/2023 at 10:59 AM, richard_smith237 said:


Its not easy to get it exact when sitting down and the distances are foreshortened... (thats the proximity part)... 


I recall standing up and being surprised that the sticks were about 6" apart - which was good enough for a pass at the time... 



Yes. I previously passed this test with similar result as yours. Probably why the woman doing the tests was puzzled that all those of us that had just failed got the sticks to align so exactly.

  On 3/13/2013 at 10:41 AM, patsfangr said:

and the original of the Residence Certificate that you have to get from Immigration prior to going for the renewal.



Remind me: getting a residence certificate from Immigration. What do Immigration require to give that? (I seem to recall a visit to the Embassy, but it was nearly 5 years ago.)

  On 11/27/2023 at 8:04 AM, liddelljohn said:

My License  for car and bike is due for renewal in March 24   but I wont be in Thailand then ,, spoke with  Transport office in Pattaya and they said no problem , it can be done  up to 6 months after  expiry date ????  is this true ????



Does anyone know how far in advance one can do a 5 year licence renewal? Mine expires on 31 March 2024, but my Visa extension on 30 April 2024, (and I believe you need 1 month of your visa extension validity to apply for a DL renewal.)


Also, as I'm getting older and bored with the incongruities of Thai bureaucracy, I would prefer to have a gofer, (agent). Can anyone recommend one in Bangkok? 


We use Fatboy's On Nut when we need an agent for driving licence stuff, but for a standard renewal, they can't do much because you still have to physically go to the center for the tests and so on. If you want the number, DM me. It's a bit hard to track down the right phone numbers since they split the company up. 

  On 12/3/2023 at 8:27 AM, Polar Bear said:

We use Fatboy's On Nut when we need an agent for driving licence stuff, but for a standard renewal, they can't do much because you still have to physically go to the center for the tests and so on. If you want the number, DM me. It's a bit hard to track down the right phone numbers since they split the company up. 


Thanks. Let me have a look at what I need, and I'll contact you as required.

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  • 2 weeks later...



For anybody who is looking for an appointment to renewal their license in Bangkok in December and January their are still appointments available at Bangkok Transportation Office Area 1 Bang Khun Thian.

I did make an appointment just on Monday via online booking and every day this and next month where still available.


Super plus is they also issue both types of IDL as of act 1949 and 1968. Each cost 505 Baht. I got both of them but I don't know if it is necessary to have both.


Countries included in the agreement can be found here: https://treaties.un.org/pages/ViewDetailsIII.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI-B-19&chapter=11





  • 1 month later...

I don't know whether it still applies, but does one/can one book online for a renewal of a 5 year Thai Driving Licence at Chatuchak DLT office? If so, does anyone have the link?


In a previous thread it was suggested that I can apply within 12 months of expiry; mine expires on 30 April 2024.

  • 1 month later...



Quick question. I am about to renew my 5 year Thai driving licence. I have permanent residency, so does anyone know if my name in the blue house registration book counts as proof of residency address?


Thank you in advance

  On 11/28/2023 at 10:59 AM, richard_smith237 said:


Its not easy to get it exact when sitting down and the distances are foreshortened... (thats the proximity part)... 


I recall standing up and being surprised that the sticks were about 6" apart - which was good enough for a pass at the time... 


What gives me the $hits is I've held a Thai  drivers license for 22 years. In that time I've had no accidents or traffic fines and I still have to do this lame brain test. It's really Thai logic, if you pass this test every time does that make one a super competent driver.

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  On 4/2/2024 at 1:29 AM, Kayahammer said:



Quick question. I am about to renew my 5 year Thai driving licence. I have permanent residency, so does anyone know if my name in the blue house registration book counts as proof of residency address?


Thank you in advance


I would think so, just copy the pages......My yellow book does the same job...🤗


I have a blue book for our condo but because the farang % for ownership was gone it's in my wifes name. When we married legally in Bangkok she changed her family name to mine. Will this be accepted ?

  On 4/4/2024 at 2:11 AM, NONG CHOK said:

What gives me the $hits is I've held a Thai  drivers license for 22 years. In that time I've had no accidents or traffic fines and I still have to do this lame brain test. It's really Thai logic, if you pass this test every time does that make one a super competent driver.


It would make sense for them to do the same in UK, where you simply fill in a form, ticking the appropriate box even if it is telling lies. Even over 70 you do not need any sort of physical test, not even an optician.


Renewing my 5 year in BKK soon. I read somewhere last year we can watch the video online so we don't have to sit through at the licensing office, but I can't find the link. Is it still available?

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