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Thai health officials told to discover why many still refuse to get vaccinated


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4 hours ago, Thaifly88 said:

It's time for the stick approach now. The carrot approach and explanations as to why people need to be vaccinated has run it's course. All those people are now vaccinated. The remaining recalcitrants need the proverbial stick applied applied to their nether regions to bring them into line with what the community expects of them. If they still choose not to be vaccinated it's absolutely time for ostracism. No access to any public areas including gyms, cinemas, shopping centres, condominiums. They can live like lepers outside the city areas and buy their food at designated roadside stalls. No further extensions to any type of visa's to the unvaccinated needs to be implemented ASAP.  

Let them first develop a vaccin that realy works for the longer term and not the stuff they have now that losing the biggest part of its protection after 4 months and make me have a jab every 6 months. i dont want to have that much (partly) unknown stuff in my body.

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I find it very hard to believe there is only 10 million that hasn't been vaccinated!  My family has been waiting for months for the Moderna it has been here since the 1st of November. Before any of these health official or any leader starts making threats like hunting for them I suggest doing something about get choices. Personally, they come calling and making demands my family must they better be prepared!  ????

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand is determined to vaccinate what have been described as the missing ten million.


These are people who are either hesitant, outright anti-vaxxers or people who have been unable to get even a single Covid-19 jab. 

So they know that their target will not be reached as many on here said it wouldn't and now it's time time to shift the blame. Hesitantcy? Don't want the Chinese stuff? Who bought lots and lots and lots of the Chinese stuff? Outright anti-vaxxers? I think this would be a small %. Can't even get their 1st jab. Bingo. And why is this? This blame shifting has been going on for a while now. Never a mention of the incompetency of the Govt. vaccine rollout.

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A very simple answer could be that many of the unvaccinated people could be sufferers of trypanophobia. That's 'fear of needles' to you and me. It is quite common in our village and some folks needed quite bit of persuasion before they would go to one of the vaccination sessions.


It's estimated that up to 10% or maybe more of the population, worldwide are so afflicted. That, plus the irrational  nervousness regarding certain makes of vaccines, induced by stupid people on social media should be enough to put 10 million souls off being vaccinated.

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I think I had covid real bad Jan 2-7.  I posted my experience here. At that time covid was unknown.  I got it 5 days after transitioning Shanghai.  Something was going on at that time at the airport.  It was chaotic.  They were separating foreigners from Chinese.  We all walked through a very hasty set up temp scanner array in the middle of an open room. 1 woman was watching the monitors that showed IR scans of people.  It was a pretty bad cough and a few 2 hours cough sessions.  A few times I barely clearedy throat of phlegm in time to breath.  After 5 days I felt I had been at an abdominal crunch camp.  I can see how out of shape people can die a horrible death.

I did get JJ back back in March.  Obviously it's efficacy was not very good and some blood clotting side effects kept it's usage to only 20 million in the US.  The offered the booster to anyone over 18 who had the JJ along with those over 65 with others vaccines as an admission it wasn't very effective.  I've now had a Moderna booster and feel more protected. 

 I am starting to be able to see the viewpoint of anti vaxers.  Do we trust big pharma? Government? Media?  Not so much.

Wife's mom in rural Thailand 69 had bad reaction to sinopharm.  Had to go to hospital and that's a big step for a village person and real bad publicity.   She is Not going to get another shot. Daughters won't let her. 

It's funny how people buy lottery tickets with such low odds of winning but will refuse vaccines that have pretty good odds of doing good over bad.  

Will this World ever get back to normal?  

Edited by Elkski
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The U.S. CDC has posted updated study information from sampling from 24 U.S. jurisdictions on how mostly mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) vaccinated persons have significantly less likelihood of being infected with the coronavirus, and also much less likelihood of being hospitalized or dying due to COVID, than their unvaccinated peers.










  • People who were unvaccinated had a greater risk of COVID-19 infection and a greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than people who were fully vaccinated
  • Case and death rates for people vaccinated with each of the three vaccine products (Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen) were much lower than for unvaccinated people.
  • Unvaccinated people in all age groups had higher case and death rates than fully vaccinated people in the same age groups."



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5 hours ago, peter zwart said:

And in that case i trust on my own immunity system


You'd be better off trusting your immune system PLUS a COVID vaccine regimen...


COVID-19: Do vaccines protect better than infection-induced immunity?


The results suggest that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are around five times more effective at preventing hospitalization than a previous infection.




According to the study authors, “These findings suggest that among hospitalized adults with COVID-19-like illness whose previous infection or vaccination occurred 90–179 days earlier, vaccine-induced immunity was more protective than infection-induced immunity against laboratory-confirmed COVID-19.”


Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, TN, commented on the study during an interview with Medical News Today.


He said: “For a long time, we’ve known that people [who have the infection], if they are subsequently vaccinated, will have much higher levels of antibodies than people who [have the infection] but are not vaccinated. Natural infection plus vaccination is better than natural infection alone.”




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Overwhelming majority of deaths are the elderly with multiple comorbidities.  Wonder why so many people here want kids vaccinated when they make up nearly none of the deaths.  Why waste limited vaccine supply on a large % of the population that has near 0 risk of dying from covid?  Wouldn't it be smarter to allocate supplies to elderly people, the group most at risk of dying from covid, who choose the injection?


Seems odd many people here trust for profit companies with a history of legal and ethics troubles.


Free choice is a beautiful thing that many here don't believe in because Pharma company lobbied enough money to change their mind.


Stats who those under 50 are unlikely to die of COVID







Using this CDC data set shows the same.  I broke it up into two different date periods.






These comorbidities don't look like something normal people under 50 would have..





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2 minutes ago, TooMuchTime said:

Overwhelming majority of deaths are the elderly with multiple comorbidities.  Wonder why so many people here want kids vaccinated when they make up nearly none of the deaths.  Why waste limited vaccine supply on a large % of the population that has near 0 risk of dying from covid?  Wouldn't it be smarter to allocate supplies to elderly people, the group most at risk of dying from covid, who choose the injection?


Errr...... they have been giving priority to the over 60s, didn't you know that? ????????

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8 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

Errr...... they have been giving priority to the over 60s, didn't you know that? ????????

Before you roll your eyes and discredit everything he's saying - please look at the point he is making!

Why should we give kids a medicine that has known side effects (heart issues - there is nothing such as a mild case of myocarditis!) when they are virtually unaffected by Covid? To protect a bunch of old people who have already had a chance to get vaccines/boosters if they wished to? The ones that haven't got the vaccinated, have made their choice...

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