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UPDATE: Brutal attack on Thai woman investigated by NYPD


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2 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Taking the subway at 4am, not the best choice, if not prepared for the scum that lurk there.

That is where I feel  this is very negative. In the main people can avoid areas where risk is high.... but having to travel by public transport is a necessity for so many, particularly cities like NYC or London. Those need to be places where people feel and are safe. 

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2 hours ago, LarrySR said:


The FBI & DHS Crime report states a majority of hate crimes in the USA are committed by white males targeting blacks, asians, gays and non Christians.  A sharp rise in crimes targeting Asian Americans came as the Covid-19 pandemic hit the US. White supremacy terrorism has quadrupled since 2017.

Hate crimes spike an average 226% in the counties where MAGA rallies were held according to the FBI & DHS.


In the USA law enforcement groups are not mandated to submit hate crime data to the FBI, the numbers in the annual report is likely an undercount.




So is it random hate crime or actual mugging due to Covid affecting peoples employment?

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24 minutes ago, robblok said:

It matters a bit to keep things into perspective, show that blacks are just a lil bit more likely to be involved in this but basically this shows that whites and blacks are equal represented in hate crimes. If you look at it without knowing how the population is you might think whites are more likely to be involved. 


This basically shows everyone can be a racist.

Also things are regarded as "hate crimes" based on what the victim says .

  If two people argue and fight over a parking space , one person could label it as being a racist hate crime because he thought his ethnicity was involved for the reasons of the argument 

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Just now, KhunLA said:

This was not a commute to work, and if she can afford to go to a 'rapper concert', then she can afford a taxi.  Choices make a difference in life.

I don't know about that... taxis are expensive in the USA for any appreciable distance. I am also unaware of their availability in 'the early hours'......

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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

I don't know about that... taxis are expensive in the USA for any appreciable distance. I am also unaware of their availability in 'the early hours'......

Then it comes down to her not planning safe transport to & from.  Next time maybe she'll think about giving the late evening rapper's concert a pass.

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It could possibly be she was targeted because she was Asian.  But Subway crime in NYC has also targeted people of all races.  I realize there have been numerous attacks lately against Asians in NYC who are just walking on the streets.   For the most part all by homeless individuals with mental health issues. 
As  for the negative comments about crime in America. Try watching the Thai television news channels. Every night I see numerous stories about murders, assaults, and sex crimes throughout Thailand involving locals. 

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4 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Then it comes down to her not planning safe transport to & from.  Next time maybe she'll think about giving the late evening rapper's concert a pass.

I think it is a better solution to improve safety and security on public transport.... rather than blame the victim. Mind you I would probably have avoided that journey..... Thais can be very naïve. 

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9 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Also things are regarded as "hate crimes" based on what the victim says .

  If two people argue and fight over a parking space , one person could label it as being a racist hate crime because he thought his ethnicity was involved for the reasons of the argument 

Tue, i mean this black guy might just wanted to rob her not because she was asian but because she was small and an easy target. Yes some people make racism out of everything. Some American black female entertainer got asked for her passport (she was drunk and misunderstood) and started yelling racial profiling. Make a huge scene at KLM and in the end she was taken away by the police. She was tweeting all of this that she was being arrested because she was protesting against being racially profiled. 


In the end her managing team made a apology, believe she did too in the end. There was no racial profiling just a misunderstanding probably caused because she was drunk and got bigger because she was drunk. She made racism out of it as some people think they are always the victim. 


That does not mean racism isnt real because it is but its not always racism. Can be something else too.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

A lawyer for Ms Jirajariyawetch said his client was left traumatised by the incident which occurred in the early hours of November 22nd last and which has been linked to a 500% rise in attacks on Asian Americans in the United States this year.

What is an "Asian American"?  And how are they different from "Americans" ?

Also what has that got to do with this case, as she was not American at all,  but instead a Thai citizen.   


