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Covid numbers not spiking three weeks after reopening


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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Well, there has been a reopening in Bangkok. I was out again last night and the pub was packed. Walking home, local restaurants were absolutely full as well. Thais and foreigners all eating and drinking together and having a great time. 


So if there is no spike, that's a great sign and hopefully more places can reopen. 

Sarcasm?  I don't live in Bangkok and if you aren't joking this is great news.  It is dead in rural Thailand and the chances of dying here of covid must be close to 1 over a billion.


We did have an outdoor wedding a week ago and one of the attendees from Bangkok later found out she had Covid.  The panic was hilarious.  All attendees, this was an outdoor wedding, had to rush to get tested at the hospital a kilometer away.  All negative - close one 555.

Edited by atpeace
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3 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

Yet, you dismissed the imagined and promoted Dirty Foreigner factor out of your reasoning. 

In a most subtle way, articles such as this have the usual undertones and innuendo that any such spikes could only come from outsiders.


Not how I read it. To me it means restaurants and other places including schools now open and not causing a spike.

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12 minutes ago, atpeace said:

Sarcasm?  I don't live in Bangkok and if you aren't joking this is great news.  It is dead in rural Thailand and the chances of dying here of covid must be close to 1 over a billion.


We did have an outdoor wedding a week ago and one of the attendees from Bangkok later found out she had Covid.  The panic was hilarious.  All attendees, this was an outdoor wedding, had to rush to get tested at the hospital a kilometer away.  All negative - close one 555.

Nothing hilarious about precautionany medicine.

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15 minutes ago, atpeace said:

Agree, the post you were replying to was made with zero critical thought but do you put all antivaxx believes as nonsense?  I surely do not and am a proponent of vaccinations.

I see no legitimate reason to not vaccinate against covid-19 unless one has documented medical exemption, which is rare. It IS all nonsense now. The war against the virus, simple. Not so much legions of internet trolls and their poor followers. One should just get one's jabs. Or, one should expect a happy and vaccine free life back in one's country of citizenship, free of international travel very soon there will be no visa extensions or entries to Thailand for those with "antivaxx believes".


Captain Monday Out

Edited by Captain Monday
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3 hours ago, stevomaui said:

Just received approval email from Thai Pass after 5 days wait . No snafoo's in the filling out of the forms as I took note from some of the issues other appliers on Asean Now posted . All documents were jpeg , single page and followed Thaipass guide lines . Took about three hours in the morning . No refusals , blocks or second attempts needed . Maybe the bugs were picked out . Looking forward to enjoying Thailand without all of the tourist entertainment / vices taking away from the real Thai lifestyle . Expect the covid jump to occur when the bars open up and the parties start .........

temples still open for you ..

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1 hour ago, cheapcanuck said:

What..."dirty foreigners" are not the cause of the covid19 outbreaks in Thailand?

Will the corrupt Thai ministers apologize for blaming foreigners for causing the Covid19 problems in Thailand?

Actually, they are, being C19 didn't originate in Thailand, it's safe to assume it was brought in by a foreigner (Chinese), or a local returning from the "dirty' foreigner's country....555


Since people, foreigners continue to test positive on arrival, along with immigrant (foreigners) workers, then the comment isn't far off the mark.  Probably a bit (dirty) lost in translation, but accurate.

Edited by KhunLA
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3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

The only spike would emerge from un-vaccinated locals entering the service sector hoping to find employment.

Just like Phuket.

"Phuket marks 105 new COVID cases, two new deaths" been increasing over the last 3 days,,, ???? ???? 

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A COVID post with unsourced and unsubstantiated claims has been removed.


While obesity is a documented risk factor for more severe medical outcomes in those who contract COVID, I'm not aware of any credible research showing that obese people are more likely to spread the virus than others.


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11 minutes ago, atpeace said:

 Are obese people in much more danger of catching Covid?  This is a sincere question.  

NO ... the virus doesn't discriminate.  All have equal chance of catching and transmitting the virus. Race, religion, sex, age, body size / weight, healthy, obese, vax'd, unvax'd.   


Reported, and #s may or may not support the fact, that obese people have a harder time fighting the virus, as with all infections and some medical issues, more than an non obese / heathier person.


The extra weight putting a strain on all the bodies functions, and a virus, any virus, may be the last straw for some folks.....or not.

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I am healthy but It is not really my opinion KhunLA. I'm following medical advice. The stuff I was jabbed with 3 times with no ill effect in my country is fully approved. 


People who still insist in calling it experimental are the paranoids.


if you can find one major medical organization, not a quack Doctor with websites who publishes books on off label houses. Or national health ministry, of any country please let me know I will listen. There must be one, somewhere in the world Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Eritrea, Russia? They have always been willing to stand up to imperialism and exploitative western corporations like the pharma giants such as Pfizer. Where are their revolutionary voices now KhunLA?

Edited by onthedarkside
quote of hidden post removed
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7 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

I am healthy but It is not really my opinion KhunLA. I'm following medical advice. The stuff I was jabbed with 3 times with no ill effect in my country is fully approved. 



For 'emergency use', I believe, though surely will be corrected if wrong.

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1 hour ago, atpeace said:

Sarcasm?  I don't live in Bangkok and if you aren't joking this is great news.  It is dead in rural Thailand and the chances of dying here of covid must be close to 1 over a billion.


We did have an outdoor wedding a week ago and one of the attendees from Bangkok later found out she had Covid.  The panic was hilarious.  All attendees, this was an outdoor wedding, had to rush to get tested at the hospital a kilometer away.  All negative - close one 555.

