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Masks with exhalation valves officially banned while traveling by aircraft in Thailand, CAAT reports


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3 minutes ago, TheScience said:

Who needs research?


The holes between the fiber in cloth masks, standard surgical masks are so large many do not even keep out 2.5ppm particulate matter.


They don't cover your eyes.


People routinely use their dirty hands to take them on and off.


They wear them for days


If a person has covid they are still exhaling the same matter with or without a mask. The mask absolutely does not contain the virus. At best it contains any large droplets.


Next to useless but in the spirit of being a guest in another country and in public indoor places I will wear a mask

Those who think they don't need research are the ones who need it the most.

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

Sometimes people cough or sneeze and I am certain droplets would be exhaled in numbers through these valves. As to aircraft, it is similar to why they use conventional heat ovens for the meals and not microwaves.... fear of how it might impact the multitudes of wiring and electronics.....

I'm with you bro. It's probably wise given the poor manners and hygiene of the public that we demand masks in public places so that if people sneeze and have covid that potential issue is minimized. Planes are tight spaces.


Whenever I see someone with a valve of their mask it's just sort of a double moron alert for me.

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3 minutes ago, TheScience said:

You are so lol.


Actually it hasn't been proven. The Chinese haven't produced one shred of evidence to back their story. None.


Bat fiction

What makes your comment particularly ludicrous is that those who claim the virus originated at the Chinese Wuhan lab, say that it arose from tinkering with a strain of virus that come from bats.

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3 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

I am glad that your point was missed. Happy too,

 See, this is the problem when we try to enter into rational debate.


I'm just looking for the truth. I'm ok with wearing masks indoors in public spaces - in this case on planes. You evidently will go jogging in yours.

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

What makes your comment particularly ludicrous is that those who claim the virus originated at the Chinese Wuhan lab, say that it arose from tinkering with a strain of virus that come from bats.

That seems to be about all that can be agreed upon.

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16 hours ago, bdenner said:

I use quality masks BUT now we are approaching the cooler season my glasses are fogged up.

Although I have not flown for 2 years I'm sure it could be a problem.

What's the solution?


Wear contacts


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2 minutes ago, TheScience said:

I not trolling.


Maybe I am... trolling for truth lol. A bit of sanity perhaps.


My comments were general and tbh when I posted the comment I'd long since forgotten about your post. Get over yourself Mr Strawman.

I not trolling.

Says the user who set up this account just for trolling. ????


Why did you pick the username of 'The Science' when you obviously do not believe in science?



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4 minutes ago, TheScience said:

Well, part of it. The bats that were said to have caused the virus outbreak were half a continent away. That's just the start of the fiction.

Fiction or truth, one will never know now will we as evidence was destroyed and things hidden on all sides.


So explain why the laugh emoji on my previous post you responded to? The post was serious and showed what is worn by medical professionals during surgical procedures or transport of patients who have open and oozing wounds.  I even see them on the MRT and such here as well as being worn by people inside buildings, but then many more just wear a mask and a separate face shield.

Can face shields alone protect us from coronavirus? Not ...


These are worn by surgical folks for operations that also include dentistry.  I have also seen a few on the planes as I travel the country.

Surgical Mask Face Shield Dentistry Nose, PNG, 600x600px ...

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2 hours ago, vandeventer said:

I think mask wearing is great, but I have seen this too often when people wear the mask when they have to cough or sneeze they lift the mask. Waiting in the check out line in Tesco I was slimed by a very young beautiful girl behind me that lifted her mask and sneezed all this liquid on my arm. She did say sorry and the check out girl did have a towel to wipe it off. So my point is when the masks are use correctly their great but I see a lot of people misuse them or wear them on their chin.

Two girls in one go and you are still complaining?

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16 hours ago, bdenner said:

I use quality masks BUT now we are approaching the cooler season my glasses are fogged up.

Although I have not flown for 2 years I'm sure it could be a problem.

What's the solution?


I am in the same boat, maybe they want us to get contact Lenses   ????

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2 hours ago, TheScience said:

Numerous quality studies but can't post here because they are not mainstream media and therefore NOT Thai Visa approved.

Yep. Quality is an issue so therefore if the quality is up to standard they work. Remember the no. 1 thing about the maks is the infected don't spread the the virus. Self-protection is secondary.

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I have yet to see a doctor wear a mask with an exhaust port, when I have been around them at clinics or hospitals.

  If your glasses are fogging up, take them off, because it is only when you are entering a cooler place

    when they fog up  a lot. Of course if you are using a cheap mask that does not have a means to

seal the top, your exhale can do some fogging. I use a KN95 or an N95 mask and wear my glasses on top 

of the mask, and seldom have fogging problems. The KN95 masks are available at Costco stores for less than 50 cents Canadian

per mask. N95s are more expensive, but I have them when I am in a place where I worry about anti vaxxers and anti maskers

are gathering.  When you sneeze of cough leave your mask on, please, there are people who seem to think that they

have to sneeze on someone else, and they are just ignorant.  If they do it a lot they are ignorant and stupid.

My opinion.

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It's about time these were banned on flights.  They have been banned in many major U.S. hospitals for some time now.  The issue is that those valves are one-way.  They filter the air coming in, but not going out.  So someone infected can inhale "clean" air but still exhale virus-laden air.

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While this rule may have just been made official recently, some airlines have been disallowing N-95’s for many months already. 

During my KLM flight through AMS to Madrid on 7/29 I was told my N-95 mask was not allowed. They obviously knew something I didn’t - at the time. 

It makes sense, “protection for me, but not for thee” is not being very considerate of others. 

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18 hours ago, bdenner said:

I use quality masks BUT now we are approaching the cooler season my glasses are fogged up.

Although I have not flown for 2 years I'm sure it could be a problem.

What's the solution?


During my professional life of 40 years I have worn masks most of the time. I also wear glasses and admit it is a struggle. Make sure you have good closure at the upper side (nose) of the mask. There are masks that have a foam strip there. Make sure there is a metal band that you can bend. As a last resort you can use some tape over the upper side.

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6 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Why would the CO2 levels be any different in airplanes without masks?


Where did you get your Science education?


At a Manchester United beer party?


Don't you realize beer kegs use CO2 as a propellant? ????

where did you get your reading comprehension skills?

where did I indicate that a mask made a difference to co2 levels?

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