The liberal left wing media as confused as ever.


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1 hour ago, bradiston said:

Not so much advice, more of a plea, really. Safe to ignore if "not required" - at least, by you. But really, it's every male's problem.

Is it suddenly acceptable to be stereotypical ?

Blaming a whole group of people based on one persons actions ? 

   Now if a person was to suggest that its a Black mans problem , it would be regarded as racist .

   You suggesting that its a Males problem, is actually a sexist statement 

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4 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

What is an "Asian American"?  And how are they different from "Americans" ?

Also what has that got to do with this case, as she was not American at all,  but instead a Thai citizen.   


The liberal left wing media as confused as ever.


For answer, ask the right wing media. 

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2 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

Just from reading the news accounts and watching the available video, this may be a robbery pure & simple with no racial overtones. Ms. Bew did not say she heard the perp mutter any racial epithets and the extended beating may have been just so she could not quickly go for help.

I completely agree. The New York Underground is not the safest place for anyone travelling alone, especially a young woman. This is a mugging pure and simple, no racial overtones at all. It just so happened that the victim was asian.

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3 hours ago, LarrySR said:

The FBI & DHS Crime report states a majority of hate crimes in the USA are committed by white males targeting blacks, asians, gays and non Christians.

But what's this chart from the FBI showing in NYC? Looks like Asians and Whites are trapped in the middle of something nasty.



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18 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Then it comes down to her not planning safe transport to & from.  Next time maybe she'll think about giving the late evening rapper's concert a pass.

Yeah, just spend the rest of her life hiding under the bed.

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2 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

Just from reading the news accounts and watching the available video, this may be a robbery pure & simple with no racial overtones. Ms. Bew did not say she heard the perp mutter any racial epithets and the extended beating may have been just so she could not quickly go for help.

The racial overtone was that she was a weak Asian women. They are indeed common targets for this reason. Here's an example from a few days. Criminal Black gangs know Asian girls are the easiest targets.



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13 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

I think it is a better solution to improve safety and security on public transport.... rather than blame the victim. Mind you I would probably have avoided that journey..... Thais can be very naïve. 

Yes, she was naïve.

 Acting in New York the way she would act in Bangkok.

That was her mistake.

Live and learn.


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2 hours ago, LarrySR said:

From the FBI Report

Washington, D.C.
FBI National Press Office

55.1% offenders were white, and 21.2% were Black or African American.

Now you know.



You are not looking at the whole picture.   Approximately 58% of Americans are caucasian and 12% are black according to the latest census.

That means approximately .0019% of caucasians commited hate crimes and .0036% of blacks commited hate crimes. 

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6 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

The racial overtone was that she was a weak Asian women. They are indeed common targets for this reason. Here's an example from a few days. Criminal Black gangs know Asian girls are the easiest targets.



"Targeting" and attacking a single female of any ethnicity  who happened to be alone on a subway platform at 4 AM are not the same thing.

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15 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

What is an "Asian American"?  And how are they different from "Americans" ?

Every heard of "China Town"? Americans just like you and me except they have their own special town for people that speak their language and are of their race. 


Look at this racial dot map of NYC. Notice how all the races of "Americans" have their own ghetto just for people of their race? 



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the THAI Embassy must make big waves ,

the THAI PUBLIC must demand

that swift punishment be applied to this cowardly act plus SUE - whoever you can : primarily TRANSIT Authority for $ 10,000,000.- so that the

Local Dems Government will realize -- not to act : business as usual ....

SUE. them. all.   .....

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2 hours ago, kg1947 said:

the THAI Embassy must make big waves ,

the THAI PUBLIC must demand

that swift punishment be applied to this cowardly act plus SUE - whoever you can : primarily TRANSIT Authority for $ 10,000,000.- so that the

Local Dems Government will realize -- not to act : business as usual ....

SUE. them. all.   .....

Excuse me, could you repeat that , I didnt quite catch it 

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