No I wasn't being sarcastic. It was a Tuesday night and it was packed. A couple of weeks ago we couldn't even get a seat at one Irish pub on soi 4. It was great to see the place doing good business and everyone enjoying themselves.


We also have a small farm near Korat and there was an outbreak in the village (also following a wedding). I didn't attend but my girlfriend said nobody was wearing masks, people drinking and shouting etc. 3 or 4 villagers tested positive after the event. I think these village events are prime spreading events once everyone has a few whiskies and lets their hair down. Most of them are unvaccinated as well, unlike in Bangkok.


The UK is leading the way here. Vaccinate, then open up. 5 of my extended family have had it now and they just isolate, feel rough for a few days and then back to normal. Like flu.

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29 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

NO ... the virus doesn't discriminate.  All have equal chance of catching and transmitting the virus. Race, religion, sex, age, body size / weight, healthy, obese, vax'd, unvax'd.   


Reported, and #s may or may not support the fact, that obese people have a harder time fighting the virus, as with all infections and some medical issues, more than an non obese / heathier person.


The extra weight putting a strain on all the bodies functions, and a virus, any virus, may be the last straw for some folks.....or not.

But doesn't the science and data show this is not the case?  There have been lots of research on this topic.  Healthy people are not dying in large numbers.  Father time gets us all and being a healthy 80 yo is extremely challenging.  When you are 50 and through poor choices are living in an 80 yo body that is your choice.  I'm cool with it but own up to it and making excuses won't help.


I do not dislike obese people.  I'm not even stating obesity is a bad way to live.   I'm just saying they are much higher risk of the dangers covid presents.

Edited by onthedarkside
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11 minutes ago, atpeace said:

But doesn't the science and data show this is not the case?  There have been lots of research on this topic.  Healthy people are not dying in large numbers.  Father time gets us all and being a healthy 80 yo is extremely challenging.  When you are 50 and through poor choices are living in an 80 yo body that is your choice.  I'm cool with it but own up to it and making excuses won't help.


I feel like I'm going to get banned for expressing my thoughts.  I do not dislike obese people.  I'm not even stating obesity is a bad way to live.   I'm just saying they are much higher risk of the dangers covid presents.

You're reading comprehension seems to be a bit off.  Please re-read my posts before replying.


Take note, I stated "not approved for general use" in earlier post .. which you apparently missed.

This time I answered  post about 'catching & transmitting' ...  not recovering from, as you reply refers to.


Also stated the #s may or may not support, obese having a harder time recovering from the virus.  We may actually agree, but no facts / research that I'm aware of 'proving' that statement.  Why I worded it that way, so post not deleted.


Nothing wrong with expressing your thought, but they simply don't relate to what I stated.

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9 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

No I wasn't being sarcastic. It was a Tuesday night and it was packed. A couple of weeks ago we couldn't even get a seat at one Irish pub on soi 4. It was great to see the place doing good business and everyone enjoying themselves.


We also have a small farm near Korat and there was an outbreak in the village (also following a wedding). I didn't attend but my girlfriend said nobody was wearing masks, people drinking and shouting etc. 3 or 4 villagers tested positive after the event. I think these village events are prime spreading events once everyone has a few whiskies and lets their hair down. Most of them are unvaccinated as well, unlike in Bangkok.


The UK is leading the way here. Vaccinate, then open up. 5 of my extended family have had it now and they just isolate, feel rough for a few days and then back to normal. Like flu.

Looks like I  misjudged the risk of the outdoor wedding.  It seemed like everybody was having fun but was far from out of control and I can't remember how many were wearing masks.  Was the wedding in Korat outdoors?  

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20 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

You're reading comprehension seems to be a bit off.  Please re-read my posts before replying.


Take note, I stated "not approved for general use" in earlier post .. which you apparently missed.

This time I stated 'catching & transmitting' ...  not recovering from, as you reply refers to.


Nothing wrong with expressing your thought, but they simply don't relate to what I stated.

I will ask again.  But doesn't the science and data show this is not the case?  In regards to catching and transmitting.

As for you concern about me "relating to what you said", I was relating to things how I see them and had nothing to do with you.  I can see how you could read this differently and apologize for not being more clear.

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9 hours ago, Gold Star said:

Why would they think it would spike?

The chances of a new arrival catching Covid from anyone in Thailand is far greater than someone in Thailand getting it from a double vaxxed, twice tested, hoop jumping new arrival.

It's not about the arrivals, they seem completely safe. But the arrivals release a lot of activity in connection: taxi's, tuk-tuks, cleaners, peddlers, all coming from their villages and we don't really know what rusk that imposes. So I think we can be happy that this has not caused a real new wave.

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22 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

For 'emergency use', I believe, though surely will be corrected if wrong.


Among other countries, the Pfizer vaccine has FULL approval in the U.S., not just emergency use, for adults age 16 and up.


"Pfizer-BioNTech (COMIRNATY) received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval on August 23, 2021, for individuals ages 16 years and older."






Other countries/jurisdictions that also have normally approved the Pfizer vaccine thus far:

EU, Switzerland, Canada, Brazil







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2 hours ago, Mywayboy said:

That's far to logical for The Thai clowns in charge.

A circus wouldn't employ them.

Maybe picking up Animal Poo.

Why do you never see circuses performing in Thailand? Because the clowns are trying to run the country.

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1 hour ago, Dirk Z said:

It's not about the arrivals, they seem completely safe. But the arrivals release a lot of activity in connection: taxi's, tuk-tuks, cleaners, peddlers, all coming from their villages and we don't really know what rusk that imposes. So I think we can be happy that this has not caused a real new wave.

it's very early days.

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